My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 295: freedom equals destruction

Chapter 295 Freedom equals destruction

"There are guards on every floor, why is it so empty outside the door on the 18th floor?" Suisui was a little surprised.

 It was unbelievably calm outside the eighteenth floor.

   Not even a barrier.

 Going directly to the 18th floor without any resistance.

The eighteenth floor was empty, and there was even an echo when I shouted.

“No one lives on the eighteenth floor.” King Qin Guang glanced at her faintly.

"That's a good sign. It means there are no such evil people. Why do you still look like this?" Suisui looked at King Qin Guang.

King Qin Guang said expressionlessly: "It used to be overcrowded. Hundreds of years ago, ever since a demon was imprisoned in the eighteenth floor of hell, no one dared to live there anymore."

"The first level loves to talk. She lets the first level tell her stories without stopping. No one in the eighteenth level of **** can be as ruthless as her."

"In the second level of scissor hell, she has to drag out those perverts every day and torture them for a while. Forget it, let's not talk about it."

"Anyway, there are seventeen floors in front of us. She stabbed through the eighteen floors with one sword, and pulled all the seventeen floors in front of her here. As long as she is locked up here, those evil spirits will continue to commit crimes."

“As a result, after she left, no one dared to live on these eighteen floors.”

“Whoever is imprisoned will cry for his father and mother all day long and clamor for a new place.” King Qin Guang curled his lips, so the seventeenth floor was so crowded that there was no room to stay.

Suisui’s mouth has become O-shaped in surprise.

 “Wow, she’s really awesome.”

"Is she the one who split open the gates of **** with one sword? Her blood was spread in the underworld, and flowers of the other side bloomed."

“How could you imprison such a person on the 18th floor?”

Emperor Fengdu lowered his eyes slightly and said in a low voice: "With all the power of the three realms, we may not be able to fight against her. How can we imprison her?"

 “She went in voluntarily.”

“Then why did she break into the underworld?” When Suisui asked, King Qin Guang and Emperor Fengdu fell silent.

"Are there any secrets left? Are there any secrets that I can't hear?" Suisui raised her lips, but this time Emperor Fengdu was unwilling to tell her anyway.

How should I tell her that she is in love for the seventh time in her reincarnation?

Emperor Fengdu narrowed his eyes in despair. He didn't want to think about that life anymore.

 Hands slightly clenched, I just hope that this time I can get through it safely.

She has finally seen the entanglement in her life and remembered it in her heart.

Suisui shook her head. She was not very curious, so she could only give up.

While walking up, pass the first seventeen floors.

 The seventeenth floor was originally noisy, but when he saw her figure, he fell silent for an instant.

  They stood up one after another: "Welcome, girl, and welcome to come again next time..." They all waved their little handkerchiefs, acting so well-behaved.

 Almost on every floor, people were quietly guarding the door, with smiles on their faces.

“The atmosphere of the 18th floor is really good. Where are the people rioting? Where are they being perverse and violent? Look how polite they are.”

 “Create new trends and promote righteousness, I believe they will all be improved.”

"We are the successors of the underworld, and we strive to bring a new look to the underworld." The usually fierce and violent demons stood upright one by one, and following her words, they shouted a new height on the spot.

 The fear engraved in my bones lingers.

Suisui was full of emotion, and King Qin Guang was smiling behind him.


 Are you upright?

Had I not seen their calves trembling and their teeth creaking in fear, I would have almost believed you.

 All the evil spirits raised their heads, looking expectantly at her walking out the door.

 Let’s go, go, go quickly.

 Don’t come back again.

 He was wondering in his mind whether he should continue to cooperate with the chaos of the Fallen Angel Realm to break through the underworld after she left.

 After all, this is the closest we have come to freedom in tens of thousands of years. Free air, free wind, free three realms, free us...

 My heart is screaming for freedom.

Then he heard the little girl walking to the door, suddenly stopped, and looked at them sincerely.

 “An acquaintance, a friend.”

"If you can regain your freedom one day and escape from the eighteenth level of hell, Suisui will definitely come to help you."

“Suisui has marked everyone just now. As soon as everyone comes out, Suisui will be the first to say congratulations.”

 “Suisui is waiting for you outside.” Suisui turned around and waved her handkerchief.

Looking at the group of evil spirits, the light in his eyes suddenly dimmed, and he watched them dumbfounded.

“Are they all so happy?” Suisui covered her mouth and snickered.

Emperor Fengdu: At this moment, I sympathize with them.

 After all, I don’t even know when she marked it.

When she walked out of the gate of the eighteenth level of hell, with all the evil spirits behind her, she cried loudly.

"Let me die in the eighteenth level of **** in this life..."

“It’s so scary. She actually marked us. Is she threatening us?” Congratulations and greetings must all be threats.

 “She’s out there, it’s better to be dead.”

"Chaos, this **** thing, what freedom, how the sky is high and birds can fly, and the sea is vast and fish can jump, bah, no one wants me to step out of the door! No one can even think about it! Whoever lets me out must want to harm me! "

  "Don't go out even if you die! What a smell of freedom, that is the smell of death!"

 Eighteen levels of **** are crying like crazy.

After Suisui came out of the eighteenth floor, she felt the noise from the outside world and couldn't help but cover her ears.

"Hey, ordinary ghosts still don't have the consciousness of the eighteenth level. When they came out just now, I heard them crying." Suisui sighed with emotion.

  King Qin Guang has long been numb.

At that moment, he saw despair in the group of evil spirits who refused to admit their mistakes.

"You are quite enlightened." As soon as King Qin Guang came out, he saw the envoys from the gods coming down.

"I just informed the God Realm, how far has the riot progressed? How many layers of the barrier have been breached? Are there any injuries? Do you need to seek the Heavenly Doctor from the God Realm? Do you need to notify the Emperor of Heaven?" The judge's brows were covered in cold sweat.

 Looking dusty.

King Qin Guang waved his hand: "Boundary? Each layer is probably superimposed on at least ten layers. Even if the Emperor of Heaven comes, he probably won't be able to break it."

"Injured? The evil spirit may need psychological counseling. I see that they are seeking death."

"We have reached the stage where we are autistic and doubt our lives. There should be no need to notify the Emperor of Heaven." King Qin Guang's words made the judge stunned for a moment.


"Let the people from the God Realm go back." King Qin Guang didn't want Suisui to collide with the people from the God Realm.

The judge still didn’t give up and went to the 18th floor alone to take a look. Oops...

 When I came back, I looked horrified.

And the instigator still had his hands behind his back, looking innocent.

The mythical beasts of the underworld were listening, and now they were obediently lying at her feet, waiting for her to sit on them.

 King Guang of Qin felt sour in his heart: "No one would be happy to hear it if I asked it. Now it will be used as a mount for others."

Emperor Fengdu didn’t even look at him.

 “If you say a few more words, she will let you be her mount later.”

 King Qin Guang: Excuse me!

 (End of this chapter)

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