Chapter 271: Strict Wife Control

"The Fallen Angels Realm probably hates the goddess who has experienced calamities, right?" Jiajia was a little curious.

 What is the origin of that goddess, who actually caused the Lord of the Fallen Angels to fail again and again.

When he was Emperor Lingxiao, he shared his longevity with her. As a result, he ascended to the throne and successfully gathered a soul. He knelt down...

When Yixiao was the sea god, she did not share the same longevity, but after her death and her soul was reunited, he stopped following her.

Jiajia thought with her feet, knowing that he would be entangled with her again in the next life.

When Fu Jiuxiao pushed the door open, he saw a scene in the samsara mirror. His eyes were deep and slightly dark.

 He closed his eyes gently and suppressed the breath in his eyes.

 When his eyes fell on Suisui, this glance seemed to contain millions of emotions.

Then he heard his little boy ask: "Tell me, after Poseidon pulled out his dragon scales, will his hair still be there? Is he bald?"

 Fu Jiuxiao…

Jiajia clicked her tongue twice: "If you ask me, that girl is quite cruel. She liked the shark's tail, so she peeled off the dragon scales of the sea **** to make a fish tail."

Suisui was silent for a moment, and then said quietly: "Is it possible that she just wants to eat salt and pepper fish tail? I heard that the sharks have no thorns, and the meat is tender and tastes great."

“After all, when she received the dragon scale fish tail, she was really not very happy. She seemed a little... helpless.”

Fu Jiuxiao was a little confused and her eyes widened slightly.

 The breath all over the body was stagnant for a moment.

"No way? Then the Poseidon plucked himself bald, wouldn't it be... hahahahaha, a **** dragon???"

"He just wanted to eat a salt and pepper fish tail, but he actually plucked himself out, hahahahaha..." Jiajia laughed so hard that she shed tears. Oh my God, how could he have the same virtue as Emperor Lingxiao?

 That’s right, reincarnation.

Fu Jiuxiao staggered and couldn't help but raise his hand to touch his hair.

The veins on Fu Jiuxiao's forehead bulged, he was really wronged!

 He scolded Emperor Lingxiao bloody, but someone told him, you are Lingxiao.

  He plucked out his bald head, and people told him that she just wanted to eat fish tails? ?


Suisui seems to have found the reason for her habit of picking off her head when nothing happens.

"Brother Jiuxiao, where have you been? Why did you come back..." Suisui skillfully took Fu Jiuxiao's arm and shook it.

Fu Jiuxiao tightened her palms slightly, and her eyes fell on Suisui, her eyes dark.

“Brother Jiuxiao went back to deal with state affairs. By the way, your brother passed the exam and is now supervising the country with Mr. Ge.” Although he cannot handle political affairs, he has already reached the top in one step.

 Because he is Mr. Lu’s closed disciple, all Mr. Lu’s connections now belong to him.

 “Really? Brother is so awesome, so awesome!”

 "Your second brother is already a third-grade general of Guide. He won a country for Dai Viet." Suisui stamped her feet happily.

"Your third brother has successfully taken over the title of the richest businessman in Dai Viet." Fu Jiuxiao looked confused. The fate of the family had been changed by Suisui.

 But as long as Suisui is happy.

Suisui hasn’t seen them for more than half a year. She misses her family so much.

 “I want to write a letter to my parents, brothers and sisters.” Suisui said with a happy smile.

What she calls writing letters is almost the same as painting...

Fu Jiuxiao helplessly led her out, but Jiajia stared at their backs in shock.

"Hey, it's so dark and gloomy everywhere. Is our island really going to be submerged this time?" "Has the sea **** really given up on us?" The islanders were worried.

“There are no fish around here anymore. It seems that even the creatures on the seabed know that something bad is happening here.”

 All the islanders were kneeling on the beach.

Only Fu Jiuxiao held hands with Suisui and walked leisurely on the road. The sea breeze lifted the corners of his clothes, gentle and pious.

 “I want to go fishing…” Suisui smiled.

 “Okay.” Fu Jiuxiao responded in a low voice, with a slight smile on his brows.

“Stop fishing, our island is going to be submerged, and no fish around here dares to come close. We haven’t had one for more than half a month…” Before he finished speaking, Suisui caught a big fish with colorful colors.

"What did you say? More than half a month is nothing?" The sea breeze was strong and Suisui couldn't hear clearly, so she asked loudly.

 I saw countless fish jumping around the two people, one tall and one short.

ˆContinuously jumping on the sea.

The man's black hair covered his eyes in the sea breeze, making it difficult for people to see his expression clearly.

 I only know that his eyes have been falling on Suisui.

 Everyone on the shore was already stunned: "So many fish, so many fish... I have never seen so many fish in my life."

Suisui held a small fishing rod in her hand: "It's so dark, I can't even see the fish. It would be nice to have some sunshine~"

Fu Jiuxiao frowned slightly.

 A little bit of sunshine shone from the sky, and when I looked up, the layers of dark clouds above my head suddenly dispersed.

The sun penetrates the clouds and falls, like little golden lights.

 People kneeling on the beach in despair? ? ?

 The roaring sea wind blew Suisui’s hair into chaos: “It hurts my face~”

Fu Jiuxiao glanced at the sea level. The violent wind seemed to be stuck.

It became visibly docile and calmed down in an instant.

 “This wave is so big, are you trying to roll me down?” The boat swayed, and Suisui couldn’t stand still.

Fu Jiuxiao's eyes widened, and the sea suddenly became quiet.

  The endless sea surface is so obedient that it dares not have the slightest ripple.

The desperate islanders looked confused and blinked their eyes.

 The old island owner suddenly remembered something and hurriedly went back to move Haizhi out. Read it word by word.

 At that time, after they discovered that Poseidon had done evil several times, they discovered a problem.

 Poseidon will not accept girls, there is a high probability...

 Because they sent a fierce woman down.

Wouldn’t that offend Poseidon severely?

How did they keep safe afterwards?

Oh, they added a statue of the Goddess of the Sea to the Poseidon Temple.

 They made a statue of the grumpy girl.

Whenever the sea gods disobey, they will complain.

Hunting and crying, the queen will have to take care of him when he comes back.

 It is more effective than offering sacrifices to the Poseidon.

 After all, Poseidon’s wife is very strict and cannot hide anything.

Fu Jiuxiao touched his ears. In this life, he will definitely be able to stand up!

 (End of this chapter)

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