Chapter 430 I, Chen, is a gentleman!

Medicine Pill is only the size of a thumb, and is light white all over, with a hint of herbal fragrance.

This certainly cannot be poison.

However, Chen Mu knows very well that most people will inevitably fall into a coma after swallowing this Medicine Pill, and then when they wake up, they will find that they are already at the rudder.

The purpose of Xu Ruozhu’s doing this is to prevent him from divulging his route and location to the total rudder.

Unfortunately, Chen Mu is not an ordinary person.

He is basically invulnerable to all kinds of poisons with the protection of things from the outside world.

But in order to express his own dissatisfaction, Chen Mu pretended to be very unhappy and frowned, “What does Xu Ruozhu mean?”

Master Xu Ruo smiled faintly: “Although we will sincerely invite Master Chen Ruo to be a guest, Master Chen Ruo is still a member of the imperial court, so we cannot take such a big risk to let you know the position of Master Ruo. I hope that Lord Chen Ruo will forgive me if I can only make such a bad move.”

Chen Mu hesitated for a while, and finally took the Medicine Pill from the opponent.

“About how long?” Chen Mu asked.

Master Xu Ruo shook his head: “I’m sorry, I can’t tell you. Sometimes when I know the time, I will guess the approximate range, especially in front of a clever person like Chen Ruo. We have to be extremely cautious.”

“Huh, you look down on me.”

Chen Mu smiled, raised his head and swallowed Medicine Pill into his abdomen.

Medicine Pill melts at the entrance.

In order to make himself behave more realistically, he first quietly suppressed the alien from the sky, allowing the effect of the medicine to spread.


Chen Mu fell softly to the ground.

Of course, Xu Ruozhu is indeed a prudent person.

In order to verify whether Chen Mu really fell into a coma, she took out a slender and cold silver needle and pierced it towards the man’s eyebrows and gently twisted it.

A drop of blue liquid oozes from the end of the silver needle, slowly dripping into the wound…

This is a very strong toxin.

Although it can’t take a person’s life, it can make the other person experience unbearable pain. If there is no coma, there will be reactions and emotions.

It’s a pity that Lord Xu Ruo has counted everything, and he didn’t expect Chen Mu to have the existence of ‘Things Outside the Heaven’, which is basically invincible.

Toxins for Chen Mu, such as Pediatrics.

Seeing that there was no reaction on the man’s face, Xu Ruozhu relieved his heart and waved to the guard outside the door to come in.

At this time, the extraneous things in Chen Mu’s body began to clear the effect of the medicine.

Chen Mu’s consciousness began to recover. He could feel that he was being carried out of the room by two guards, then packed into a large box, and walked out of the courtyard.

Not long after, the box seemed to be placed on the carriage again.

The inside of the box is completely dark.

Although Chen Mu couldn’t see the situation outside, he could perceive that Lord Xu Ruo was sitting next to the box.

While adjusting his breath, he secretly recorded the route of the carriage.

For example, when the carriage is running smoothly, when it starts to bump, how big the bumps are, when the wheels turn, the carriage accelerates, and so on.

Chen Mu simply took out a small notebook and drew it.

About an hour or so, the carriage stopped suddenly.

“You two will carry the box up with me first, and the others will stay here.”

Xu Ruozhu’s cold voice sounded.


The guards responded.

With a sway, Chen Mu felt the box being lifted from the carriage by the guards. He quickly put away the notebook, closed his eyes and pretended to be unconscious.

But the destination is obviously still some distance away.

The two guards carried the box and walked for half a time before stopping. Judging from the occasional bumps and the sound of branches and leaves sweeping, Lord Xu Ruo and the others should have gone up the mountain at this moment.

Then waited quietly.

Time passed by like water, and there was silence all around.

Chen Mu had been listening quietly in the box, but he had never sensed any movement. If he could not detect the presence of someone outside the box, he would have thought that these guys threw him on the mountain and left.

Just as Chen Mu was waiting to be impatient, Master Xu Ruo’s voice sounded: “Let’s go.”

[Grandma’s bear finally left. 】

Chen Mu cursed secretly, but he also understood Xu Ruozhu’s behavior.

She just wanted to stay for a while on purpose, so that even after Chen Mu woke up, she couldn’t calculate the travel time correctly.

With such a concealed and cautious behavior, it is no wonder that the court has been unable to catch the chief rudder.

The box was lifted by the guard again.

About ten minutes or so, Chen Mu suddenly heard the sound of water. As the sound of water became clearer, he guessed that it should be a clear spring or something.

The box was also placed on a wooden board in the water, floating slowly.

Chen Mu silently calculated the time, and within three minutes, the box was lifted up again.

“Open the box.”

Master Xu Ruo’s voice came faintly again.

Chen Mu closed his eyes and disguised himself in a coma. After the box was opened, a cool breath came over his face, with a musky scent.

Chen Mu was lifted onto a chair, his legs and feet were all fixed.

It was another boring wait.

For nearly ten minutes, a slightly old but majestic voice came from the front: “Let him wake up.”

“Yes, father.”

As the footsteps approached, Chen Mu smelled a very stinky smell in his nose, like a smelly fish, which almost made him vomit out of disgust.

Chen Mu suppressed the urge to vomit and pretended to wake up slowly.

He frowned first, and subconsciously wanted to stretch his limbs, only to find that his body was fixed, he looked around.

This is a rather luxurious Great Hall.

The Great Hall seems to be a few years old, and the surroundings are extremely empty. Except for some strange Vajra Bodhisattva sculptures, the most eye-catching thing is the curtain of water falling on all sides.

The sound of the trickling water is very slight, and it sounds like music when you listen carefully, giving people a relaxed and happy feeling.

It feels like being in a dragon palace.

And above the Great Hall, is a majestic dragon chair.

The most mysterious head of the Tiandihui Club was sitting on the dragon chair at this time, with a curtain made of bamboo in front of him, and he was vaguely visible that his figure was very burly.

Through the gap of the bamboo curtain, he could see a golden mask on his face.

[This guy really wants to be an emperor. 】

Chen Mu secretly complained.

He struggled a few times, and looked at the Lord Xu Rudder next to him with a wry smile: “It doesn’t have to be this way, can I still assassinate the Lord Rudder with my ability?”

Master Xu Rudder smiled slightly: “This is the rule. Anyone who sees Master Rudder has to do this.”

Chen Mu had a different idea in his mind.

It is said that the strength of the chief rudder is top in the entire Great Yan Dynasty, so defensive, not in line with the style of a super master.


He was seriously injured!

Thinking of this, Chen Mu stared at the old man on the dragon chair, and said directly: “I have always heard that the rudder master was seriously injured to snatch the treasure. Now it seems…it should be true.”

Facing Chen Mu’s direct inquiry, the chief rudder did not respond, but waved his hand: “Bring them in.”


Chen Mu frowned.

But the next scene left him speechless.

I saw a dozen stunning women wearing glamorous gauze skirts entering the Great Hall. These women have their own characteristics, innocent, glamorous, young and mature…

And from the perspective of the old driver Chen Mu, these women are pure bodies.

Anyone outside can arouse many men’s pursuit.

“Master Chen Ruo, do you still like this small meeting gift?”

The master rudder said lightly.

Chen Mu’s face sank, and he sneered: “Is Chen, who is the kind of greedy and beautiful person in the eyes of the chief rudder? Just use this to test the court ordering officer?”

The Great Hall is quiet.

Master Xu Ruo’s expression was a little stiff, and he squeezed out a smile to explain something, but he heard Chen Mu say: “Which cadre can withstand such a test?”

He smiled brightly: “I have to say…it’s so accurate to see people!”

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