Chapter 477 Takes office as the head of the Valley of Destiny!

Yun Zhiyue doesn’t know much about the case of the civet cat prince.

But judging from some recent cases with Chen Mu, this seemingly well-known case of the civet cat prince is full of suspense and inside information.

And at this moment, her mother was also involved with Xu Guifei.

This was completely beyond her expectation.

But the strangest thing is that the maids who were with Xu Guifei should have died. Even General Feiqiong did not end well. Why did the youngest mother survive?

And judging from the age of the young man, her mother had been more than five years away from the raccoon prince case when she gave birth.

In other words, this woman named Qin Jin’er lived for more than five years after Xu Guifei died.

How did she do it?

Didn’t the queen mother and others look for her?

Then why did Tianjun know that he even asked Lan Xiaowan to take the order of the young man to Yin & Yang Sect.

“Do you believe the content of this letter?” Yun Zhiyue looked at Shao Si Ming and asked softly.

The young man was silent, but his hands clenched the skirt slightly tightly.

Yun Zhiyue said softly: “At the beginning I went to Qingyu County to capture the snake monster and cooperated with the court to find clues in the case of the civet cat Prince. Only then did I meet the guy Chen Mu. Everything is destined. Now I want to come. I cooperated with the court to catch the demon, and I don’t know if I have other intentions.”

Yun Zhiyue sighed, stopped thinking about those messy things, and continued to read.

“Lan Xiaowan said that before Tianjun became the head of the Yin & Yang sect, she was Tianjun’s lover, but Tianjun is a person who cherishes her feathers so much. Elder is a couple.

Later, Tianjun gradually used her as a tool, and after becoming the head, he maximized her interests.

She married the second Elder, and after the marriage ended, she formed a relationship with the third Elder. It was the instruction of Tianjun, and the purpose was to control several Elders indirectly.

But she still has no regrets, after all, sometimes, loving this thing makes people lose their minds and become crazy. But nine years ago, Tianjun began to alienate her and eventually broke off the relationship.

Perhaps it was for compensation that Lan Xiaowan was allowed to sit in the position of Third Elder…”

Seeing this, Yun Zhiyue felt extremely complicated.

Unexpectedly, the heavenly monarch, who is always above and above him, is as affectionate and unrighteous as other men.

Sure enough, people are human after all, with seven emotions and six desires.

It now seems that the strange scene of Lan Xiaowan in the Closed Door Training that Chen Mu saw at that time is easy to explain.

“Now there is a big doubt. The letter did not say who your father is. Since Tianjun specifically ordered Lan Xiaowan to pick you up from Yin & Yang Sect, it means that he knows Qin Jiner’s identity.”

Yun Zhiyue frowned and said. “Why did Tianjun pick you up to the Yin & Yang Sect? Is it to protect you?”

Shao Siming shook his head, saying that he didn’t know.

She looked at the magic circle set up by Elder outside the window, tried to open it, but it didn’t work, and anxiety appeared in her eyes.

Yun Zhiyue put away the letter paper and smiled bitterly: “The big Elder has planned for so many years to sit on the heavenly monarch, but he did not expect that he would secretly cultivate the Cultivation Technique that the heavenly monarch can only practice, and deliberately hide his strength on weekdays.

Now we seem to be unable to get out. He is so anxious that he traps us, he is estimated to start to implement a big plan, Yin & Yang sect… Maybe it is really going to change. ”

At this moment, Yun Zhiyue still felt as if she was dreaming.

Tianjun Death, Chen Mu entered the gate of life and death, whereabouts are unknown, the four Elder and Lan Xiaowan were killed one after another, the young man was involved in the case of the civet prince, and the big Elder began to fight for power…

This day has become so fast, so fast makes people always feel so unreal.

She stretched out her arm and gently hugged the young man in her arms.

“Previously, Lan Xiaowan said that my father was protecting me in secret, but I was almost killed by Elder just now, and my father did not show up, indicating that what she said was false.”

Yun Zhiyue couldn’t say whether she was disappointed or grateful in her heart, and she murmured softly. “No one can really protect us, only ourselves.”

In the room, the atmosphere is extraordinarily solemn.

A slightly dizzy light pierced through the gaps in the window and fell on Elder’s face, making his usual solemn face look a little strange and gloomy.

Zhou Wan stood quietly behind his grandfather, still with doubts and perplexity on his delicate face.

When Elder suddenly told him that the young man had been imprisoned by him in the thinking tower, Zhou Wan once thought it was a joke, and didn’t believe it very much.

After all, with the Cultivation Base of the young man, the grandfather may not be able to beat the opponent.

But Elder’s serious expression made him understand that all this is true, Zhou Wan suddenly felt incredible.

“Grandpa, Ling Zi’er is imprisoned at this time, is it too hasty?”

Zhou Wan couldn’t help asking.

Elder held a black round bead in his hand, rubbed his thumb lightly, in a cold tone: “I asked you to bring that sentence to the commander, but I was actually experimenting.”

“Test? What to test?” Zhou Wan was puzzled.

Elder said, “Lan Xiaowan and I have been guessing who Yun Zhiyue’s father is, and what they can do to make Tianjun compromise, but unfortunately, there is no clue.

After Tianjun died, I kept thinking about who could kill Tianjun.

After thinking about it, there is a person who is most likely Yun Zhiyue’s father, and the time is right. ”


Zhou Wan was curious.

Elder did not answer, but waved his hand to open the window, picked up the black bead in his hand and placed it in front of his eyes, looking at it blankly through the bright light.

Under the refraction of light, the black bead is like a pupil in a person’s eye, which is extraordinarily permeating.

“Have you heard of Dugu Shenyou?”

After a long time, Elder asked lightly.

Zhou Wan was taken aback, after thinking about it for a while, shook his head and said, “I haven’t heard of it.”

“Yes, you must have never heard of it. In the entire Xuantian Continent, there are not many people who have heard his name and also know his true identity.”

There was a terrifying light in the eyes of the big Elder, and he said slowly. “He is a weird guy, a guy who has been scorned and mocked by many people as a’God Stick’, and a guy who everyone shouts and beats…”

Zhou Wan: “…”

He didn’t expect to hear such a comment from his grandfather, and he thought that “lonely wandering” is so awesome.

Seeing the expression of disdain on his grandson’s face, Elder smiled and continued: “But he still has a hidden identity, he is the head of the last Destiny Valley, the real old man!”

Zhou Wan’s eyes widened, and he hadn’t recovered for a long time.

The last head of Tianji Valley? !

That’s not right, the current old man of Tianji has been in charge of the Valley of Destiny for decades, and he has never heard of another term.

Besides, why is such a powerful character ridiculed by many people as a ‘god stick’?

Not allowed when doing fortune telling?

And listening to Grandpa’s meaning, could it be that Yun Zhiyue’s father was the old man who went to Ren Tianji?

But the problem is, this age difference is a bit big.

“What the world doesn’t know is that the former head of Tianji Valley once accepted only one personal disciple, the noble concubine Xu Tong’er.”

Big Elder spoke quietly.

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