My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 14: 【Bumping people】

"Well, it's a secret."

Jiang Xiaogu made a mute gesture.

He also said, "Didn't I tell you last year, Master told me not to disclose my spiritual power index before the end of the college entrance examination, no one can do it, so I'm sorry..."

"Ah, yes, I'm a little confused."

Lu Li smiled awkwardly, how could he know what happened last year in this world.

In this world, except for some of the people around him who were from the previous life, everything else has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Lu Li felt that when he turned back, he still had to look through his circle of friends on his mobile phone, Qiuqiu Space, or a diary. It would be better to know what he had done before.

Jiang Xu had already expected this result.

Jiang Xiaogu's actual situation, even people in their clan don't know, how can they tell Lu Li, an outsider?

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Jiang Xiaogu suddenly take a step forward, came to Lu Li, leaned close to Lu Li's ear, and whispered, "Didn't I already give you a hint at noon? , I'll only tell you about one person. Help me keep it a secret, okay?"

"Uh, good."

Jiang Xiaogu got very close, and Lu Li could smell a faint fragrance of lotus flowers on her body. The warm, hoarse voice made Lu Li feel a little itchy in his ears.

And Jiang Xiaogu took the initiative to approach Lu Li's ear like this.

It happened to be seen by some of Jiang Xiaogu's classmates in the distance.

They all showed surprise: "Jiang Xiaogu, did Jiang Xiaogu kiss him?"

"You're blind, they are clearly whispering in the ear of that poor student."

"Do they have such a good relationship? I see that they have been chatting endlessly."

"Brother Xuan, what do you say? Do you want to go up and ask?"

A thin, black-looking boy leaned into the ear of the man with black-rimmed glasses and asked.

Brother Xuan also looked very unhappy. After thinking about it, he still took a step forward and walked forward.

However, he just wanted to step forward.

He saw Jiang Xiaogu saying goodbye to Lu Li and Jiang Xu.

"Then go back first, I'm going to collect my reward!"

Jiang Xiaogu smiled and backed away from Lu Li, then pointed to the empty ceiling above.

There is the second floor of the Spirit Alliance.


Lu Li looked up suspiciously.

Jiang Xiaogu nodded and said: "Yes, after the spiritual power index reaches 300 points, you can receive rewards from the Lingmeng League every month. And the higher the spiritual power index, the richer the reward."

"I see."

Lu Li silently wrote down this so-called Spirit Alliance reward in his heart.

Then he said, "Then go, do you want us to wait for you to go home together?"

Speaking of going home together, Jiang Xiaogu's eyes flashed with anticipation, but soon, she seemed to think of something, so she still smiled and said, "No need, someone will take me home."

Jiang Xu saw the troubled look in Jiang Xiaogu's eyes, and interjected in time, "Then we'll go first, you'll be safe when you get home."

"Well, Brother Lu Lijiang Xu, you also pay attention to safety."

After the three said goodbye to each other, Jiang Xiaogu took the elevator to the second floor by himself.

Lu Li was thinking about the reward of 300 spiritual power index.

"300 points of spiritual power index, what kind of reward can I get?"

Lu Li muttered, took out his mobile phone, and was about to search for relevant information.

Jiang Xu, who was beside him, heard him talking to himself, and couldn't help laughing: "I haven't reached 200 points of spiritual power, so I'm still thinking about 300 points? How can it be so easy, the next cultivation will become more and more difficult. Yes. Every 100 points is a more difficult ladder, and the further you go, the more difficult it is, and more and more resources need to be smashed.”

Hearing this, Lu Li couldn't help but stop searching and asked, "You mean, 100 to 200 is different from 200 to 300 in difficulty?"

"Are you talking nonsense?"

Jiang Xu rolled his eyes and said, "Do you think the increase in the spiritual power index is as simple as 1+1+1? You should have felt it when you were cultivating yourself, right? Every time the spiritual power index increased, the next spiritual power index increased. The improvement will take longer to cultivate.”

"The reason why we can improve by three or four points every month is because the speed of our cultivation has also accelerated. And..."

Jiang Xu paused and said, "After we cross 200 points, each time we increase it will be more difficult. If there is no other external assistance, there may be a situation where it can only increase by 1-2 points a month."

"I see."

After hearing this, Lu Li also nodded. No wonder he clearly felt that the spiritual power in his body had increased a lot, but it was only 198 when he tested it.

Just as Lu Li was thinking, a few lines of numbers popped up in front of him:

[Learning point +300]!

[Learning point +300]!

[Learning point +300]!

The system gave out three consecutive qualities without warning!

Looking at the learning point that popped up suddenly, Lu Li quickly wanted to understand what was going on.

This is the growth brought about by the breathing method of the third grade of primary school and senior high school.

Just after hearing what Jiang Xu said, the learning progress of the three breathing methods in the system has increased by 3%!

It can be seen that Jiang Xu's understanding of cultivation is correct.

Lu Li couldn't help asking and continued Jiang Xu: "Is there any more? Continue talking."

"Uh, what are you talking about?"

Jiang Xu was stunned by this sudden question.

Lu Li said: "Tell me about cultivation. After listening to what you said, I feel like I understand something. If you talk more, maybe I will have 300 spiritual power points next month."

Jiang Xu was ashamed: "You think so beautifully, how can it be so easy."

"Anyway, keep talking."

"Uh, you suddenly asked me to say, I don't know what to say."

"Just say whatever you want."


Jiang Xu is also a big head. Although he has his own opinions on cultivation, he doesn't have a starting point for a while, and he doesn't know where to start.

He had to say: "Then if there is anything you don't understand, you can ask me."

"let me see......"

Lu Li couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

But after thinking about it carefully, he didn't seem to have anything to ask. In fact, he felt that he had understood everything he should have understood about the three books.

He was quite surprised to hear Jiang Xu say that these can increase his learning points.

And just when Lu Li fell into deep thought, Lu Li saw someone standing in front of him, so he subconsciously avoided it.

However, just when he had bypassed.

The man in front suddenly moved towards Lu Li.


The opponent's shoulder hit Lu Li's shoulder heavily.

Lu Li didn't react, and was staggered.

"Excuse me."

After Lu Li bumped into someone, he apologized conditionedly, but when he looked back, he saw a gentle-looking boy wearing black-rimmed glasses, looking at him with contempt.

This face, Lu Li only felt familiar.

Looking at the other party's school uniform, they belong to the same school. What puzzled Lu Li was that the other party looked at him with a bit of hostility in his contempt.

Is it because you hit him?

Jiang Xu noticed that Lu Li was suddenly standing still, so he couldn't help but turn his head and asked, "What's wrong, old fish?"

"It's okay, I bumped into someone."

Lu Li glanced at the other party again. Seeing that the other party didn't speak, he just looked at himself like that, very strange.

Lu Li didn't think much, just nodded apologetically to him, then turned around and left with Jiang Xu.

As he walked, Lu Li began to feel a little pain in the shoulder he had just hit by the other party.

That person looked gentle, but his shoulder bones were really hard.

Thinking about it, Lu Li couldn't help but glance back at the man with black-rimmed glasses.

But he saw the man with black-rimmed glasses beside him, and at some point, four other boys were standing, all five of them staring at him.

Bad eyesight.

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