My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 13: [Genius girl]

"Brother Xuan, look, isn't that Jiang Xiaogu?"

At the exit of Lingmeng Hall.

A boy pointed to Jiang Xiaogu, who was running towards Lu Li and Jiang Xu in the distance, with surprise written all over his face.

And the boy known as Brother Xuan is a gentle-looking boy wearing black-rimmed glasses.

His eyes also fell on Jiang Xiaogu.

Moreover, he noticed that Jiang Xiaogu was heading towards the two boys. One of the boys was white and handsome, which made him frown slightly.

"Is that Lu Li? The poor student from the second class?"

"I remember him. When he was a sophomore in high school, he was caught by the dean of the school in front of the whole school, who was developing on the podium."

"I also remember, what happened at that time?"

"It seems that I was caught by the dean while surfing the Internet in an Internet cafe."

"My dear, does anyone still go to Internet cafes these days?"

"Jiang Xiaogu, such a powerful scholar, how could he be with such a poor student?"

Several boys were talking.

Only the black-rimmed glasses guy called Brother Xuan didn't say a word the whole time.

But the look in his eyes when he looked at Lu Li was obviously not good.

Because he saw Jiang Xiaogu running in front of Lu Li and showed an unusually bright smile.

He had never seen Jiang Xiaogu so passionate about any boy before.

Although Jiang Xiaogu is usually very popular in the class, he is also very polite. But for most of the others, it is just a point to stop, and there is a sense of distance in the kindness.

At this time, Jiang Xiaogu was so enthusiastic towards a person who most people knew was a poor student, and smiled so happily...

This made him feel a sense of crisis in his heart.


"Have you all finished the medical examination?"

Jiang Xiaogu stood in front of Lu Li, with a smile full of vitality on his pretty face as white as jade.

"The medical examination is over, how about you?"

"I also finished the medical examination. How are your grades? Can I take a look?"

Jiang Xiaogu said, and couldn't help but glanced at the test sheet in Lu Li's hand.

Lu Li didn't hide it, and directly showed her the test sheet.

After seeing that Lu Li's spiritual power index was 198, Jiang Xiaogu showed a surprised expression on his face: "Wow, Lu Li, I haven't seen your grades for a few months, but your spiritual power index has risen so much!"

"It's far worse than you."

Lu Li was helpless, thinking that he was only 198, and you are planning to apply for Kamikaze University, according to the rigid requirement of Kamikaze University's 800-point spiritual power index.

Then Jiang Xiaogu's spiritual power index should be at least 700 points, right?

"No, everyone has their own strengths! By the way, what did you think about what you said at noon?"

"What happened at noon?"

Lu Li was puzzled.

Jiang Xiaogu nodded and said, "Yes, Yangcheng University!"

Lu Li suddenly said, "Oh, I remember..."

Jiang Xiaogu smiled and said, "According to the increase in your spiritual power index, the record for admission to Yangcheng University is very large. I remember that the lowest spiritual power index requirement last year was 240 points, right? There are 97 days left, come on! If you encounter any bottleneck, you can also come and ask me!"

"Request... 240 points?"

Lu Li was a little puzzled when he heard the words.

When he heard Jiang Xiaogu mention Yangcheng University at noon, he didn't think much about it, but now, when he heard it, he kind of understood what Jiang Xiaogu meant.

He couldn't help but ask, "The Yangcheng University you mentioned doesn't seem to be Lingwu University, right?"

Jiang Xiaogu nodded: "No, but Yangcheng University, and the university over there in Luoyang, are also of the same level!"

Hearing this, Lu Li completely understood. Dare to love Jiang Xiaogu because he thought he wanted to go to an ordinary university in Luoyang?

Lu Li had to smile bitterly and said, "Okay, but I want to take the exam from Lingwu University."

"Hmm? Lingwu University?"

When Jiang Xiaogu heard this, surprise flashed in his eyes.

She remembered what Lu Li said, he wanted to be admitted to Luoyang, Lingwu University in Luoyang?

That is Lingwu University, which is on the same level as Kamikaze!

Lu Li only has 198 points of spiritual power index, and the difference is really not a little bit...

Lu Li...he must be joking, right?

"Cough, you two, don't think of me as a light bulb, okay?"

At this moment, Jiang Xu, who was beside him, suddenly coughed twice.

He smiled helplessly. When Jiang Xiaogu came over, he asked about "you"'s test results.

No matter how he looked at it, he chatted with Lu Li.

what about me?

Of course, Jiang Xu knew what Jiang Xiaogu was thinking about Lu Li. Jiang Xiaogu was able to talk to Lu Li, and it was Jiang Xu's lead.

So what he said was meant to be a joke.

Jiang Xiaogu also noticed Jiang Xu who was left to the side by himself, and couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed: "How about your grades, brother Jiang Xu?"


Jiang Xu gave Jiang Xiaogu his test list.

After Jiang Xiaogu saw it, a smile appeared on her pretty face: "Brother Jiang Xu, you were overtaken by Lu Li."

In that laughter, there was a bit of pride for Lu Li.

When Jiang Xu heard the words, he said helplessly, "I can't help it, I'm temporarily overtaken by this kid who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger. But it won't be certain in the future."

Jiang Xu also has his own backing, which is also the reason why his spiritual power index has risen by 19 points this month.

Moreover, he is confident that he can rise more next month than this month!


Jiang Xiaogu turned to Lu Li and said, "Lu Li, you have to do your best not to be overtaken by Brother Jiang Xu. UU Reading"

Lu Li knew that Jiang Xiaogu wanted to fight the fire. The three of them often teased each other like this. He was used to it.

Then he smiled and said, "He? If you want to surpass me, you won't have the chance in this life."

Jiang Xu laughed at the time: "Old fish, I think you should stop calling it Lu Li, let's call it a puffer fish. It's so swollen, I'll have a physical examination next month to see how I teach you to be a human being, no, be a fish."

"Okay, I'll wait."

After Lu Li finished speaking, he turned to look at Jiang Xiaogu, who was giggling.

She didn't have the spiritual power test sheet in her hand, so Lu Li couldn't help asking, "By the way, Xiaogu, how was your physical examination result?"

"The grades are okay."

Jiang Xiaogu's answer was ambiguous.

Lu Li was ashamed, wondering if she was deliberately cheating, and asked again, "How much can it be?"

When Jiang Xu heard this, he couldn't help but look at Jiang Xiaogu. He was also very curious.

Because Jiang Xiaogu had not told him and Lu Li her spiritual power index since the second year of high school.

Although he and Jiang Xiaogu are relatives, there is actually very little contact between the two families. Although his parents often mention this talented girl from the Jiang family, they do not know the specific spiritual power index of Jiang Xiaogu.

Obviously, her parents deliberately concealed her spiritual power index.

However, Jiang Xu could probably guess it.

When she was a freshman in high school, she broke the 200-point spiritual power index and was called a gifted girl.

When she was a sophomore in high school, she broke 500 points. Since then, she has never disclosed her spiritual power index.

Now maybe he has already run to eight hundred.


(PS: It’s Monday, please recommend tickets and monthly tickets! I want to rank higher on the signing list, thank you!)

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