My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 296: So cute I want to steal it home

Chapter 296: Cute and wants to steal it home

Suisui feels that the underworld is not gloomy at all.

On the contrary, it is a bit cute.

 Even the atmosphere in the eighteenth level of **** is so good.

 She also brought some local products back.

"What local products? Are there any local specialties in the underworld?" King Qin Guang was stunned for a moment when he heard her talking about local specialties.

I have never seen anyone bring souvenirs to the underworld.

They all find it unlucky.

Emperor Fengdu's eyelids twitched: "Go and check the number of people in the Eighteenth Level of Hell."

King Qin Guang’s eyes almost popped out of his head, “You, you, you…”

 He ran away like a puff of smoke.

 After a while, King Qin Guang spread his hands towards her with a collapsed expression.

Suisui pinched the corner of her clothes and said hesitantly, "They are so enthusiastic and well-behaved. They have lived in the eighteenth level of hell. How representative of the underworld."

  King Qin Guang did not speak and continued to spread his hands.

These idiots pretend to be cute and well-behaved, pretending that they want to steal them back as souvenirs.

Suisui sighed helplessly, and silently took out two evil spirits from her arms who were already stiff with fear.

Xie Sui was already confused by fright, and he shouted in confusion, "Never leave again, never leave again..." His voice was hoarse, and he was frightened out of his wits.

Emperor Fengdu was extremely helpless. These two people were the ones who wanted to escape the most. Now, I don’t even want to take a step forward for fear of death.

King Qin Guang took the two of them back to jail. The two of them hugged his legs and burst into tears of gratitude.

Suisui was bored. In order not to make the trip in vain, she went to Po Meng's stall and made two bowls of soup.

“Next time, prepare some sour, sweet, bitter, and spicy food. It will taste better if you add some coriander and green onions, right?” Suisui casually made two suggestions.

  Touched my mouth, it didn’t taste good at all.

 “Meng Po’s soup doesn’t taste good, it’s sour. Let Meng Po make some new flavors next time.”

 If the thief does not escape, there will be nothing to eat in the underworld.

Meng Po soup also requires two bowls.

Po Meng nodded seriously.

  King Qin Guang twisted his face in disgust.

 But he wouldn't say it. At this moment, she must be sent away!

   If she is allowed to stay any longer, I'm afraid these dead ghosts will be tortured to death.

Suisui stayed in the underworld for a few days, and she even felt lighthearted about returning to her parents' home.

Emperor Fengdu said nothing from the beginning to the end and followed her all the time.

At this time, he sent her to the gate of hell. Emperor Fengdu stared at the sword mark on the door, slightly lost in thought.

Suisui touched the sword mark, and the fighting spirit was still strong.

Suddenly, Suisui frowned.

 Lift your eyes and look into the distance.

The bright red blood has already dyed the white snow red, and the ground is covered with blood stains. The huge rune is finally filled.

 A mighty demonic energy soared into the sky.

The moment the runes were filled with blood, the air seemed to become thinner, and a powerful force was exposed from the runes.

Emperor Fengdu felt the echo from the underworld, and his heart skipped a beat.

 Fortunately, the power of the underworld was quickly cut off, and it seemed that there was still a sense of escape.

As if I was deeply afraid that I had walked out of the gate of the underworld.

Today, if Suisui hadn't temporarily appeared in the eighteenth level of hell, frightening the group of evil spirits.

 I'm afraid those evil spirits will cooperate with the outside world today, and there is really a chance to get out.

 Everything is the cycle of cause and effect.

  She somehow understood the vastness of the three realms.

Suisui's heart was beating wildly, and she felt a little uneasy.

 “What formation is this?” That formation almost surrounded the entire city.

“It’s an ancient murderous formation, the Heavenly Evil Formation.” Emperor Fengdu said quickly. "To activate this formation, one hundred thousand people are needed to sacrifice the formation. The number can be more or less."

 “It also requires the assistance of extremely fierce demons in the world before this formation can be fully activated.”

"If we use this formation to deal with the God Realm, the God Realm will probably be severely damaged. Even the Emperor of Heaven will have to suffer a lot."

"However, it seems that they are used to summon something... and it also has the power of suppression."

Fengdu thought of the Fallen Angel Realm, and an answer was ready to come out.

 No wonder…

 No wonder Chaos paid such a high price to arrange this array.

"Suisui, be careful...I want to go back to the underworld first to take charge." This kind of evil energy will affect the ghosts.

Emperor Fengdu paused and said with difficulty: "If no one can trust him, Fu Jiuxiao... can be trusted."

 When he said this, even he smiled.

Suisui was startled for a moment. When he came to his senses, Emperor Fengdu had already left.

 The gates of **** were immediately closed.

Suisui didn't have time to think about anything else. She saw the faint demonic energy coming from the distance and immediately headed towards the city abandoned by the gods.

 Fortunately, there is now a city spirit in the city. A thin light shrouds the city and keeps the evil spirit out of the city.

Suisui’s eyelids twitched extremely.

Suisui hurried towards the place where Lin stayed.

Only then did I realize that everyone was guarding the city temple.

"Suisui, you're finally back... You girl, you didn't tell your parents where you went. If you have any good intentions, you will kill your mother." When Mrs. Lin saw her, she hugged her and didn't dare to let go. .

Crying and cursing at the same time.

"Your second brother has become like this. Mom can't lose you again." Mrs. Lin didn't dare to think that something would happen to Suisui.

Just thinking about it makes my whole body numb with angina pectoris.

"Mom, Suisui promised her parents to bring her second brother back before she left. Suisui can't break her promise..." Suisui thought of her second brother and hurriedly looked at the statue.

Although Ms. Lin had already guessed this, she still felt uncomfortable hearing it.

 “Suisui, will it hurt you?”

"You are the reincarnation of the little goddess. I should have stricter control over you. Will there be any backlash?" Lin said with difficulty.

She said almost word for word: "Your second brother...died on the battlefield, even though he died gloriously."

"But if Suisui is to be punished for this, mother...mother...mother would rather, he..." Lin wept every word.

Yanlang is a piece of meat that she has lost. She is pregnant for ten months. There is nothing she doesn't love.

 She loves it with her life.

 Where is Suisui?

 Since her parents didn’t love her since she was born, how could she bear to let Suisui disobey her destiny for Yanlang?

Suisui felt warm in her heart, it was worth it, it was all worth it.

 She looked around and saw that even Susu agreed.

  "Mom, Suisui didn't have any backlash. Suisui didn't disobey the destiny. Suisui just used colorful clay to make a statue for her second brother."

“It was the people who were grateful to him and deified him.”

“Heaven and earth also recognize him, and then he can become a god.”

"He will be the city spirit here in the future, protecting the people. When his incense becomes stronger, he will be able to transform. But..." Suisui looked at Susu.

Su Su’s lips moved and she looked up at Yan Lang’s sculpture without saying a word. Just wipe the Yanlang statue clean.

"As long as he lives, I don't care if he can accompany me or be with me." Su Su said in a low voice.

 He is a hero and should not end up with no body left.

Suisui’s eyebrows were crooked, no, what she wanted to say was that her second brother could really compete with Lu Dongbin for his wife now.

It’s God’s will.

 The biggest loser is the unlucky Lu Dongbin!

PS: Dear friends, can you vote for the cute Suisui?

 (End of this chapter)

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