My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 423: walking cash machine

Chapter 423 The Walking Cash Machine

"Mingxuan, don't be polite, just treat it like one of your own."

“You and Xiao Yu’er are engaged, and you and Shi Cheng are also in the same family. You are also brothers. You can play together if you have nothing to do on weekdays.”

 “Our two families are one family.”

 “They are all in-laws.” The old lady smiled.

"What kind of in-laws are three years old? She's not a child bride!" Mrs. Xu suppressed her anger and spoke forcefully.

The old lady paused, with a hint of displeasure in her eyes.

 “Marriage on the fingertips, what is it but a family?”

“Mingxuan has a dignified appearance, a measured approach and retreat, and is known for his talent at a young age.”

"Go to the outer courtyard and take a look. Mu'er is a big man, and it is inevitable that he will not care about details. Go and help him." The old lady sent Xu out directly.

Xu family then withdrew.

The old lady didn’t want to talk about it anymore. She just smiled and said, “In three days, an immortal will come to test the spiritual roots. Mingxuan seems to have spiritual energy. Do you want to participate this time?”

  Qu Youran shook his head.

“The eldest brother was chosen at a young age and has been away from home for decades. The two elders in the family miss him terribly.”

"Mingxuan is only six or seven years old now. Regardless of whether he has spiritual roots or not, the two elders want to stay with them for a few more years. Let's wait until next time..." Mrs. Wen glanced at her son. Life has been in such a hurry for decades. When the child comes back, Maybe she has already been buried.

 Let her be a selfish mother and keep him by her side for ten years.

Old Mrs. Jiang took a sip of tea, she was really a woman.

However, she also guessed it.

This child of the Wen family was stupid before he was three years old, but now he has finally returned to normal, and the family will definitely be reluctant to leave him.

"Mingxuan is well-behaved and sensible. It would be nice to keep him for a few more years. I can't bear to see this child."

"The Wen family is not like the Jiang family. You have Mr. Wen working hard in the sect, so you can rest assured. Even our Jiang family can only point to Shi Cheng now." The old lady patted Jiang Shicheng's hand.

“This kid works hard, but I don’t know if he has the opportunity and talent.”

“It would be great if I could find a marrow-cleansing pill.” The old lady seemed to have no intention of saying it.

Mrs. Wen took a sip of tea, frowned and said nothing.

 The Wen family has Marrow Cleansing Pill, which is known to many people in the capital.

 Xu knew nothing about the outer court.

 Until night, the party dispersed.

 She realized something was wrong only after the Wen family sent someone to deliver something.

"Marrow Cleansing Pill? Why did she send the Marrow Cleansing Pill?" Mrs. Xu's heart skipped a beat. When they were planning to get married, the Wen family had said that they would give the Marrow Cleansing Pill as a betrothal gift to their future daughter-in-law.

 But Xiao Yuer is only three years old now!

Baoyue saw Mrs. Xu's gloomy expression and said, "Say yes, give the betrothal gift in advance!"

 “Nonsense, it’s not like selling your daughter, how can you still give a bride price in advance?” Besides, if a bride price is really received, wouldn’t the little fish be just like sold?

 Poor families would exchange their daughters for money. The only difference now is that the little fish is kept at home.

 What is the difference between this and selling?

Xu's face looked ugly and she immediately stood up.

 “I’m going to find the old lady.”

"Madam, the eldest, second, third, and old master are all in the front yard right now." Baoyue wanted to stop her, but she couldn't stop her from frightening Xu with her anger.

“They just plotted against my little fish! They took the Marrow Cleansing Pill, have they ever thought about what to do with my fish? How will she be seen by others?”

 Xu was crying and running at the same time.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the front yard, he was stopped by a servant.

“Madam, I have something important to discuss right now.”

 “Get away!” Xu kicked the person away.

"Jiang Mu, you sell your daughter for glory, are you still not a human being? You bastard, why do you do this! You want to harm my fish!" Mrs. Xu roared and cursed.

Jiang Mu's face turned blue.

“It’s her honor that someone with long hair and short knowledge can exchange for the marrow-cleansing pill for the Jiang family! Shicheng is talented, and if he gets better, then our Jiang family will get better,” Jiang Mu scolded angrily.

 “Someone, please hold this shrew down.”

“Jiang Mu, you are not going to die well. Xiao Yu’er is only three years old, so you sold her to Wen Mingxuan!” Mrs. Xu’s disheveled hair looked like a crazy woman.

 There are only three days left until the day to test the spiritual roots, and the Jiang family cannot afford to wait for a moment.

Jiang Shicheng stood beside the old lady, his eyes falling on the little girl behind Mrs. Xu.

 Three years later, this was the first time he saw Jiang Xiaoyu. "Whatever is for sale is originally his wife's marriage, which was arranged long ago."

 “Don’t say it so harshly.”

“She is lucky to be able to exchange for the Marrow Cleansing Pill.”

The old lady and the old man glanced at Xu and her daughter with indifferent expressions. Seeing that Xu was tied up, the old lady said again.

“Open an altar to worship the ancestors, and then use the marrow-cleansing pill.”

The old lady’s voice was trembling as she spoke.

"Marrow Cleansing Pill, Marrow Cleansing Pill, you will be punished by God. You will have retribution." Mrs. Xu was pinned to the ground.

"Yu'er, my poor fish." Mrs. Xu wanted to pull Xiao Yu'er, but Xiao Yu'er stared blankly at the jade pendant sent by the Wen family.

 Xu was so sad that she cried even harder.

What evil has her fish done? They met the Wen family.

As soon as he saw the Wen family, he would run towards Wen Mingxuan like a puppet on strings.

 Looking at the Wen family's jade pendant, they all giggled.

“Shicheng, take the medicine.” Jiang Mu opened the sandalwood box, revealing a round marrow cleansing pill with a hint of light.

Jiang Shicheng took a deep breath and picked up the marrow-cleansing pill.

 You can feel a warm breath.

 He is indeed the son of destiny.

 This marrow-cleansing pill obviously belonged to Wen Mingxuan ten years later, but now it belongs to him.

 He is the son of destiny!

 The Marrow Cleansing Pill melts immediately in the mouth, turning into a stream of pure power pouring into the belly.

In an instant, he clearly saw three rays of light appearing around him. He turned out to be three spiritual roots.

 But now, when the Marrow Cleansing Pill enters the mouth, the light green gradually fades away.

 Double spiritual roots!

Jiang Shicheng was extremely happy. He continued to absorb spiritual energy, and the spiritual energy around him became more and more abundant.

 His spiritual roots are still being refined.

“Blessed by Bodhisattva, is this the aura from the legend of our ancestors?” The aura attracted by it caused the vegetation in the courtyard to grow wildly and the flowers and plants to bloom.

Xiao Yuer sniffed.

 Oh, she's hallucinating again.

 The sky is filled with bright little stars.

She stretched out her hand and wiped it, and the spiritual energy floating calmly in the air suddenly came straight towards her.

 I saw the spiritual energy in the world going crazy towards her.

Jiang Shicheng was suddenly startled. The surroundings were dark. Where was the aura?

Before he had time to react, he saw that the spiritual energy he had finally breathed back suddenly surged outward violently.

 And the center of the aura…

  It is **** fish.

The little fish holding the jade pendant is like a treasure. The moment it touches the spiritual energy, it seems that an invisible shackles are broken.

 Her eyes gradually regained their clarity.

He lowered his head and glanced at the jade pendant, then threw it on the grass like a broken stone.

Jiang Shicheng was stunned.

 Don't run, don't run, Reiki, don't run.

 No, why is his spiritual root starting to wither?

 His spiritual roots are beginning to wither!

 The spiritual energy he had clearly touched suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Jiang Shicheng's eyes widened, but at this moment, his spiritual energy was disordered and he couldn't say a word. The Jiang family were all mortals, and they couldn't understand this change.

 He only vaguely understood.

 He seems not to be the son of destiny.

 He is a cash machine.

 It’s a walking health recovery bag!

 (End of this chapter)

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