My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 422: The power of destiny

Chapter 422 The power of fortune telling

 “Little miss, run slowly, run slowly…”

 “Be careful of falling!”

"Hey, hey, don't climb the tree..." Baoyue held up the hem of her skirt and ran behind her. With two little chirping girls tied in front of her head, she jumped up the tree like a monkey.

“Let the madam see you climbing a tree and she will beat you again.” Baoyue stamped her feet anxiously.

  "It doesn't hurt if you beat me, it won't hurt if you beat me..." The little girl showed her little head from the branch.

He also stuck out his tongue towards Baoyue.

"Girl, come down quickly. Madam has prepared snacks, your favorite." Baoyue tried to coax her down.

 The little girl was sitting on a branch, her brows full of energy.

 The cunning eyes turned tricklingly.

 Suddenly, she tilted her ears slightly and said, "Baoyue, did you hear any sound? The wind is talking..."

Baoyue looked nervous, "Don't talk nonsense, Madam will be worried again."

 The little lady just loves to talk nonsense.

 One moment the wind can talk, another moment the trees are singing when it rains, and another moment she says animals can communicate with her, many people in the Jiang family doubt her IQ.

Xiao Yu'er curled his lips. He could have heard it, but no one believed it.

 Lying on the tree trunk, his little feet swayed.

 She always felt that she didn't belong here.

She looked at the sky and always felt that she should step on the auspicious clouds and stand on the clouds.

That kind of thought always appears at a certain moment, and soon it becomes an ordinary three-year-old child.

Suddenly, she climbed up from the branch.

Standing swaying on the branch, Baoyue was frightened. "Slow down, slow down..."

I saw her holding on to the branch and looking into the distance.

Baoyue saw her eyes suddenly light up and her heart skipped a beat.

 Sure enough.

"Brother Mingxuan is here, brother Mingxuan is here." In an instant, the agility on the little girl's face suddenly disappeared, and her eyes seemed to be covered with a veil.

She hugged the tree trunk and slid down, then landed on the ground.

"Don't go!" Baoyue took one look and knew that Wen Mingxuan was coming.

 Baoyue was angry and anxious, and his wife had almost become extremely angry in the past few years.

  No one took the old man seriously when he met him when he was full moon, but as Xiaoyuer grew up, he became a thorn in Xu's heart.

 There is no other reason.

 He really got it right!

 Since she can talk, run and jump, everything is normal.

 Once he met Wen Mingxuan, it was as if he had been possessed by an evil spirit.

 Regardless of the occasion, whenever he meets Wen Mingxuan, he feels like he has lost himself, surrounding him and refusing to leave.

At only three years old now, the whole city knows that she is Wen Mingxuan's follower.

What made Xu the most frustrated was that Wen Mingxuan was still cold and indifferent, and even felt bored.

 She tried to break off the marriage several times, but was scolded by the old lady. The Jiang family has been extremely warm to the Wen family in the past three years.

When everyone saw Xiao Yu'er, they all liked to joke that she was the Wen family's little daughter-in-law, which made Mrs. Xu grit her teeth in anger.

Xiao Yu'er became more and more restrained and was not allowed to meet Wen Mingxuan.

 But sometimes she would even climb into a dog hole to find him secretly.

 This left Xu with no choice.

 There is even a deep sense of panic about being unable to defy fate.

The little fish quickly crossed the corridor and rushed towards the front yard.

 Baoyue was extremely anxious.

Today is the old lady’s birthday. She went to the front yard early in the morning to get busy.

The Jiang family specially sent an invitation to the Wen family. The wife did not want Xiao Yu'er to come into contact with Wen Mingxuan, so she specially placed her in the backyard.     Furthermore…

At that time, the wife was pregnant, and there was a rumor in the house that she would give birth to the Jiang family. Jiang Shicheng, who was only four years old, gave her a push.

It's just a rumor, and Jiang Shicheng dared to take action at a young age.

 Xu then refused to let Xiao Yuer have contact with him.

At this moment, Xiao Yu'er couldn't hear anything, his heart and eyes were full of Wen Mingxuan.

Wen Mingxuan is six years old and stands out among the crowd.

 The little fish rushed straight over like a fleshy cannonball.

  It knocked Wen Mingxuan so hard that he staggered.

  He covered his heart and frowned.

The young gentlemen around them exchanged glances and joked: "Wen Mingxuan, your little wife is here..."

Wen Mingxuan frowned and moved a step to the side, a little further away from Xiao Yu'er.

"Brother Mingxuan, I haven't seen you for a long time. Why don't you come to see me?" The chubby little girl took out a small snack from the pocket that Xu had sewn for her.

 “Brother, do you want to eat?”

“Wen Mingxuan, eat it, this is your wife, hahahaha…”

“Look, she can only see you, and she thinks we don’t exist...” A group of young boys winked, but Xiao Yu’er seemed not to hear them.

Wen Mingxuan blushed, his delicate face full of boredom.

"I don't want to eat it." He pushed and knocked the snack to the ground.

Xiaoyuer was stunned.

The children dispersed with laughter, and at that moment a servant came over and said, "Mr. Wen, the old lady invites you." The wet nurse glanced at Xiao Yu'er, her face calm.

"But... this is my favorite, specially reserved for you..." Xiao Yu'er looked at the pastry with regret, and it fell to the ground and broke into pieces.

Mrs. Xu was afraid that she would lose her teeth due to sweetness, so she only gave her one piece a day.

She deliberately kept the cakes, and she was so greedy that her mouth watered several times and she didn't want to eat them.

 She squatted on the ground and carefully picked up a piece.

As Wen Mingxuan walked, he glanced back, saw the figure, and pursed his lips slightly.

Seeing Bao Yue step forward to stop him, Wen Mingxuan turned around and left.

 Inside the house, Wen Mingxuan's mother Qu Youran was joking with the old lady.

In recent years, Mr. Xu has become more and more neglectful of public affairs, has a pale complexion, and is too lazy to socialize with others.

 The old lady got angry when she saw her, because she and Mrs. Wen were close friends. Now that the old lady wanted to ask for help from the Wen family, she had to suppress her anger.

"Mingxuan is still so handsome, and you are still good at raising children. Come on, let Grandma Jiang take a look..." The old lady saw Wen Mingxuan entering the door and waved warmly.

Mrs. Xu curled her lips. She had never been so affectionate to Xiao Yu'er.

“I’ve met Grandma Jiang.” Wen Mingxuan was dignified and polite, which made everyone praise him.

“We are all one family, no need to be formal.” The old lady said with a smile.

“Speaking of which, grandma still feels sorry for you, for promising you such a slut.”

Mrs. Xu's face darkened, Xiao Yu'er wasn't married yet, what kind of family was she?

She couldn't see the old lady always belittling Xiao Yu'er and looking up to the Wen family.

"What's wrong? Xiao Yu'er is so innocent. That's Mingxuan's blessing. If I had such a daughter, I would wake up laughing even when I fall asleep." Mrs. Wen said with a smile.

"Come and take a look, this is Shicheng. He's half a year younger than you, so he can be a good companion." Jiang Shicheng stood beside the old lady, and Jiang Shicheng called out "Brother Shen Xuan" cheerfully.

Wen Mingxuan's expression was indifferent. He instinctively disliked Jiang Shicheng.

Jiang Shicheng's eyes were looking at him, which made him a little disgusted.

Jiang Shicheng thought to himself, this is the male protagonist.

He has always felt that he is out of luck, but now that he is here, it shows that he is the lucky one chosen by God.

Jiang Shicheng puffed up his chest slightly.

 (End of this chapter)

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