Chapter 408 Is Xiao Xuan’er Saved?

This is a small river bed that has dried up.

The surrounding trees and grass are sparse, with a bit of depression, only the smell of durian floating in the air.

Chen Mu wondered why Yaya brought him to this place.

It belongs to the border of the village.

Farther out, Chen Mu could feel the existence of the barrier, completely enclosing the village.

Looking at the beautiful and lovely girl, Chen Mu wondered if this girl wanted to do some sports outside the scope of friendship in the wild.

If this is the case, then he…can only accept it reluctantly.

But Chen Mu was obviously too worried.

Yaya glanced nervously, lowered her voice and said to Chen Mu in a low voice, “Master Chen, when I went to deliver a needle and thread to Aunt Wang last month, I happened to see the village chief and the witch-sama leading a few people out of the village. Then I secretly followed. But after following here, they disappeared.”


Chen Mu twitched his eyebrows and looked around.

Generally speaking, if so many people disappear suddenly, it means that there is a secret path here.

Yaya continued: “I told Grandpa about this, but Grandpa scolded me badly and beat me…”

The girl rolled up her sleeves, and there was a shallow red mark and some scars on her white snowy arms. It could be seen that the old man was playing very hard.

Chen Mu looked at the wronged girl and smiled: “You girl always can’t be idle, and sooner or later you will cause trouble to the villagers.”

Yaya pursed her ruddy little mouth: “People are just curious.”

She suddenly leaned forward: “Do you think the village chief and the others have access to the second-dimensional world? They are hiding here. Maybe we can leave secretly.”

Chen Mu said: “I’ll look for it first.”

The girl was asked to guard outside first to prevent people from coming. Chen Mu carefully checked around the riverbed and secretly released the “things outside the sky”.

After about ten minutes, Chen Mu finally sensed something unusual.

He came to a place that was slightly flat, placed his palm on the ground gently, and traces of black liquid slowly clung to the ground, and finally a round stone with the size of a palm appeared.

Chen Mu held the stone and pressed it down hard.

Amid the rumbling, strands of black mist suddenly seeped out from the ground, condensed in front of him and continued to surround it, forming a door.

“This…this shouldn’t really be the passage to the second dimension world.”

Yaya, who heard the movement, ran over, with a surprised expression on her face.

She tried to reach out and touch, but was stopped by Chen Mu.

Chen Mu said: “I don’t know if there is any danger inside, you are waiting outside, I will go in and have a look.”

“No, I’ll go with you!” The girl took the man’s arm.

Seeing the girl’s persistence, Chen Mu didn’t persuade him, and said lightly: “Just follow me, don’t touch or run around.”


Ya Ya nodded his head hard.

Entering the secret door condensed by the black mist, what appeared in front of Chen Mu and the two was an ancient palace.

There are many statues in the palace hall. These statues are all kneeling on the ground, and a woman sitting on the dragon chair directly above is also a statue, lifelike.

Seeing this scene, the expression on Chen Mu’s face suddenly became very strange.

He has been here because of this place.

The last time I came to Wuchen Village with Niangzi and Manjiaye, I broke into this place, and it was Zha Zhuxiang who brought them here.

Suddenly these statues were alive at that time. Fortunately, Cha Zhuxiang appeared in time.

“What place is this.”

Yaya looked at this gloomy palace timidly, her small face turned pale, and she subconsciously hugged Chen Mu’s arm.

Chen Mu said: “These stone statues should have belonged to the villagers of the former Wuchen village. At that time, the goddess Wuma was still and ruled these villagers. And this palace should be a mausoleum, similar to Qin Shihuang…”

Realizing that this girl didn’t know Qin Shihuang, Chen Mu changed the subject: “Did you take anything with the village chief when they entered?”

Yaya shook her head: “It seems that I didn’t take anything.”

Chen Mu stared at the stone statue in front of him thoughtfully.

Why did the village chief and the witch come to this place, and what are they doing?

At this time, Yaya turned her eyes, looked at the goddess Wumo sitting on the Great Hall dragon chair, and stepped forward and said, “I saw her in the temple, and she-oops!”

Before the girl had finished speaking, she suddenly screamed, her feet were suddenly empty, and she fell downward.

Fortunately, Chen Mu, who was next to him, had quick eyes and quick hands. He grabbed the girl’s arm and lifted her up.

I saw a deep hole on the ground.

Yaya was in shock, because she was afraid that her legs were a little weak, so she wouldn’t collapse when she was half hugged in Chen Mu’s arms.

“Look, I told you not to run around.”

Chen Mu patted the girl’s pink back lightly, and a burst of Spirit Power was injected into the girl’s body.

The latter suddenly felt a warm current rushing into the limbs, and the frightened emotion gradually settled down, and he could barely stand by himself, with his pale lips trembling slightly.

Chen Mu stared at the deep and secluded pothole on the ground, faintly seeing a little light flashing below.

“Stay and don’t move, I’ll go down and take a look.”

Chen Mu signaled Yaya to step back, but the girl clung to his arm and shook her head, and said pitifully, “I’m afraid.” It seemed that only Chen Mu could make her rely on at this moment.

Helpless, Chen Mu grabbed the girl’s waist and jumped into the pit.

After falling into the pit, the two found that it was a rather delicate small house, about three square meters.

On the stone table on the side of the cabin, there was a golden box.

Chen Mu was about to step forward and suddenly stopped.

He stared at the sides of the wall, took out a short blade and threw it towards the wooden table.

The tough steel knife broke into several pieces instantly, as if it were pieces of paper.

Chen Mu’s pupils contracted, and he squatted down to check carefully, only to see thin silk-like transparent threads pulled on the walls on both sides of the wooden table. If you don’t look closely, you really can’t find it.

If he rushed forward recklessly just now, I’m afraid the person would have been cut into pieces.

Chen Mu took a breath and released the aliens to clean up all the silk threads on the wall.

After confirming that there were no other traps, he walked over.

Opening the box on the table, it turned out to be a porcelain statue, and the statue was a woman who was pregnant in October.

On the woman’s swollen belly, some weird runes are circled.

Chen Mu picked up the porcelain bottle and looked at it for a while, and murmured: “From the spirit power it contains, this should be a Magic Treasures, and I don’t know what it is for.”

“There are words on the box!” Yaya suddenly shouted.

Chen Mu’s gaze fell, and as expected, there were dense small prints written on the golden box. After reading these small prints, his face faintly showed excitement and doubts.

Purification bottle! ?

According to the recorded content, this porcelain Magic Treasures is called a purification bottle, which is used to purify the evil spirits of the body.

It was a treasure owned by the goddess Witch.

Any evil spirit in the world can use it to purify it, and then take it into the temple, under the divine power of the goddess, it is like returning to the mother’s womb and reborn.

“Strange, since Wuchen Village has this Magic Treasures, why didn’t it use it on the devil back then?”

Chen Mu didn’t understand.

Either this Magic Treasures may not work, or…the people in Wuchen Village don’t want to purify the devil!

Why don’t they want to purify the demon?

“Let’s go, let’s go out.”

Chen Mu didn’t think much, put the purification bottle into the storage space, and grabbed the girl out of the pit.

Returning to the Great Hall, Chen Mu continued his investigation.

Last time these stone statues were suddenly resurrected, but now these stone statues are very stable, just pieces of lifeless stones.

When Chen Mu came to the goddess Wumo on the dragon chair, he accidentally caught a glimpse of an ancient book carved from stone.

The strange thing is that Chen Mu can open it from the middle.

“This is a record about the witch…”

Chen Mu’s eyes flickered slightly, and he scanned the words carefully. “According to traditional rituals, the selected witches have the secret of immortality. Once the witches die, this secret will disappear. So it must be passed on to the next generation of witches…”

After reading this, Chen Mu’s brain flashed, and he suddenly understood something.

He looked at Yaya’s clear face and said: “In fact, your Wuchen Village has long been able to purify the devil, but has not done so because once the devil dies, the secret of immortality in her will disappear. .”

The girl blinked her bright eyes, a little dazed: “You mean, that demon actually has a way to return to normal?”

Chen Mu nodded: “That’s right.”

He took out the purification bottle, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: “This is luck. With this bottle, Xiao Xuan’er will be saved.”

“Put down the bottle to the old man!”

When the two were talking, a group of people suddenly appeared in the Great Hall. It was a few villagers from Wuchen Village.

At the forefront was a fifty-year-old Ge Pao old man, of medium build and extremely sharp eyes.

He pointed to the purification bottle in Chen Mu’s hand and said coldly: “Say it again, put the bottle down!”

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