My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 267: Mysterious treasures in space

Chapter 267 The mysterious treasure in space

 “Where did you get the reincarnation mirror?” Suisui’s eyes widened.

Daddy Tiandao hid it well.

Jiajia snickered: "You don't know that the Mirror of Samsara has been suppressed under the Yuan Sea. It couldn't be discovered originally, but the Mirror of Samsara gave birth to sanity and is a divine object. It stays under that Yuan Sea all day long. Ouch ouch, the clues were discovered.”

Jiajia immediately showed a bit of disdain on her face.

“That’s why several of my uncles and uncles who were vying for the throne died because of this.”

"They used nine hundred and ninety-nine people to sacrifice to the sea. The Mirror of Samsara is a sacred object and cannot be stained with blood. If it is stained with blood, it will lose its divinity and be easily controlled by others."

“The Mirror of Reincarnation was found, but it’s a pity that they fought to death, which was an advantage to Jiajia. Jiajia will take you to see it later.”

Jiajia didn’t hesitate at all and immediately took Suisui towards Yuanhai.

Yuanhai was about three days away from Shengjing. Suisui could not find Fu Jiuxiao, so he only had someone leave a message for him.

The closer you get to Yuanhai, you can smell the obvious fishy smell of the sea between your nose.

Suisui played with a round bead with her fingers, but Jiajia squinted her eyes and said calmly: "Girl, the bead in your hand is like the Lingxiao Emperor's eyeball recorded by Princess Shengyuan."

 The book records that after Emperor Lingxiao dug out his eyeball, it turned into a nail-sized bead with clear black and white.

Although the **** had his eyes gouged out, there was nothing strange about his appearance.

 Beads seem to contain a sea of ​​stars, one black and one white, clearly distinguishable.

  It is exactly the same as the one in Suisui's hand.

Suisui looked down and saw that this thing was gathering dust in her space. She only used it to play with it occasionally.

 “It shouldn’t be such an unlucky thing.” Suisui put it away casually.

Jiajia saw her casual look and thought she was overthinking it.

"Actually, we guess that the second emperor is still in Shengyuan. He has obviously fallen, but Shengyuan is still protected by him. That's enough to explain everything."

Everyone stayed at the seaside: "This is Yuanhai. There is a small island in the middle. We will take a boat there in a moment. But you must block your ears on the boat. There are sharks singing on the Yuanhai. The sharks will lose their minds and will People were dragged into the sea.”

“Their singing is very beautiful, but I can’t hear the lyrics clearly, and I don’t know what language it is from…”

“The sharks are beautiful, and their voices are very good at confusing the mind. Countless people want to capture them. But most of them are swallowed by the sharks, even their bones.”

Sui Sui has never seen a shark, only Shark Pearl.

Shark Pearl, a spiritual pearl transformed into a dead shark after death.

The little guy stood on the bow of the boat, looking around. Not to mention being very interested.

When the boat reached the middle of Yuanhai, a white mist suddenly appeared, blocking the sight, and Suisui's eyelids twitched.

 I saw everyone on the boat clenching their weapons and plugging their ears.

 “Be careful, it’s a shark.”

 Sure enough, the words just fell.

Suisui heard a beautiful singing voice in her ears, she listened, it seemed familiar to her.

How come this song looks so similar to...

 The lullaby Fu Jiuxiao puts her to sleep every day? ? ?

Not long after, the fog approached, and I couldn't see my fingers, and there was white mist everywhere.

Everyone was quiet, no one noticed, and Suisui didn't plug her ears.

 There were sparkling waves on the water, and there was a faint sound of water.

 "Aren't you afraid of me? Come closer to me, closer..." A mysterious and beautiful voice sounded in Suisui's ears.

Suisui raised her eyes and saw a fish-tailed shark in the white mist looking at her with a smile.

 Smiled, then frowned slightly.

Strange, why does his vocal range have no effect?

Everyone who hears his voice will jump into Yuanhai without hesitation and stay with him for the rest of his life.

"Why are we afraid of you? Why do we want to get closer to you? You smell fishy." Suisui paused, her face a little embarrassed.

“But I have a question to ask you, can you answer me?” The little guy’s eyes were bright.

There is a bit of arrogance in the shark's eyebrows. The shark is full of treasures. Stupid and greedy mortals always hope to get more things.

  Every person whose mind is captivated by him will express his truest desire. This child seems to be the same.

  Just being more vigilant.

  One of the first few people he dragged into the water asked him, "Can I give him the treasures in the sea?"

One of them was obsessed with his voice and his beauty: "I want to hide you and be with you forever." That person was a man.

 In the end, he swallowed it into his belly, leaving not even a bone.

There were many more, too many for him to remember.

At this moment, he was lying on the sparkling water, showing an enchanting smile: "Oh? Do you want to ask about wealth? There is countless wealth in the sea, and there are even huge treasures."

"Or, you want to ask about my beauty?" Sharman was not sure whether a five- or six-year-old child would understand this.

 Sure enough, the little girl opposite frowned.

 “You are not as good-looking as Brother Jiuxiao.”

 “I wanted to ask…”

Suisui slowly said something under the shark's cold gaze: "Does your fish tail have thorns? Is it tender? Is it tender? The tail is often swung, so the tail meat should be delicious, right?"

As she spoke, she took a sip of saliva.

The shark's cheeks slowly condensed, revealing a rare doubt.

“You smell so fishy, ​​can onions, **** and garlic cover it up?”

Suisui looked serious.

The shark was immediately furious: "You are teasing me! What do you mean by this?"

Suisui waved his hand and said, "This is related to whether you will become my bracelet or a fish ball. Please be more serious!" This is a step that must be taken to eat monsters.

"Damn it, I will definitely eat you!" The shark's eyes were red.

Suisui was shocked: "You still eat...people?"

Then you can’t make fish balls.


Suisui rolled up her sleeves, revealing a string of crystal clear beads on her sleeves.

The shark froze for a moment, his eyes fixed on the bracelet in her hand.

"How could it be? How could you have such a thing??!" the shark's voice almost screamed, and he looked at the string of beads in her hand with fear.

Each bead is crystal clear, as if there are mermaids swimming on it.

That is the shark bead of the shark, it will only be transformed after death!

And the shark bead on it has a slightly different aura than ordinary people, it is the shark king.

  It is a bead made by the shark kings of past dynasties.

The shark almost leaned forward.

 What kind of evil star did he encounter today?

Suisui looked at the bracelet. She couldn’t remember where it came from. Anyway, there were a lot of messy things in her space. This space has been with her for as long as she can remember, these things have been there.

  It seems to be innate.

The bead that is similar to the eyes of Emperor Lingxiao also comes with the space.

 Perhaps it was given to her by Father Tiandao.

Sharman suddenly looked at her blankly...

"It's you…"

 “It’s you who are back…”

Suisui was a little confused. She had never seen a shark before. Why did the shark look so frightened? ?

Before he had time to deal with it, he saw the shark self-destructed on the spot: "I can't help you, and I hope you won't anger the shark clan."

 Immediately, it turned into a shark bead.

Suisui looked confused since the shark beads were incorporated into her bracelet.

 (End of this chapter)

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