Chapter 455 Snatching Concubine Ming?

Tantra is one of the Buddhist sects.

Tantric Buddhism can be divided into two schools, one is the Tibetan realm and the other is the Vajra realm.

At this time, the Dayan Tantra who came to Yin & Yang sect was the fetal storage world, that is, the natural virtues of all living beings, and it holds all the virtues of Tathagata, such as the mother’s womb taking the baby, so it is called the fetal storage.

I remember that Tianjun made a deal with Tantric, so that the great Secretary ordered Yun Zhiyue to mate with Tantric Shengzi cultivation Yin & Yang.

The purpose is to obtain a volume of the Heavenly Dao scripture of Tantric Buddhism.

However, Yun Zhiyue had a strong temper, and he did not hesitate to abolish own Cultivation Base to resist, which made Tianjun give up.

I originally thought that Tantra would not be intersected with Yin & Yang Sect again. I never thought that Tianjun had just died here, so Tantric came to ask for the commander Yun Zhiyue, and even called him the “Ming Concubine”, which was quite in danger. mean.

Inside the Great Hall, the lights are bright.

Yin & Yang Zongda Elder had a sullen face, looking at the three monks sitting at the bottom, his fists hidden in his sleeves were slightly clenched.

The fan monk’s ears on the left are decorated with double rings. Although they look old, their muddy eyes are shining with dazzling luster, and a faint golden aura flows around him, like a sage.

This is the King of Bu Zang, and he has a high status in Tantric Buddhism.

The fan monk on the right is a middle-aged man with a gutter nose and a yellow cloth monk robe blowing windlessly on his tall and burly body.

No one knows his name, only that he is an attendant by the Son of God.

And in the middle is a young monk.

To say he was young, he looked quite weird, because his face looked like a child, and his skin was crystal clear.

Especially those eyes are clearly incomparably clear, but they have a magical charm.

This is the Son of Tantric Buddhism.

In the Great Yan Buddhist world, he and the Hongchen monk of Dawei Temple are called the two great Buddhas.

“The tantric sect is so big, just a few days after my Lord Tianjun passed away, you ran over in the middle of the night to forcibly demand the prisoner. Is it true that my Yin & Yang sect is so bullying?”

Elder made no secret of his sarcasm and anger.

By his side, there are the third Elder Lan Xiaowan and the fourth Elder of Yin & Yang sect.

Four Elder was thin, with a wine Calabash hanging from his waist, and his face looked drunk. He kept squinting his eyes, which made people wonder if he was asleep.

Lan Xiaowan’s beautiful eyes flowed, staring at the holy son as if thinking about something.

“Big Elder misunderstood.”

King Bo Zang raised his voice and laughed. “The poor monks and others came just to welcome the concubine Ming to return to Tantric, not to embarrass Yin & Yang sect.”

“Joke, when did my Yin & Yang Zongda order become your tantric concubine? What’s more, now Yun Zhiyue is the murderer who assassinated the heavenly monarch, how can it be easily handed over to you.”

Three Elder Lan Xiaowan said coldly.

King Bu Zang raised his sparse eyebrows and smiled faintly: “Everyone present knows in their hearts that Yun Zhiyue can’t kill Tianjun. She is just a scapegoat.”

“Whether Yun Zhiyue is the murderer, my Yin & Yang sect will naturally investigate it, but in any case, it has nothing to do with your Tantric sect.”

Hearing the other party’s words, Elder’s face turned faintly blue.

King Bu Zang gently shook his head: “One year ago, Tianjun made an agreement with my tantric sect, letting the great Secretary order Yun Zhiyue to dual cultivation with my tantric sage son, both for dual cultivation, and my tantric concubine, this matter I think you all know.”

“But then this agreement was cancelled.” Lan Xiaowan said.

King Bu Zang smiled slightly: “It’s just that your Yin & Yang sect unilaterally violated the agreement, but my tantric sect has not violated it. No matter what, Da Si Ming is the concubine of my tantric sect.”


The big Elder patted the table again.

The atmosphere in the hall instantly burned a little more depressed, and the swaying lanterns and candles swayed rhythmically from side to side, with killing intent lingering.

The three of the tantric saints looked plain, just sitting like this.

The momentum is tense.

At this time, a light footstep slowly approached.

The purple-clothed and purple-haired young man was like a half-opened violet, tinged with holiness and nobility in the dark light.

She stood quietly on the side of the hall, and stopped talking.

Gu Jing Bubo, the sacred son of Tantric Buddhism, finally got a little inexplicable smile on his face, turning his head to look at the girl.

His eyes are very clear.

No greed, no obscenity, no possession…just appreciation.

The Son didn’t look at it for too long before moving away.

He is not interested in the young man.

The son clasped his hands together, like a clear spring with a slightly magnetic voice slowly echoing in the hall: “The little monk wants to see the life of the big man.”

Elder frowned, glanced at Young Siming, and said lightly: “No, Da Siming is now being held, and outsiders can’t see her.”

“Just meet up and ask for a few words.”

Shengzi looked at Elder with a gentle smile. “The little monk will not intervene in Yin & Yang’s internal affairs.”

“If you say no, you can’t do it, are you deaf?”

Lan Xiaowan waved impatiently. “Get out of here quickly, my Yin & Yang sect does not welcome you!”

Shengzi was not angry with the other party’s arrogance.

On the contrary, the eyes of the attendant next to him showed a cold glow, and his hands formed a Tathagata Lotus flower seal.

Fayin burst out with an extremely dazzling light, a whirlwind suddenly rose within three feet, tables and chairs rumbling, and a substantial Killing intent surged out to envelop Lan Xiaowan.

“court death!”

Lan Xiaowanyu slapped her hands on the table, and her whole body burst out with thousands of rays of glowing rays of light that flew around to resist the opponent’s attack.

After a small cracking sound, Lan Xiaowan stepped back with a muffled sound.

Seeing the middle-aged fan monk bullying and rushing forward, a beautiful figure suddenly appeared in front of the monk, and Yingyingruyu’s little hand was hardly resisted, and it was printed on the middle-aged fan monk’s chest.

Green leaves are dancing, and a circle of Yin & Yang Tai Chi picture blooms on the opponent’s chest, bringing the sound of wind and thunder…


The middle-aged fan monk flew out, floating lightly beside the holy son.

He condensed his tiger eyes and stared at the petite young man in surprise. Then his hands clasped his hands together, and the monk’s robe waved with a hunting voice: “Deserving of the young man, the poor monk admires and admires him.”

Shao Siming was expressionless, turned around and returned to the previous position, standing quietly.

She is like an outsider, outside the world.

Lan Xiaowan smiled in gratitude at the youngest commander’s order. Seeing that the other party didn’t look at her, her expression became more complicated.

“Yin & Yang tactics too…”

The holy son lowered his eyes and murmured in contemplation. “It’s ruthless, it’s a pity.”

He turned to look at King Bo Zang next to him.

The King hesitated, waved out a gift, and said indifferently: “Since I can’t agree, then I will worship Lord Tianjun first. By the way, I will recite the scriptures for Lord Tianjun for three days. I think Elder won’t refuse. .”

Big Elder tapped his fingers lightly on the armrest, stared at the gift in the other’s hand, lost in thought.

Three days…

It seems that the other party intends to trade with him secretly.

Elder looked at the four Elder who was sleeping with drunken eyes and squinted, then glanced at the silent Lan Xiaowan, and finally turned his gaze on Young Siming, and asked softly: “Young Siming, what do you think?”

The natural response to him was silence.

Shao Siming did not leave any expressions or comments, Lianbu walked lightly and walked out of the Great Hall, always showing indifference.

Elder frowned, a gloomy flashing across his eyes.

He considered for a while, and finally reluctantly nodded and said to the holy son: “The chanting method is unnecessary, we don’t care about you. Since it is purely to worship, then my Yin & Yang Sect will naturally entertain.”

“Thank you Elder.”

The wrinkles at the corners of His Holiness Bu Zang’s eyes spread, and a smile appeared.

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