Chapter 429 Lao Ji is very ambitious!

Another two days passed in the blink of an eye.

Originally, Chen Mu thought that the little emperor would summon him, but he did not expect that the other party would secretly return to the capital the next day with his personal guards.

But think about it as it should be.

After all, as an emperor, it is really wrong to leave Beijing secretly. If anything happens, no one can afford it.

But the strange thing is that the Queen Mother is still in Dongzhou.

I don’t know what idea this girl made.

Chen Mu had lunch on this day, so he put on a mask and went to Nan Feng Ruo to meet Xu Ruozhu, because the other party had previously said that he would take him to Zong Ruo and meet the rumored Zong Ruo.

Entering Nan Feng Ruo, the first thing Chen Mu saw was Mrs. Shi.

The woman’s dress is still as coquettish as before, and her bare neck is dazzling with pale skin, and there is a pair of pretense that I am Pan Jinlian everywhere, and I don’t know if I have stolen a few more men.

After seeing Chen Mu, Madam Shi smiled and said, “Oh, isn’t this the master Chen Ruo? The slave family thought you were back to Beijing.”

“Where is your chief commander?”

Chen Mu asked.

Madam Shi’s eyebrows frowned, and she scanned her surroundings. Seeing that there was no one around, she lowered her voice slightly: “Dasi Ming didn’t come back since he left with you last time. It should be Yin & Yang sect.”

Back to Yin & Yang Sect?

What’s the urgent matter, and left without even having time to say hello?

Chen Mu asked again: “Then what about your mission to the Tiandihui? Aren’t you going to see the master of the rudder? Just gave up?”

Mrs. Shi said: “The task has actually been completed. We just want to know the injury of the chief rudder owner, what exactly he intends to do with the treasure, and who provided him with clues, these are now clear.”

“Clear? How about the chief rudder’s injury?” Chen Mu asked curiously.

But the woman laughed and said nothing.

Obviously she didn’t fully trust Chen Mu, and Yun Zhiyue had not mentioned the relationship between the two.

Chen Mu didn’t ask forcefully, and changed the subject: “Then you still stay here?”

“Of course I have to stay.”

Madam Shi’s jade hand stroked Chen Mu’s chest and smiled. “The slave family was originally the wife of the Master of Heaven and Earth Huishi, if you don’t stay here, is it possible to stay in Master Chen Ruo’s room?”

“Where is Hall Master Shi?”

Facing the woman’s teasing, Chen Mu waved away and asked.

Madam Shi condensed the charm on her face, and said with no good air: “Who knows where that guy went to drink, or go to the kiln again.”

“I think you should be more careful, now the world will be investigating dissidents, you are so high-profile, sooner or later something will happen.”

Chen Mu kindly reminded.

After all, it is the subordinate of her own woman, and it is not what she wants to see if something goes wrong.

Madam Shi smiled and said, “Does Master Chen Ruo care about others? Don’t worry, the slave family has been hiding in this place for almost ten years, and knows better than anyone how to be cautious.”

“That’s good.”

Chen Mu smiled and headed towards the small courtyard of Xu Ruozhu.

When he walked halfway, Chen Mu suddenly saw Ji Wuming appear not far away. The latter gave him a wink and turned to the backyard.

Chen Mu’s heart moved and followed.

The two entered one after another into the wood room that had been secretly connected before. Chen Mu patted the dust on his shoulder and smiled:

“I originally planned to use you to cover my identity. I didn’t expect the people of the Tiandihui to see through me. It’s useless for you to stay here now. It’s better to take your wife and children and Murong Miss to find a place to live in seclusion. ”

Ji Wuming’s handsome face was expressionless, and he only said one sentence: “Heaven and Earth will give up Nan Feng Ruo.”

Chen Mu said, “This is normal. The previous Nanfeng Rudder was in a mess. Heaven and Earth would have given it up a long time ago. Now that Lord Murong Rudder is dead, there is no need to stay.”

“So I plan to develop Nanfeng Rudder independently with Murong Miss.”

Ji Wuming said.

Chen Mucan frowned: “What do you mean?”

Ji Wuming said: “Although Lord Murong Ruo died, some loyal subordinates remained, and these subordinates are now loyal to Miss Murong.

If Tiandi were to abandon Nanfeng Rudder, they would definitely kill everyone. It is very likely that Miss Murong will not be spared either. So I thought about it, it’s better to develop independently and build a new force secretly, which may help you in the future.

Especially the current Dongzhou has gone through another chaos, and many forces have already poured in. If we don’t take the initiative to attack now, we won’t get anything. ”

After listening to the other party’s words, Chen Mu looked at Ji Wuming, a handsome guy with big eyebrows and big eyes with weird eyes.

I didn’t expect this product to be so ambitious.

Chen Mu is not a fool.

Although the other party said that he wanted to build a force to help Murong Da Miss protect himself, in fact the metaphor was to create a new anti-inflammatory force.

And Chen Mu, the leader of the anti-inflammatory forces.

“Brother Ji, actually I think–”

“The humble post now knows that you are a descendant of Young Master Longpanshan.”

Ji Wuming interrupted Chen Mu and said softly. “No matter how much you do for the court, this identity is destined to put you on the opposite side of the court.

If you lose your power at that time, what will you do to protect yourself?

Even if you are able to protect yourself, what about the woman next to you? Are you sure to let them spend the rest of their lives safely?

Could it be Wang Tu in the whole world, you can’t hide it, and you can’t hide it. People must control their destiny in their own hands to be qualified to give life to the family around them. ”

Chen Mu was speechless for a while.

The other party’s words were in his heart.

Whether it’s licking the emperor’s thigh or licking the thigh of the queen dowager, it is after all a chess piece in the hands of others.

When the chess pieces are useless, they lose everything.

Chen Mu looked outside through the crack in the door, and brought Ji Wuming into the shadows and asked in a low voice, “So what is your plan?”

“The humble post is going to take people out of here first, Ping’er…Miss Murong has found a suitable place, let’s go there for development first.”

Ji Wuming said. “As for the Lord, you can continue to be in the court to facilitate the exchange of information.”

With that said, Ji Wuming took out a stack of letter paper and handed it to Chen Mu: “These are some plans, please take a look at them.”

Chen Mu quickly scanned a few pages and put it in the storage space, looking at Ji Wuming: “Yes, Lao Ji, who was born to be an anti-thief. Can you guarantee to leave here safely?”


Ji Wuming nodded.

Chen Mu lowered his head and thought for a while, then patted him on the shoulder and said, “Okay, since you have a plan, then don’t worry about it. I will bear it for you behind, and be careful about everything.”

Ji Wuming smiled: “I know.”

After the confession, Chen Mu and Ji Wuming separated and came to the house of Master Xu Ruo.

Chen Mu didn’t expect that the dignified White Emperor Sacred Sword actually planned to help him secretly establish an anti-inflammatory force, and he was a little touched by the jokes in his heart.

These years, there are not many such loyal and capable subordinates.

Especially this subordinate is still for nothing.

Come on, let him toss.

Chen Mu thought secretly.

After Xu Ruo’s guard at the main entrance made a report, Chen Mu was allowed to enter the house.

In the room, Master Xu Ruo had a leisurely mood to draw in front of the desk, and he drew an ordinary landscape map.

The pen is graceful and graceful, quite pleasant.

It is a pity that the opponent is a tank body, which is somewhat a pity.

Otherwise, relying on Chen Mu’s charming appearance and pick-up tricks, he can get the talents of the Tiandihui, and finally easily control the Tiandihui, do I need to build another force?

But this kind of woman is very suitable for Zhang Awei.

Just as Chen Mu was thinking about it, Xu Duozhu said without looking up: “Chen Duozhu has spent the past two days very leisurely.”

“It’s okay, a few women slept.”

Chen Mu said.

Lord Xu Ruo laughed: “I don’t know the Lord Vermillion Bird in your family, let you not touch it.”

“I’m probably pregnant.” Chen Mu shrugged.

He didn’t lie, he had irrigated a lot of fertilizer for Bai Xianyu in the past two days, just to get a baby.

But this word fell in the ears of Xu Ruozhu, and the other party did not believe it at all.

She put down the pen gently, blew the ink on the painting, looked up at Chen Mu and asked, “Have you told your wife about your identity as a descendant of the anti-thief in Longpanshan?”

“Said, but she doesn’t believe it.”

Here Chen Mu didn’t tell the truth, but fooled each other half-truth.

Master Xu Ruo frowned, shook his head and sighed: “Sometimes I really don’t understand Master Chen, you like to put yourself in danger. You are so sure…The court will let you climb to the peak of power?”

Chen Mu avoided answering, and asked, “Aren’t you going to take me to see the master rudder?”


Master Xu Ruo took out a Medicine Pill and handed it to Chen Mu. “Before meeting the chief rudder, please trouble Master Chen to eat this Medicine Pill. Don’t worry, it will definitely not be poisonous.”

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