Chapter 409 Escape from the dust-free village!

The atmosphere was suddenly rattled.

Looking at the old Ge Pao and other villagers who suddenly appeared, Ya Ya Qiao’s face changed suddenly, with a bit of fear: “The village… the village chief.”

This old man Ge Pao is the current village head of Wuchen Village.

At this moment, he looked at Chen Mu like a bloodthirsty eagle falcon, gloomy and extremely cold: “I don’t care who you are, what is the purpose of coming to Wuchen Village, now put the bottle down and get out of me!”

“Sir Village Chief,”

Yaya said bitterly. “Master Chen is a guest of the witch, he—”

“shut up!”

The village chief stared at Yaya with disgust. “As a Wuchen villager, but brought an outsider to steal our things, after returning today, you girl must be punished by family rules!”

Hearing the words “family rule punishment”, the girl’s delicate face instantly seemed to have been painted with a layer of white paint, which was frighteningly white.

She knelt on the ground quickly, her body trembling:

“Master village chief, I…we are not stealing things, Mr. Chen, he…he is not a thief!”

Chen Mu frowned, pulled the girl up forcibly, and stared at the village chief coldly and said: “You keep saying that you are oppressed by the devil and you have to come to this place. But you obviously have a way to deal with the devil, why don’t you need a purification bottle? Why watch the villagers sacrifice their lives in vain.”

“This is not something you should take care of. Leave the bottle and get out of here for the old man! Our Wuchen Village does not welcome you!”

The village chief said coldly.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Chen Mu’s mouth: “Because you want to live forever, every generation of witches has the secret of immortality. Once they die, this secret will disappear.

You turned Zhen Zhen into a witch, but you didn’t know that she was a demon. It was too late to find out.

But if you purify the devil, you will most likely not get the secret of immortality, so you dare not take this risk. ”

Listening to Chen Mu’s words, the village head’s face was full of dry land and the wrinkles deepened a little bit, and he said lightly: “You are indeed very smart, but if you are replaced by you, you will do the same.”

Chen Mu shook his head: “I won’t do this, because I don’t believe that there is immortality in this world.”

“If you don’t believe it, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. It’s just that you are ignorant.”

The village chief clenched his fists, his voice slightly hoarse. “You don’t understand Wuchen Village at all, and you don’t understand Goddess Wuma at all. She was an eternal existence back then!”

“What about now? Where is the goddess Wuma?” Chen Mu asked.

Seeing the village chief’s silence, Chen Mu smiled slightly: “The Goddess Wuma is indeed still alive, but she lives in your hearts.

Because the fear she planted in your hearts is too strong, causing you to still dare not get out of her shadow. You even made up a fictional water god, intending to find comfort in your heart, but it is a pity…you are really too scared of her.

Even this mausoleum, you dare not destroy half a point, even a lifeless statue, you don’t have the guts to touch…”

“Shut up!!”

The village chief and a few other villagers who seemed to be guards all burst into anger and stared at Chen Mu angrily.

They are like losers who have been stabbed in pain, and can only cover up their own emotions with anger.

Chen Mu sighed and shook his head with a pitying look: “Look at you now. You are talking about resisting the goddess Wuma, but you still worship her in your heart. This also leads you to really mistakenly believe that there is immortality in this world.

Mr. Village Chief, I can kindly persuade you to stop obsessing with those illusory things.

Human life is inherently short, so it’s a pity that it was wasted.

Purify the devil and live your life peacefully, which is good for everyone. ”

Yaya beside her pleadingly said to the village head: “Master village head, Mr. Chen is right. We can’t be trapped here forever. Even if we really live forever, what’s the point. I want to go outside.” Look, I want to go back to the previous Life, I don’t want to be like this anymore…”

Facing the girl’s pleading, the village head still looked cold.

He raised his hand slightly, and several village guards behind him stepped forward and surrounded Chen Mu and Yaya.

“Since you refuse to put the bottle down, then you can stay together!”

The village chief looked at Yaya again, with a trace of disgust in his eyes. “Yah, can’t you come?”

The girl bit her vermilion lip and didn’t know what to do for a while.

Chen Mu looked at the surrounding village guards, shook his head and smiled: “You don’t really think you can keep me.”

But in the next second, Chen Mu’s expression suddenly changed.

Feeling the powerful pressure erupting from these guards, it was like the pressure of a large mountain out of thin air, making the breath also feel a little oppressive.

Obviously, these people are very strong.

“They are the descendants of the guards of the goddess Wuma,” the village chief said indifferently. “Even in the outside world, their strength is weaker than those top cultivators.”

As soon as the voice fell, the guards rushed towards Chen Mu.

Sure enough, even if Chen Mu had a ‘Things Outside the Heaven’ body, it would still be difficult to suppress them with pure force. What’s more, in the temple, his ‘Things from Heaven’ seems a little sluggish.

After a few rounds, Chen Mu was forced by several guards to retreat steadily.

“These guys don’t seem to feel pain, just like puppets, too powerful.”

Looking at the guard whose arm was stabbed, Chen Mu didn’t have the slightest expression of pain. Chen Mu became more and more frightened, knowing that he would be caught sooner or later, so he could only secretly think about the plan to get out.

“My lord village, tell them not to fight anymore. I am willing to accept the punishment of the clan rules, please.”

Seeing that Chen Mu was suppressed, Yaya ran to the village chief to plead.

But the latter did not look at her at all, and pushed the girl to the ground: “Go away! Eat something inside and out!”


At this moment, Great Hall suddenly shook violently, which shocked everyone.

The village chief looked terrified, and subconsciously looked at the stone statue of the goddess Wuma sitting on the dragon chair. He was relieved when he saw that the stone statue did not move.


The girl’s voice of surprise suddenly sounded.

Everyone turned their heads and looked around, but saw an old man approaching the door.

It was Yaya’s grandfather.

I saw him holding up a translucent bead resembling a crystal ball, and stopped when he was ten meters away from the crowd.

“Old man Feng, what are you doing!?”

The village chief was frightened and angry.

The old man Feng glanced over Yaya, fixed on Chen Mu, and said lightly: “Lord Village Lord, let them go.”

“Hmph, it’s not your turn to speak here! Your granddaughter has broken the clan rules over and over again, and your old man has an unshirkable responsibility!”

The village chief scolded angrily.

The old man Feng smiled and sighed: “I, the old man, will bear the clan rules that Yaya committed, but…you have to let them go.”


The girl’s eyes were red, both guilty and sad.

Seeing the village chief staring at the bead in his hand, the old man Feng smiled and said, “I stole this thing from Master Miko, and you must know it. If I throw it down, this Great Hall will probably be gone.”

The village head’s face was uncertain, and he sneered: “It’s not good if it’s gone, we don’t need this place anyway.”

“Really? If this temple is blown up and the goddess Wuma is resurrected, then you and I will become sinners.”

Old man Feng said with a smile.


The village chief trembled with anger, and was speechless for a while.

Want to let the guards to snatch, but look at the old man Feng’s posture that you dare to snatch me and throw away, for a while, he dared not move rashly.

Old man Feng stared at Chen Mu: “Smelly boy, why don’t you take the girl? I have repaired the passage. Can you go out later? It’s up to you to be good fortune.”

“Thank you senior.”

Chen Mu arched his cupped hands and helped Yaya to walk outside the hall.


The girl burst into tears, but she was stared by the old man when she tried to rush over. “Go!”

Chen Mu half hugged the girl and forcibly led her towards the gate of the palace.

The village chief tried to let the guards chase him several times, but saw that the old man Feng had a tendency to throw him down, so he stopped the order.

He stamped his foot and said angrily: “Old man Feng, do you know what that bottle means? We lost our last hole cards.”

The old man Feng said: “You don’t need it anyway, just lose it.”


The village chief wanted to vomit blood out of anger.

Walking to the gate of the palace, Chen Mu looked back at Old Man Feng with a complicated expression: “Old man, I will come back to save you.”

After speaking, he quickly left the temple with Yaya.

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