Chapter 456

The arrival of the Saint Son of Tantric Buddhism and the King Bozang is undoubtedly a face-to-face provocation for Yin & Yang Sect, especially the other party has made clear his intention to snatch his life.

Such arrogant behavior is clearly to bully Yin & Yang no one.

All of the Yin & Yang sect disciples were indignant for a while.

But since Elder treats the other person as a guest, everyone has no choice but to swear in secret.

But the most depressed is undoubtedly Chen Mu.

The love rival of the elder wife is the Hongchen monk of Dawei Temple, and the love rival of the second wife is the saint son of Tantric Buddhism. For this, Chen Mu really wants to curse.

Are the monks in the world ignorant, robbing other people’s wives?

Do you really think I’m so bullying?

“People are good at being deceived.”

Inside the hut, Chen Mu swallowed the food cooked by the young man, cursing. “This rubbish monk just owes him a beating. Seeing Tianjun is not there, he thinks my wife can grab it at will, and doesn’t look at whose wife she is.”

Looking at Chen Mu, who had almost wiped out half of the table, Shao Siming had a weird look.

For a moment, she even thought that the food she cooked was really delicious.

Can this guy eat even soil?

The girl is very curious.

“I’m telling you girl, this tantric monk has few serious people, especially that Saint Child Cliff is an old man.”

Chen Muyu said to the young man with earnest heart. “He grabbed the chief’s life today, and he will grab you tomorrow. But you don’t have to worry, when you sign up directly, you will say that it is my Chen Mu’s little wife…

Of course, this is purely frightening. In fact, I have no idea about you. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not a pornographic critic.

You ask him to inquire, a street in the capital, and ask who is Dad! ”

Chen Mu became more and more angry, and threw down his chopsticks: “Damn, I’m really anxious, daddy, just call the camp soldiers over and kill them!”

The young man picked up the chopsticks, wiped them carefully, and placed them in front of the man.

Then he pushed the rest of the meal over.

The meaning is clear, continue to eat!

Chen Mu’s expression changed, he covered his stomach, and said bitterly, “I can’t eat anymore, it’s almost enough, what should I do if my stomach is bad?”

So the girl took out a bottle of Medicine Pill from the alchemy and handed it over.

Helps digestion, but also cures stomach ache.


Chen Mu took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, picked up the chopsticks, and ate.

Fight for the beauty!

Although the man swears refreshingly, he is still quite worried.

No one thought that at this moment, the tantric sage suddenly came to grab Yun Zhiyue, adding a bit of uncertainty to the current situation.

There is no need to question the Cultivation Base of the Son of Tantric Buddhism, it must be of the top level.

Now that the Yin & Yang sect has no Tianjun to sit in, the remaining Elders don’t know if they can suppress the other’s arrogance.

No matter how powerful the Shao Si Ming was, it was unlikely that he would be the opponent of the Saint Child.

“The plan is not as good as the change. It seems that Zhiyue’s cultivation has to be hurry up. If it doesn’t work, then he can only send an army to grab it.”

Chen Mu struggled to swallow slices of bitter gourd and said softly. “It’s just that, Zhiyue will be charged with it.”

He grabbed the teacup, found that there was no water in the cup, put it back and said: “The Tantric is so arrogant, there is actually a sense of temptation, after all, the news of Tianjun Death sounds too incredible.

But now they have basically determined Tianjun Death, and the next thing is to make some transactions with Elder. If the transaction fails, they may rob Zhiyue. ”

Chen Mu’s analysis is still very reasonable.

The Shao Si Ming made tea, placed it beside the man’s hand intimately, and then listened quietly.

There is an inexplicable sense of harmony between husband and wife in this scene.

However, when she put down the tea cup, the man unconsciously grabbed the cup, but it was ‘unlucky’ that he caught the girl’s hand.

The young girl’s hands were soft and cold, like silk covered with fine pearl powder.

“Excuse me.”

Chen Mu naturally apologized and continued blankly. “If you really want to grab it, only we can stop it.

Fortunately, there is Xiao Luo, maybe she won’t fall into passiveness, right…”

Chen Mu turned his head and looked at the girl’s bright eyes and asked: “Where is the “Things Beyond Heaven” of your Yin & Yang sect. I guess Tantric comes this time, there may be other purposes besides Zhiyue.”

Shao Siming narrowed his phoenix eyes slightly and stared at him thoughtfully.

Chen Mu shrugged: “Don’t get me wrong, I’m not interested in your Yin & Yang Sect’s “Things from Heaven”, I’m just worried that the Saint Child will kill us all after snatching things from the Heavens. ”

Shao Siming shook his head, saying that he didn’t know.

Chen Mu frowned, held Shao Siming’s hand with concern, and said softly:

“From the fact that you helped Zhiyue, you still have a lot of sisterly affection for her, so to a certain extent, you are Zhiyue’s Little Sister, that is, my sister-in-law.

As my brother-in-law’s caring sister-in-law, it’s normal. Don’t be wary of me.

No, you can ask Wu Hualuo. As a brother-in-law, I have never touched her. I treat her as a relative, Little Sister. ”

The man had a sincere face and his eyes were extremely clear, he wanted to take out his heart to prove how gentle he was.

Let a ‘dumb’ ask the ‘dumb’ to get the answer.

Shao Siming looked at the hand held by the man, and the beautiful willow leaves frowned slightly.

Although she is ‘dumb’ like Wucai Luo, she has a normal mind after all, and she also understands what Chen Mu’s mind is.

What only puzzles her is, is the joy of men and women really that attractive?

Its role seems to be limited to fertility.

The girl remembered Yun Zhiyue’s sweet panting sound at night, which was a sound she had never heard from Da Si Ming.

It’s like a beautiful note, playing a movement that blends spirit and desire.

What is desire?

After all, the body is just a skin. What kind of enjoyment can it bring to the soul?

The girl was lost.

Somehow, Shao Siming became a little irritable inexplicably.

She took out the jade hand without leaving a trace, grabbed the chopsticks from the man’s other hand, and cleaned up the dishes on the table.

After doing this, she left the bamboo house.

He didn’t make any eye contact with Chen Mu from beginning to end.

Looking at the figure of the girl going away, Chen Mu whispered: “I don’t believe that there are really ruthless people in this world. If everyone is a stone girl like Xue Caiqing, then the world will be messed up.”

The man smelled his own hand, and said with emotion: “A man is cheap, and what he can’t get is always the most fragrant.”

Any man in the world wants to smear ink on a piece of white paper.

It’s like looking at the satisfaction after purity is destroyed.

Chen Mu leisurely sipped tea, but his eyes gradually became cold.

This tantric saint…damn it!

He closed his eyes and pondered for a long time, then a resolute line flashed across his eyes, and he walked to the bed and took off all his clothes.

Take the risk first to test the strength of the opponent, and then kill if you can kill!


Chen Mu’s skin began to gush out a fine black liquid, which slowly condensed into long tentacle lines, then turned and rolled up like hot oil, constantly squirming around all parts of the body.

In an instant, Chen Mu turned into a huge black monster.


His scarlet eyes carried a trace of clarity, and he opened a blood bowl full of hundreds of sharp teeth, and the candles in the room instantly went out and turned into darkness.


As the window opened, a dark shadow swept towards the night sky.

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