Chapter 478 General Feiqiong Appears!

Zhou Wan stayed silent, his brain seemed to be filled with countless wasps, buzzing.

The guy who thought it was a ‘God Stick’ has such a big background, and even the only apprentice is so scary.

But then he frowned and said, “Some things don’t make sense. If he is really Yun Zhiyue’s father, why didn’t he save his own daughter earlier, and now he suddenly appeared again?”

The corner of Elder’s mouth curled up: “Because he was caught by Tianjun, after the calculation, it has been almost ten years.”

Zhou Wan fell into sluggishness again.

How do you say that the head of the dignified Destiny Valley is also Cultivation Base Tongtian, with good strength, was actually caught by Tianjun?

In this way, Tianjun’s Cultivation Base is even more terrifying than imagined.

Big Elder said: “This matter is rarely known. The old man learned that Lonely Shenyou was imprisoned in Dark Heaven Prison by Tianjun by accident. Of course, the reason why Lonely Shenyou was arrested was also because Tianjun used some methods. ”

The big Elder held the black bead tightly, but the light leaked from his fingers.

At this moment, his eyes suddenly became dark.

Elder closed his eyes and exhaled deeply, his eyes returned to normal luster, and continued:

“It is absolutely purposeful for Tianjun to spend such a high price to imprison lonely wandering. Nine years ago, Yun Zhiyue suddenly changed from a disciple of Outer Sect to the chief commander. It is hard not to make people think.

Later, Tianjun once said to himself, ‘If you don’t have a good dad, how could you become a chief commander?’ From this, it can be seen that the reason why Yun Zhiyue became the chief commander was her father’s reason.

So the old man speculated that as early as nine years ago, Tianjun had a deal with that person and appointed Yun Zhiyue as the chief commander.

As for what the bargaining chip is, this old man has no way of knowing it, perhaps it is the method of using the “Things from Heaven”. ”

After listening to Grandpa’s analysis, Zhou Wan suddenly understood.

This is indeed the most likely.

The time when Tianjun imprisoned Lonely Wandering and Yun Zhiyue was promoted to Da Si Ming basically matched.

Looking at it this way, Yun Zhiyue is really the daughter of a lonely wanderer?

And now that I think about it, the most interesting thing is that Tianjun has always been relatively indifferent to Yun Zhiyue.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Tianjun is not very important to Da Si Ming, and sometimes sends some tasks to her to keep her away from Yin & Yang sect, and experience a lot of danger outside.

Even let Yun Zhiyue and Tantric Saint Child dual cultivation.

Compared with the flowers in the greenhouse, the treatment of the two is very different.

Elder said: “A few days ago, the soul refining lock of the Dark Heavenly Hell suddenly broke, and the old man guessed that the lonely wandering might have come out.

The deaths of Tianjun and the two Elders definitely have something to do with him.

As for why the lonely wanderer didn’t save Yun Zhiyue, and watched his daughter be imprisoned, maybe the old guy had other plans.

Today, the old man deliberately killed Yun Zhiyue in order to make a test. Sure enough, the old guy didn’t always protect his own daughter, he must be hiding somewhere. ”

Hearing this, Zhou Wan frowned.

Although grandpa came back safely, if lonely wandering appeared at that time, wouldn’t grandpa be very dangerous.

Perhaps seeing Zhou Wan’s concerns, a scornful smile appeared on Elder’s face: “The Yin & Yang sect is not only the master of Tianjun and the two commanders.

Zhou Wan’s eyebrows moved: “Grandpa, your Cultivation Base…”

“Don’t mention this first.”

Elder raised his hand coldly. “The Yin & Yang sect is very troublesome now. There are people from the six gates of the imperial court, the saint son of Tantric Buddhism, the lonely wandering in the dark, and the out-of-control ‘things outside the sky’ they brought…

Our plan must be advanced, and if we wait any longer, there will be changes.

Whether the six-door girl is reliable or not, what I fear most now is that the court comes to search. We must let the court cooperate with us. As for the tantric saints, don’t worry about them. ”

A smile appeared on Zhou Wan’s face: “Don’t worry, grandpa, the girl has made it clear that she is cooperating with us.”

Elder nodded, looked down at the black bead in his hand and said: “That’s good, the old man must now take the risk to try to fuse this sect’s ‘Things from Heaven’.

Although with my current Cultivation Base, there is no need to be afraid of those Elders who oppose the old man sitting on the seat of heaven, but after all, it is necessary for the old man to sit on a safe and sound plan.

You stay here, wait for the old man to take the place of the heavenly monarch, Ling Zi’er that girl, let it be handled by you. ”

As soon as this remark came out, Zhou Wan’s expression was a bit agitated.

Thinking of the indifferent attitude of the young man to him in the past, the man clenched his fists, and a tyrannical flash appeared in his eyes.

Yesterday you were ignorant of me. Tomorrow I will make you too high!

Elder patted his grandson on the shoulder, and sighed, “Originally, I planned to let you and Young Siming cultivate a marriage, and it would be logical to sit down with Tianjun, but it’s a pity that you didn’t do anything well.

Now that the old man executes the plan with tough methods, it is also helpless, I hope there will be no accidents. ”

Zhou Wan’s face was ashamed, and he said solemnly: “Grandpa will definitely succeed, but the second Elder side…”

Now if there is one more variable, it is two Elder.

This guy who was basically a transparent person in the Yin & Yang sect did not even come out to take a look after the death of the four Elder and Lan Xiaowan.

If it weren’t for the daily meals to be delivered on time, I thought I was dead in the house.

But two Elder are two Elder after all.

As long as you are alive, you may become a stumbling block on your grandfather’s road to success.


There was a little haze on Big Elder’s face, coldly said. “He is a useless person now, don’t care about it.”


The charred charcoal nib scribbled a piece of information and clues on the rough paper.

The brows are always tightly furrowed.

Chen Mu was completely immersed in the world of own.


After a long time, Chen Mu put down the charcoal and pinched his eyebrows regardless of the dirt on his fingers, muttering: “The plot of dog blood and the bizarre relationship between the characters, this Yin & Yang school is no worse than Zhen Huan’s biography.”

Looking at the sky outside, Chen Mu hammered his somewhat stiff back twice and stood up.

There are still some mysteries that have not been solved.

Either go to Hansong County in Yunzhou to check the woman named Yunmeng, or continue to search for some Tianjun secrets.

However, Chen Mu planned to go to Shuge to find the young man’s command first, and it was estimated that the other party was already waiting.

The residence of Shuge and Tianjun are almost connected by a line.

Entering the uppermost floor of the book pavilion from the exclusive passage of Tianjun, Chen Mu found that the young man was no longer in his life.

The old monk named “Lonely Wandering” disappeared.

“What about people? Nothing will happen, right.”

Chen Mu was worried.

Just when he was about to look for it, he sensed a breath floating from the lower level.

As the footsteps approached, a lanky man in his forties walked up the stairs. It was clear daylight, but he was holding a candle in his hand.

Chen Mu hesitated, took out the ancient bronze lamp from the storage space, isolated his own breath and hid it behind the cabinet beside it.

As the distance narrowed, the man’s face was exceptionally pale, which seemed to be due to the lack of sunshine all year round.

The candle in his hand only ignited with a faint, bean-sized light.

Two Elder?

Although he had never seen each other, Chen Mu had somehow revealed the identity of the other party in his heart, purely based on feelings.

Chen Mu’s instinct is correct, this man is indeed the second Elder.

But what shocked him was behind.

Second Elder came to a bookshelf, raised the candle in his hand, and gently blew to the right corner. The bookshelf slowly opened and a door appeared.

“Come out.”

The second Elder who was about to step in paused, but suddenly said to behind him.

Found me?

Chen Mu was quite surprised. He didn’t expect that the Magic Treasures sent by Lonely Wandering had not concealed it from the other party.

It really is a cheating Magic Treasures!

Just about to walk out, a Daoist shadow came out of the corner shadow.

It’s a headless woman in armor.

Cha Zhuxiang?

Chen Mu set off a stormy sea in his heart.

Why did the other party come here again?

But in the next second, he realized that this headless general was not Cha Zhuxiang, because Cha Zhuxiang was not that tall.

And the Killing intent on his body is not so strong.

This woman is like the real God of War coming out of The Underworld!

Since it is not Cha Zhuxiang, the identity of the headless general in front of him is ready to be revealed.

General Feiqiong!

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