Chapter 462: The Gate of Life and Death!

Seeing that Chen Mu asked for Magic Treasures so arrogantly, the old monk named Dugu wandering with a bitter melon face, the original appearance of the bones of the fairy wind seemed extremely wretched at the moment.


Liang Liang’s bald head was slapped fiercely.

Chen Mu’s eyes were cold: “Two ways, either take them out by yourself. Or kill you, I will search for them myself!”

Although the sweeping monk in front of him is a pirated product, since he can sneak into Yin & Yang Zongshu Pavilion silently and undetected, it is enough to prove that the Magic Treasures on him are extraordinary.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, we must get this Magic Treasures.

“Young man, my Magic Treasures can’t be used by others. I can only use it by myself, otherwise Tianjun would have taken it away. Even if you kill me, it will be useless to snatch Magic Treasures away.”

Lonely wandering and said with a wry smile.

“Don’t give it, right.”

Chen Mu rolled up his sleeves and kicked and punched again.

“Don’t fight, don’t fight… I… I take it out by myself…”

Seeing the boy’s temper so violent, the old monk was almost beaten to vomit blood, crying helplessly and had to take out an ancient bronze lamp from the storage ring.

The ancient lamp looks quite small, with some cracks on it, which shows the erosion of the years.

There is only a small wick inside the lamp.

The wick was jet black, as if it had been burned out, leaving a little bit outside.

“Bring it to you!”

Chen Mu unceremoniously snatched the ancient bronze lamp.

He studied it carefully for a while, and found that this was just an ordinary broken lamp, and did not sense any movement of Spirit Power.

“Come and see.”

Chen Mu handed the ancient lamp to the young man.

The Young Master observed for a long time, and shook his head as well, saying that he couldn’t see what was special about this Magic Treasures.

“You lie to me, when we haven’t read a book?”

Chen Mu stared at the old monk coldly and kicked the opponent’s chest. “Do you think we are young, so you want to fool us? Really think I dare not kill you?”

Chen Mu took out a short blade and pressed it against the opponent’s throat.

“Young hero, don’t be impulsive, this… You really can’t use this Magic Treasures. It is a treasure I got from Pisces by chance. Only I can use it. It has already recognized the master.”

Dugu wandered on his chest and knelt on the ground begging. “If I dare to tell a half lie, I will let Heavenly Dao be killed, and five thunders will blow!”

As a cultivator, if he swears this poisonous oath, he does not dare to lie.


Chen Mu’s black silkworm frowned: “Then how do you use it on weekdays?”

The old monk answered honestly: “Just hold the bottom of it and inject Spirit Power into it.”

So simple?

Chen Mu lifted the ancient lantern according to the method described by the other party, and then slowly activated it with Spiritual Qi, but it really didn’t work.

“You come.”

Chen Mu handed over the ancient lantern.

The monk honestly took over the ancient bronze lamp and released some Spirit Power. At the moment when Spirit Power was injected, a faint light burst out from the wick of the ancient lamp.

The slightly dull white light was like a Star in the night, quickly wrapping up the old monk, and then the light disappeared.

At this moment, Dugu’s breath, smell, and heartbeat were all blocked.

If it hadn’t been for seeing someone standing in front of him with his own eyes, it would be impossible for Chen Mu to detect him with Spiritual Sense.

In about seven or eight minutes, the dim light in the ancient lamp gradually extinguished. And as the ray of light extinguished, the breath of lonely wandering was also exposed.

As he said before, this Magic Treasures really has a time limit.


Chen Mu, who had seen this miraculous scene, showed a fiery look and his breathing was short.

With this Magic Treasures, it will be much easier to do assassinations in the future.

Unfortunately, I can’t use it.

When he was annoyed, Chen Mu suddenly thought of something, and a little light appeared in the bottom of his eyes, and he thought to himself: “Why did I forget it? Why don’t you try it without it?”

“Don’t believe in evil!”

Chen Mu snatched the ancient lantern.

He deliberately walked to a quiet place and quietly released the “things outside the sky” in his body. Under Chen Mu’s control, the black filamentary liquid crawled in along the wick little by little.

Gradually, Chen Mu felt the ancient bronze lamp in his hand start to get hot.

Numerous weird symbols on the lamp wall began to flicker, like undulating piano keys, and the sound of music could still be heard vaguely, and the black on the wick became more and more intense.


Chen Mu was overjoyed and quickly injected Spirit Power.

In the next second, the wick burst into light, and it was brighter than the light emitted by Dugu Shenyou just now.

Under the radiance, Chen Mu’s breath was instantly isolated.

This is much more powerful than usual when they set up an enchantment to isolate the atmosphere. No matter how strong the enchantment is, it is also composed of Spirit Power. When encountering some super masters, the opponent can easily detect the existence.

The isolation of Magic Treasures is tantamount to making people “disappear” completely.

“This this……”

Lonely Shenyou saw this scene, his eyes widened, thinking that he had hallucinations. “This is impossible!”

He swears that this Magic Treasures is indeed only available to him.

Tianjun tried it before, but it ended in failure. However, he didn’t expect this kid to be able to use it?

Is it because this kid is handsome?

No reason!

Shao Si Ming’s beautiful eyes shine again and again.

She had already guessed that Chen Mu might have used the “Things Outside the Heaven” to light the oil lamp, and she couldn’t help feeling a little envious.

This guy can always surprise unexpectedly.

“Hahaha… not bad, really good.”

The wick stayed for about ten minutes before it went out, and Chen Mu smiled triumphantly, revealing his aura.

In addition to being overjoyed, the man also had some regrets at the same time.

It’s a pity that this Magic Treasures can only isolate the breath, and can’t make people directly transparent, otherwise it can do something meaningful like some series of island countries.

“Are there other Magic Treasures?”

Chen Mu put away the ancient lantern and stretched out his hand toward Dugu Shenyou. “Just take out all the points of acquaintance, don’t cry without seeing the coffin!”

Dugu Shenyou repeatedly shook his head: “No, really no, I’m just such a Magic Treasures.”

“Bring it to you!”

Without saying a word, Chen Mu forcibly took off the storage ring from the opponent’s hand.

After opening it, I found that there were only some fragments of healing Medicine Pill and a few pieces of clothing, as well as some incomprehensible letters. I was extremely disappointed.

This old monk is really poor.

Chen Mu secretly spit out a few words and began to think about how to deal with this guy.

Killed directly?

Intuitively speaking, Chen Mu felt that the old monk still had a secret and he didn’t tell them.

And its true identity is open to question.

But if you keep him, there must be a big risk.

Perhaps seeing that Chen Mu was struggling, Dugu Shenyou quickly said: “Young man, Magic Treasures are also given to you, old monk, I have no grievances with you, you can’t kill me.”

“Give me a reason not to kill you.”

Chen Mu rubbed his chin and smiled.

Dugu Shenyou gritted his teeth and said: “While the old man was looking for an antidote for himself, he found a secret room in the book pavilion, just above our heads.”

The secret room?

Chen Mu and Shao Siming glanced at each other, unanimously showing an idea in their hearts.

Could the Cultivation Technique of Tianjun cultivation… be in the secret room?

“You went in?”

Chen Mu stared at Dugu wandering.

Dugu Shenyou shook his head and said: “Monk, I dare not go in. If you choose the wrong one, it will be Death.”

“What do you mean?” Chen Mu didn’t understand.

Dugu Shenyou didn’t say much, walked to a bookshelf next to it, pushed a few yellowed ancient books away, and then reached into the inner groove and twisted it twice.


The crisp sound of the organ sounded in the book pavilion.

Chen Mu and Shao Siming looked up.

I saw that the top of the tower on the original patterned picture began to change into layers of clouds and mist, as if a new world was slowly unfolding. Amidst the clouds and mist, a cloud ladder slowly descended.

When the smoke subsided, three doors appeared on the ladder.

The stone tablet on the door is engraved with three words-the gate of life and death!

Dugu Shenyou stared at these three doors with complex expressions, and said:

“Only one of the three doors is correct, and the other two doors are dead. If you enter the wrong door, you will die without life! Unless… you have several lives.”

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