My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 270: It's all bubbles

Chapter 270 It’s all bubbles

 The things that happened in the past are still flashing in the mirror of reincarnation.

"His dragon scales are so beautiful... they are sparkling. They would look great if they were made into clothes." Suisui muttered while lying in front of the Samsara Mirror.

Jiajia looked at her in shock.

The living king of **** is not as ruthless as you.

 The one in the mirror wants dragon tendons and horns, and the one outside the mirror wants dragon scales.

 “Hey, why did the Poseidon turn into a mortal? It looks ordinary...” Suisui was a little curious as to how he got ashore.

 After he landed ashore, he followed the islanders and ran towards the ancestral hall.

“Everyone is going to the ancestral hall for a meeting?” Poseidon said angrily.

“Yes, since ancient times, no bride of Poseidon has been sent back. We have to discuss countermeasures.”

 “Hey, the sea **** is going to be angry again.” Everyone hurriedly entered the ancestral hall against the sea wind.

Poseidon stood in the crowd, not conspicuous at all.

The old island owner looked worried, and the eyes of the six girls were swollen from crying: "We don't know what's going on. When Poseidon sees us, it's like seeing ghosts."

 “With a flick of his sleeves, he threw us back to the shore.”

“Throwing and shouting at the same time, he didn’t touch us, he didn’t touch us, and he didn’t know who he was explaining to.”

 The six girls were in a terrible state.

“What about Lao Qi? Didn’t she go down together?” In just a few days, the old island owner’s temples turned gray.

"That's right, Lao Qi has a hot temper. He has been shouting about killing the gods all day, but it probably has no good results. Poseidon, what's going on? Why don't you accept our offering?"

Poseidon turned into an ordinary person, standing in the corner, pinching his nose and shouting.

"How about we go and bring her back? She will definitely have a bad life at the bottom of the sea. If we bring her back, she will go back to her parents' home." Poseidon shouted loudly.

The island owner frowned.

 “It’s nonsense, marrying the bride of Poseidon, there is no reason to come back! Be careful to offend Poseidon!”

“Ever since the sea festival, the roar of the sea **** can often be heard.” The island owner was extremely worried.

Poseidon: No, I was just beaten and came to complain.

If you don’t take me back, you will really offend me!

"It's absolutely impossible to come back. Maybe... Poseidon didn't like these six. After all, the seventh one has the best face."

“Recently, a cargo ship came outside. There were some good-looking girls on the ship. I went to buy them. I’ll throw them in tomorrow. The Poseidon must think they don’t look good.”

"That's right. Our fisher girls on the seaside are weathered and exposed to the sun, but they can't compare to the tender girls outside." The island owner immediately agreed.

Poseidon suddenly raised his head.

 Fuck, I'm going to die.

Before I could think of a way to refuse, the beads on my neck lit up. It was the girl calling him.

 The young man ducked and left the ancestral hall.

The plan to get the girl back to her parents' home failed immediately.

As soon as he returned to the Dragon Palace, he saw the girl looking at him: "Are you ashore?"

The young Poseidon suddenly looked wary: "How do you know?"

"The sand on your body is only found on our beach." After the girl said this, she turned and left.

“I went to buy your favorite fried fish, which is crispy. And the fruit wine you like to drink..."

 Poseidon sent the purchased items up.

Before he finished speaking, he could hear the soldiers coming from outside to report: " the island above, seven more brides have been cast down."

 There was a pause after finishing speaking.

 “This time the one is the most beautiful.”

Poseidon's whole body was stiff, and he could almost feel the girl's eyes about to spit out fire.

 A bump.

 A luminous pearl hit him directly on the head.

“Okay, what’s wrong with you? Do you think I’m aggressive? It’s only been a few days, and you’re going out to pick wild flowers? And you’re going out to buy food for me? I’m so proud of you!”

“You’ve got seven new wives for yourself! You!” the little girl cried as she spoke. My eyes were red and swollen from crying, and I hiccuped while crying.

Poseidon didn’t care about being hit on the head. He tried to coax and admit his mistake, but he couldn’t coax the little girl.

 Hey, why did you go up to trouble her in the first place?

He was struck by lightning and lost his memory.

Now she only believes that she has become a mortal and deliberately deceived her feelings.

 Poseidon has no son.

 Thinking again that she likes shiny skirts and often sees mermaids with their tails in a daze.

He then plucked out his own dragon scales and became bald.

 Made her a shiny tail.

The girl was wearing a dragon-scale mermaid suit, and the water automatically avoided her, so she swam extremely happily in the sea.

The seven brides were sent back again.

By the way, a big wave was sent to punish those idiots.

From then on, Poseidon never accepted sacrifices again.

 Because once he was sacrificed, he had to be beaten once.

 Time flies by in the mirror of reincarnation, passing very quickly.

The girl gradually lost her appearance, her figure showed an old look, and her hair on her temples also showed white.

 She lay in the arms of the still handsome young man, breathing lightly.

The young man asked with red eyes: "Can you... wear a wedding dress for me again?"

 “I never wanted to get back at you.”

"If I were to take revenge on you, how could I wash your feet, wash and cook for you, pick up embroidery needles for you, and build our cabin for you?" On the island, she and he once built a cabin with their own hands. .

The gray-haired old man seemed to want to laugh, but she had used up all her strength to speak and she could no longer laugh.

  "I won't wear it anymore. I'm old...what should I wear? You...still look as good as before."

The old man's eyes seemed to be filled with water. Who would have known that there was a magnificent Dragon Palace hidden under the sparkling sea.

Who would have thought that she would spend her whole life here?

 From the day she fell into the Dragon Palace.

  She knew that she could not become the bride of Poseidon.

Poseidon will share a lifetime with his wife. She is a mortal, and one lifetime is enough.

 He is immortal and should not be limited by himself.

Jiajia’s eyelids twitched outside the reincarnation mirror. In this life, she actually chose a completely different ending from Sheng Yuan.

 She chose to die as a mortal.

 She closed her eyes peacefully in front of Poseidon.

 It seems as if he is not dead.

 Her appearance is old, but the young man still looks at her blankly.


Her body began to scatter and began to turn into ashes bit by bit.

 Leave little by little from among the sea gods.

"How could this happen? No, no!" Poseidon wailed sadly, trying to collect her soul, but her looming soul actually went straight towards the sky.

" could it be a remnant soul?" said the sea **** without dragon horns and scales.

Three souls and seven souls, she only has two souls!

  Her remnant soul was filled with golden light. She seemed to have no memory after her death, and was extremely indifferent to the world.

 The samsara mirror flickered and became clear again.

 It is the scene where the sea **** turns into foam and floats and sinks in the sea.

" failed again as expected." Jiajia hissed, she has such a crow mouth!

 She really got it right.

However, the black and white bead on the girl's neck always seemed familiar.

 (End of this chapter)

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