My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 274: She has me in her heart

Chapter 274 She has me in her heart

 Fu Jiuxiao was really unlucky for eight lifetimes.

 Finally gave Suisui a gold house to please her, but someone stole the gold roof.

 Not to mention admiring the moon in the middle of the night, it rained at night and I got soaked in the rain.

A generation of emperors returned to the palace in extremely embarrassed condition.

 He was all wet, and there was a slap mark on his face.

"That **** little thief, who did it? I'm going to peel you off and cramp you!" Fu Jiuxiao cast a spell, and his clothes instantly became smooth and dry.

 It is definitely not vulgar to be able to steal something under his and Suisui's noses.

Suisui yawned, and half of the golden room was filled in the space.

He was still full of anger and would definitely ignore Fu Jiuxiao for half a month.

 A carriage stopped outside the gate of Yanfu.

Before Suisui entered the door, a maid came to invite Suisui respectfully.

 "Excuse she the little goddess?" The maid's eyebrows were a little frightened, but seeing Suisheng's exquisiteness and cuteness dispelled the fear in her heart.

Mortals are always afraid and respectful when facing gods.

Suisui nodded.

"My girl is Miss Xue, the Minister of Rites. I have something to do... I want to trouble her. Can you please move aside..."

Suisui saw that she had no ill intentions, so she followed her.

Miss Xue was already standing outside the carriage, waiting respectfully.

Seeing Suisui coming, he gave a big salute first.

 “Xue Yurong pays homage to the young princess.”

Ms. Xue has a majestic and wealthy appearance, just like a luxurious peony in full bloom.

"Sister Xue, what do you want from Suisui? Do you want something?" Suisui asked, blinking her eyes.

Miss Xue secretly blushed.

"Miss Suisui, Yu Rong... Yu Rong would like to ask you for a favor. Yu Rong would like to ask for a marriage..." Miss Xue had already filled the sky with red clouds, and she was so embarrassed that she could not raise her head.

Suisui's eyes widened: "My eldest brother and second brother already have someone they like. Our family doesn't have aunts and concubines."

Miss Xue waved her hands anxiously: "'s not your brother. It's...your majesty."

Suisui was stunned.

 Then he frowned slowly. Does she look like someone who would betray her friends?

 No, she will never betray brother Jiuxiao!

 Brother Jiuxiao is her best friend!

Suisui’s eyes were full of determination, and her little fists were clenched tightly.

Ms. Xue bit her lower lip lightly. She is already sixteen this year and has been waiting for a year. She can't wait any longer.

 Your Majesty is sixteen this year and has already entered the period of filial piety for the late emperor. He...

 It’s time for him to fill his harem.

 But the management of His Majesty's harem is extremely strict, no news can be delivered, and His Majesty's preferences cannot be found out.

I only know that the only thing he loves is Yan Suisui.

Miss Xue took a deep breath and took out a food box from the carriage: "My cook came from the east and is good at cooking Shandong cuisine. He is quite famous outside. I know that Miss Suisui likes to taste delicious food. Whether you can help or not "Help, this food is for the girl."

 “Let Miss Suisui have a taste of it.”

 The determination on Suisui's face hesitated for a moment.

Ms. Xue opened the lid, and a strange fragrance suddenly wafted out.

That fragrance was something Sui Sui had never smelled before. It was not as spicy as hot pot, but instead had a hint of alluring fragrance. Suisui took a sip of saliva.

“It took the chef three days and three nights to prepare this dish. Yurong can be said to be a taste you will never taste outside.”

“He is good at several kinds of dishes, each of which is hard to find. If the family had not been kind to him back then, he would not have been invited.”

Suisui swallowed her saliva.

"Yu Rong doesn't ask for anything, but... Yu Rong made some ginseng soup herself and wanted you to give it to Your Majesty." Xue Yurong's cheeks were already red.

Your Majesty is young, handsome, and handsome. He has only succeeded to the throne for a year, but he has already attracted the hearts of the girls in the capital.

Countless women admire him in their hearts. Suisui glanced at the food box and heard Xue Yurong say: "If you are willing, Yurong can give you a food box for three more days."

 “Deal.” Suisui’s clear voice sounded.

Xue Yurong pursed her lips excitedly: "Yurong will send food boxes over tomorrow, one for you and one for His Majesty."

Sui Sui responded, carrying the food box and entering the house.

Hmm, giving food to brother Jiuxiao is not considered betrayal.

After Suisui returned home, she handed the food box to the cook. In the evening, the family tasted a few mouthfuls, and everyone looked surprised.

Suisui even wiped her saliva and ate three large bowls of rice.

  On the second day, I went to pick up the food box early.

 After finishing his portion, he opened Fu Jiuxiao's...

 Hey, there is a look of disgust on his face.

Ginseng chicken soup, what’s so good about this?

Ms. Xue’s cooking skills are not very good.

Suisui didn’t know that ginseng replenishes Qi and rooster replenishes body shape. They always gave supplements to emperors, and they were always bird’s nest or chicken soup.

Suisui carried the food box all the way into the palace.

Fu Jiuxiao thought she would be left out for a long time this time, but who knew that the next day, Suisui would enter the palace carrying a food box.

 After the prince and his father-in-law went through the official inspection, they let her into the royal study.

"This is for brother Jiuxiao, please drink more..." Suisui looked at him eagerly, and Fu Jiuxiao couldn't hide the joy in his eyes.

Suisui, this is the first time I have given him ginseng soup!

Suisui took out a delicate small handkerchief from her waist and handed it to Fu Jiuxiao.

Just when he entered the palace, he met Miss Shen, the sister of the Minister of Dali Temple.

Mr. Shen was born in poverty, and his younger sister learned a lot about cooking. She has a short mouth when eating, and a short hand when taking others.

 Giving one as a gift is a gift, but what’s the difference if you give two as a gift?

Suisui handed another handkerchief to Fu Jiuxiao.

Fu Jiuxiao held the handkerchief and could still smell the faint fragrance in it. A pair of vivid mandarin ducks were embroidered on it.

 Fu Jiuxiao's eyes immediately felt a little hot.

 In his tenth life, he received a Yuanyang handkerchief for the first time.

Fu Jiuxiao's eyes were so soft at this moment that they could almost shed water.

 "Chicken soup is also for me? Handkerchief is also for me?" Who said there is no reward in these ten lives, this is the reward!

Fu Jiuxiao was holding the bowl, her hands trembling with excitement.

Having had breakfast obviously, now I drank all the soup in a daze.

 The bones and scraps were all chewed up and swallowed.

 He has to cherish it.

 The handkerchief is placed in the pocket very carefully, as if it is a hidden treasure.

Suisui blinked his eyes: "Then... Brother Jiuxiao, can you give me something you commonly use?"

 “For example, the handkerchief you used…”

 “For example, the calligraphy and painting you wrote...”

 “For example, the shoes and socks you wore...”

Suisui said nonsense without blinking: "When Suisui misses you, it's good to miss people when you see things."

 Fu Jiuxiao's heart was almost trembling with excitement.

 In so many lives, I have never been treated like this!

"Suisui, don't blame me for making you angry yesterday. Brother Jiuxiao is already very satisfied. Brother Jiuxiao will give you whatever you like. The keys to the treasury are all on you. Whatever you want, just take it." Fu Jiuxiao waved his hand. wave.

Suisui: How can you do that? Only the ones you use can be sold at a high price.

 She finally understood that there are good cooks hiding in every government!

 “Brother Jiuxiao, only things that have been used are valuable.” What has not been used cannot be exchanged for delicious food.

 Fu Jiuxiao was moved to tears.

 My family is Suisui, and I am in my heart.

 (End of this chapter)

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