My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 273: Golden House Hidden Bang Chui

Chapter 273 The golden house hides the mallet

“Before you died, you used your own hair to make her a cloak.”

“She didn’t like the color, so she made a doghouse for the dog.”

 The expression on Fu Jiuxiao's face can be said to be very wonderful.

 He suddenly wanted to ask, was there ever a life in which a dog-licker was not so licking?

 But he couldn't ask.

“The fourth time, she went to school disguised as a man and met you in the academy.”

“She is very knowledgeable and not greedy for fame. Of course, even though she is a woman, she cannot pass the exam.”

“She has been shining brightly all her life, teaching what she has learned to the world. You are a noble son of a noble family, and you think you like men... You have never married a wife in your life.”

“Until she died, she held your hand and said she had a secret to tell you.”

"I'll make you angry to death." The young man's face was expressionless. Who can understand the despair in the fallen angel world? ?

Who can understand!

 “For the fifth time, you are the emperor in this life.”

“But you are the Lord of the Fallen Angel Realm, and you are very violent. Your country was almost destroyed when you were born, and both your parents died. It was she who raised you..."

 “She is a cultivator, has a beautiful appearance and does not age.”

 “Well...she has a mother-son affection for you.”

"You have feelings for her as a man and a woman. Do you understand?"

“She ran away overnight, and you waited all her life. After you died, she came and offered you a stick of incense…”

 At that time, she seemed to have shed a tear.

 This was the only time she shed tears after she regained her true nature.

"The sixth blocked an arrow for her and was shot into a sieve, and her skirt was dyed red with blood."

That time, she felt a little dazed in a rare moment. She was shaking all over while holding him, who was dripping with blood.

 Perhaps in that life, she had already been tempted.

 Until the seventh time.

"Seventh time…"

The young man paused for a moment, but Fu Jiuxiao didn't notice it at all.

 Fu Jiuxiao rubbed the center of his brows, suddenly he didn't want to hear any more, so he turned around and left.

 Each time, he showed his heart and lungs.

Sui Sui is heartless.

 The young man breathed a sigh of relief: "The seventh time...hey."

 “It would be fine if she was really...a stone that cannot be changed. The seventh time...”

The only time I muffled...

 The young man trembled violently.

 The art of reversing time can no longer be activated again.

 They have no chance to try again.

 Taking a deep breath, he glanced at Yan Suisui who was still playing in the mud, his eyes full of cruelty.

Suisui likes the seaside and has lived here for more than half a year.

 Fu Jiuxiao traveled back and forth to Dai Viet several times. When Suisui was willing to go back, she had already turned six years old.

The little girl holds the mirror of reincarnation in her hand, and she goes up to take a look at it when she meets people.

“Wow, Jiajia, you turned out to be a good person in ten lives in your previous life. No wonder you can become the empress... These are all accumulated blessings.” Suisui was shocked, and Jiajia stood in front of the mirror of reincarnation and saw her past.

“Jingchen, your whole body is glowing with golden light...”

"Brother Jiuxiao, why does the mirror turn dark when it shines on you?" Suisui shook it several times, but the mirror didn't react at all.

 The little girl thought for a moment and looked at herself in the mirror again.

 What was revealed in the mirror was still her original face.

"Strange, why can't I see anything..." Suisui patted the samsara mirror, but she couldn't be seen in the mirror.

 Does she have no previous life? ?

Fu Jiuxiao calmly took away the Samsara Mirror and pressed it on the table.

"Maybe the light is broken. Your eldest brother and Ah Yue are getting engaged. Do you want to go back and take a look? They are all waiting for you." Fu Jiuxiao held the handle of the reincarnation mirror, trying to figure out how she could be seen.

 In this world, probably no one can pry into her past life.

 Use the power of the three realms to gather her soul. How could she be just an ordinary little goddess by expelling her memories again and again and bringing her back into reincarnation?

 This little girl is the only one who firmly believes in all this without hesitation.

"Sister Ayue and eldest brother? Are you getting engaged?" Suisui jumped up immediately.

"I have to go home, I have to go home, I have to go home." In total, she was already six years old, seven years old. My brother is twenty years old this year and should have gotten married long ago...

Seeing that she was willing to go back, Fu Jiuxiao secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

 After bidding farewell to Jiajia in tears, Suisui embarked on her journey home.

By the time she got back, spring had already begun.

Little Xingchen has been waiting at the city gate for a long time. The two or three-year-old girl is the most intimate with her sister.

"Sister...sister..." Suisui jumped out before the carriage even stopped, and Fu Jiuxiao couldn't stop her.

 Little Xingchen kissed her on the face with one sip, and her face was covered with saliva.

"Sister...there is a little fairy daughter living in the lotus in the backyard." Little Xingchen's eyes were bright, as bright as stars.

Suisui felt happy, and then solemnly told Xingchen: "Then don't tell others, this is our secret..."

Little Xingchen responded with a sly smile.

 When he arrived at Yan's house, Yan Chuan was still in the court and had not returned home.

"Why did my brother get married to sister A Yue?" Suisui couldn't wait to ask Lin as soon as she returned home.

 Lin sighed cautiously.

"Your sister Ah Yue has been missing for a few years and has a very bad reputation. People from those aristocratic families always scolded her secretly, saying that she should die for the sake of the family's reputation, or that she should be accompanied by the ancient Buddha Qing Deng for the rest of her life. It’s time to bring shame to the Xie family.”

“With her status, she can’t marry a good husband.”

“Mother guess, it’s probably because of your brother. Your brother now has a bright future, and most women in the capital favor him.”

“But he was extremely harsh to other women, but he was kind to Ah Yue. This led everyone to attack Ah Yue..."

Suisui groaned: "Then does he pity Sister Ayue?"

Ms. Lin nodded her eyebrows and smiled faintly.

"Your sister Ah Yue was born in a family. She is brave, resourceful, well-educated, and good-looking. Your brother, would he like those girls who don't go out of their way? Do you think he is stupid..." Mrs. Lin gave birth to her own child. , still don’t know Yanchuan’s thoughts.

Although it was because he supported Ah Yue, he definitely asked to marry him because he wanted to marry her.

 He has always had a plan, one step at a time, and he is not a random person.

 On the second day after returning, the two families were engaged.

 After returning to Beijing, Fu Jiuxiao began to regret what he had done.

Every day I instill the idea of ​​not getting married in Suisui, but I have been a dog-licker for several lifetimes. Isn't this going to make me suffer?

 Fortunately Suisui is young and he is not in a hurry.

 He secretly gave Suisui a gold house.

Suisui likes money and shiny things, and gold is her first choice.

 After all, she already owns a mine for jade.

 So, this is a real golden house.

 A small, golden house made of gold.

 It means the beauty is hidden in the golden house.

Hide his treasures from life to life.

Xiao Suisui even deliberately pulled Fu Jiuxiao to live in. Fu Jiuxiao curled up her legs and saw Suisui's happy look, thinking that she had finally reached her heart.

 Sleeping late into the night, Suisui looked at the stars in the sky and asked.

“Brother Jiuxiao, have you seen the sky full of stars?” Suisui looked at the sky.

 Fu Jiuxiao put his hands behind his back, feeling peaceful in his heart.

 “This is the first time that I admire the stars and the moon with Sui Sui. Look, the moon in the sky is round...” The full moon on the 15th means good things, so this should be a good sign.

Suisui didn't speak for a while.

After a long time, she said quietly: "You are such a stick, you didn't notice..."

 “Is our roof gone?”

 The Golden Dome was stolen!

 (End of this chapter)

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