Chapter 463: The Threat of Life and Death!

People are born with only one life, including most monsters (except Nine tailed Fox, etc.), also have only one life.

Once hung up, it is really hung up.

The gate of life and death in front of you is not the kind of prison of life and death in Vermillion Bird Hall, but the gate that can truly determine Life and death.

It is up to you to choose.

Once the wrong choice is made, you will never be given a second chance.

This is also the reason why Dugu Shen wandered in the book pavilion for a month, but never found anything.

Don’t dare to break.

Who has the guts to make jokes with own life.

But at this time it was Chen Mu who faced the gate of life and death.

A man who opened up.

With the ‘Rebirth Rebirth’, he has died many times before. Later, because of the increasing side effects, he did not dare to squander his life wantonly, for fear that one day would really die.

But what was in front of him now was an extremely important clue, he had to enter the gate of life and death.

Seeing Chen Mu hesitating, he thought that the other party was a scared solitary man and said with a smile:

“Young man, old monk, I am 100% sure that there is something you want to find in this gate of life and death, and it depends on whether you have the courage to break through. Anyway, old monk, I have no courage.”

Chen Mu slapped it over: “If this is the case, then you can help us test a door first.”


Dugu Fantastically turned pale with fright, he backed away and waved his hands again and again. “Young man, I gave you Magic Treasures and helped you find the secret room. You can’t hurt me anymore. This is against the spirit of chivalry!”

“I’m not a good person, I still need to talk about chivalry with you?”

Chen Mu looked fierce and evil.

Dugu wandered in a hurry, straightened his neck and blushed and gritted his teeth and said: “I tell you, don’t push too much! Anxious me, I…I will die with you! The big deal is to make a fuss and provoke others. Come.”

He took out a black ball, and said sharply: “This bombing thunder can’t kill you, it’s enough to make a big noise!”

Chen Mu sneered nonchalantly: “Come on, let me see it now?”

“You…you…don’t go too far!”

Dugu was trembling all over.

Looking at the calm young man, his tone softened again: “Actually, if you think about it, there are three doors now. If I enter the dead door, you still have to choose the other two doors, right?

Even if I was lucky, I got into my life and survived. But the Magic Treasures or Cultivation Technique in it was obtained by me. Will you still be able to stop me then?

My Cultivation Base is locked due to poisoning. Once I get the antidote, don’t talk about entering the door of life and death, you don’t even have a chance to choose.

In short…In short, if you work hard with me, I will be anxious with you! ”

Chen Mu rubbed his chin and nodded thoughtfully, “That’s true.”

Dugu Shenyou heaved a sigh of relief and straightened his chest: “Young hero, there is no grievance between you and me. You walk on your Yangguan Road, and I walk on my single-plank bridge. If you want to enter the gate of life and death, I will not stop you. When you want to pull If you want me to be buried, then I can only fight!”

Chen Mu smiled and glanced at the gate of life and death. After hesitating in his heart, he walked up to the young man and said, “Look at him, I’ll rush.”

Shao Siming slightly tightened Da Shui Lingling’s eyes, seeming to be surprised at Chen Mu’s decision.

Does this guy even want his life?

Chen Mu patted her fragrant shoulders and said, “In order to save Zhiyue, I can only save myself. If it is changed to save you, I will also have no hesitation.”

This was the last confession before he died.

Shao Siming lowered his eyes, his curved eyelashes trembled lightly, and he didn’t speak.

She is ruthless and desireless, but it doesn’t mean that she is a fool like Wu Hualuo.

It’s a pity that although she doesn’t hate Chen Mu, she is not at all interested in these things to the point where a man and a woman love each other.

But the man’s willingness to give his life for Yun Zhiyue is still very moving.

“If I died accidentally, I hope you tell Zhiyue, Chen Mu will still be her husband in the next life.”

The man Junwu’s face was somewhat lonely and determined.

The affection in that eye is moving.

He put his hands on the fragrant shoulders of the young man, with the last bit of pleading in his bitterness: “If you can, can you give her a kiss for me, just the last gift at that time.”

As he said, he wanted to lift a corner of the girl’s veil.

Young Siming frowned slightly, just about to break free, Chen Mu, who sensed the other party’s emotions in advance, stopped in time, and said sadly:

“Forget it, you’re also a lady of the yellow flower, this is very unfair to you, Chen Mu is not that kind of person. Then I will just kiss you on the forehead, and you can help me bring it to Zhiyue.”

The man’s request for second place made the girl hesitate.

She didn’t break free until she was gently embraced by the man, and then there was a dampness on her forehead.

Chen Mu didn’t make any excessive demands. He kissed the girl’s greasy smooth forehead like a dragonfly, then let go of the other person, and walked resolutely toward the gate of life and death.

Shao Siming moved his pink lips subconsciously, but he hesitated for a moment, but still did not speak.

But as soon as she took a step forward, she wanted to follow.

Chen Mu stopped and said, “Don’t be foolish, if we both die, who will save Zhiyue.”

Shao Si ordered his body to take a halt, his eyes dimmed.

Looking at Chen Mu, who was walking towards the gate of life and death step by step, she clenched a few pink fists slightly, and the calm and mirror-like heart lake rippled for the first time in her life.

Nothing is more moving than the affection before Death.

Otherwise, there will not be so many touching classic loves, which will be remembered forever in the test of Life and death.

Shao Siming is a woman, and there is a heart like an ordinary person buried in that little chest.

It is impossible to be truly unfeeling and indifferent.

“Ruthless people.”

Dugu wandered in admiration.

Chen Mu came to the gate of life and death, struggling with an expression on his face, and then looked back at Shao Siming with affectionate expression.

“Ling Zi’er, I actually really like you.”

After speaking, Chen Mu entered the first door on the left without looking back, and disappeared instantly.

Chen Mu entered the gate.

The dazzling light poured directly into his eyes, his brain buzzed, as if there was a huge hot sun floating in front of him.

Chen Mu felt his own body float up, and the hot heat melted every inch of his body.

Even the ‘Things Outside the Heaven’ in the body wailed in pain.

This is the real The Underworld!

The painful and unbearable Chen Mu subconsciously wanted to commit suicide, but his body was completely unable to move, and he could only clearly experience the pain of being refined successively.


Accompanied by the man’s scream, his body was swallowed by fire waves in an instant.

His consciousness also disappeared immediately.

Chen Mu opened his eyes, holding the young man in his arms.

The girl’s soft body and the refreshing fragrance between the hair made his groggy consciousness a little sober.

Chen Mu knew that he had been reborn five minutes ago.

“Damn, the wrong choice was made the first time.”

Chen Mu scolded secretly.

Fortunately, the side effects after this reversion are obviously not as serious as the last time, and it is a blessing in misfortune.

After calming down, Chen Mu moved the young man again according to the procedure just now, beat the old monk wildly, and re-selected the middle door to enter.

This time, the luck was still bad, and he was burned alive by the fire as before.

Then the door on the far right is left.

This is the student!

After rebirth, Chen Mu took a deep breath, and after confessing his life to the young man very affectionately, he beat the old monk fat again and entered the third door.

But what I never expected was that after entering, Chen Mu was still refining into dross by the fiery flames.

After returning to the gear, Chen Mu looked at the gate of life and death, completely stunned.

what’s the situation?

All these three doors are dead doors?

Play with me deliberately, right?

and many more!

Chen Mu, who was about to beat the old monk out of anger, suddenly caught a glimpse of some small characters engraved on the steps next to him.

He read it carefully, and his expression became very strange.

According to the written record, one of the three doors is indeed a raw door.

But only one person can choose at a time, and three people cannot enter the three doors at the same time.

In order to prevent some people from deliberately using the exclusion method, every time someone enters, the three doors will be exchanged, the order will be disrupted, and the next person will re-select.

In this way, life and death are all luck.


After a long glance, Chen Mu could only spit out these two words to express his fucking mood.

But here comes the question again, how did Tianjun get in?

Could it be that he can also be reborn infinitely?

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