My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 266: Mirror of reincarnation

Chapter 266 Mirror of Reincarnation

 Fu Jiuxiao had a dream.

 In the dream, I turned into the silly and sweet licking dog of Emperor Lingxiao.

  Abandoning the entire realm of the Fallen Angels for a mortal woman, failing all the calamities, and reentering reincarnation.

 In the dream, he seemed to have lost his brain stem, and he doted on Princess Sheng Yuan to the extreme.

It was clear that Princess Shengyuan was just taking shelter from the rain, but he was so stunned that he took everything into his heart, liver and lungs.

 Fu Jiuxiao opened his eyes in despair, why should he be reminded of all this **** thing! !

Everything he ever scolded, oh well, it all fell on him.

What a sin.

"I'm not that idiot like Ling Xiao! I have no status at all for the sake of a woman! I don't have the backbone of a man or a superior!" Fu Jiuxiao murmured in a low voice, with a hint of murderous intent in his brows.

As soon as he sat up, he saw Suisui entering the door with a pout on his face and an aggrieved look on his face.

"Brother Jiuxiao, the flowers on Suisui have fallen off... This is Suisui's favorite skirt. The flowers have fallen off..." The little girl pinched a small yellow flower at the corner of her skirt, with tears in her eyes.

 Fu Jiuxiao immediately turned over and sat up: "Don't cry, don't cry, it's a small matter. Brother Jiuxiao will make up for you..."

 Fu Jiuxiao, a generation emperor, skillfully took out his sewing kit from his arms and sat cross-legged on the bed.

Like an old lady, she threaded her needle and thread and quickly embroidered small yellow flowers on her.

"Look, is it the same as before? Don't cry. Brother Jiuxiao didn't even bring the imperial edict, so I brought a sewing kit specially for you." He rubbed her little head, feeling full of affection unconsciously.

“Brother Jiuxiao is so good. He is the best brother in the world.”

"To thank brother Jiuxiao... Suisui brought back the crystal coffin where Emperor Lingxiao slept." Xiao Suisui smiled like a thief.

Fu Jiuxiao was stunned. To be honest, he didn't want to hear anything about Emperor Lingxiao!

 Shame on you!

 Shame on you! !

"What are you bringing... back for? Are you also his believer?" Fu Jiuxiao asked in a low voice, his tone a little guilty, but Suisui didn't notice it at all.

Suisui shook her head, looking suspicious.

“Brother Jiuxiao, you said that Emperor Lingxiao is a wild god. How can Suisui believe in a wild god?”

“He also asked Suisui to secretly take the statue of the wild **** and put it on the corner of the table.”

Fu Jiuxiao’s eyes twitched.

   He didn’t dare to respond at all, now he understood what it meant to shoot oneself in the foot.

"Suisui brought the crystal coffin back because he wanted to give it to brother Jiuxiao. When brother Jiuxiao dies, if he doesn't want to be cremated, he can put it there."

“Suisui will cry for you personally. Suisui is experienced.”

“The cry is sad, and the voice is so loud that my throat doesn’t hurt. It sounds extremely touching... I have experience..."

 “And it can also prevent the corpse from decaying.”

“If Suisui misses you, you can dig it out and take a look.”

Suisui secretly whispered into his ear.

 “This is a good thing.” It’s not even common in the world of gods.

Fu Jiuxiao's face darkened, and he stepped on his horse to dig it out and take a look.

 No, you really want to die for me?

Fu Jiuxiao's temples were twitching: "Suisui, you don't have to save this kind of thing so early, right? After all, I'm... still young." Fu Jiuxiao glanced at her.

Suisui disagreed with her face: "Who can live a lifetime without encountering some surprises? This is called being prepared..."

 “Don’t waste it, good things must be kept.” Anyway, Suisui has already taken up the space.

Fu Jiuxiao couldn't compete with her, so he had to give up.

The word "integrity" flashed through his mind, and Fu Jiuxiao paused.

 It’s just a coffin, it has nothing to do with integrity.

 As for the sewing kit, it is not spineless to sew the ears.

How can hurting Suisui be called spineless? He is different from Emperor Lingxiao.

Suisui held her stomach and cried pitifully that she was hungry and wanted to eat local food.

 This is Shengyuan, so it’s not easy to find local cuisine.

 Fu Jiuxiao once learned several special dishes in order to please Suisui. He immediately showed off his skills and made Suisui smile.

"Emperor Lingxiao is so stupid. He probably can't even cook. To capture a person's heart, you must first capture his stomach. That body's cultivation level is useless..." Fu Jiuxiao looked proud.

 Go out after lunch.

  "The saint is dead. I heard that the saint's family cannot marry and cannot leave Shengyuan. They have been waiting for Princess Shengyuan and Emperor Lingxiao for all their lives. Before the death of each saint, a new saint will be selected from Shengyuan."

“I don’t know how they choose a saint. Every saint seems to know their mission by birth.”

Yan Ming frowned. He came together to inspect the property and only met Suisui occasionally.

"But the saint in this life died before choosing a successor. Could it be that she waited for the emperor and princess?" Yan Ming was puzzled.

Fu Jiuxiao pinched Suisui's fingertips. He was the emperor, but what about Sheng Yuan?

 Has Princess Shengyuan come back?

Although he inherited Ling Xiao's memory, he didn't pay much attention to Sheng Yuan's feelings.

“Now Jiajia is still hesitating whether to announce the truth about the emperor and the princess.” Suisui said softly.

 Fu Jiuxiao pondered for a moment and shook his head: "It's not appropriate to announce it."

 “This is already the support of this dynasty.” The people’s faith will be weakened.

 “Jiajia thinks so too.” Suisui whispered.

Fu Jiuxiao frowned: Actually, he felt a little embarrassed.

Since Suisui came to Shengyuan, Jiajia has ignored the government affairs and talked about going back to be a maid all day long.

Hundred civil and military officials could not persuade him, so he asked for permission under Suisui's name.

Jiajia burst into tears when she agreed to stay, "The position of the eldest maid must be reserved for me. You must not leave Jiajia behind..." Being an empress is not as good as being a maid of a goddess.

Suisui pointed to the sky and swore that he would do it, and Jiajia felt relieved.

As for Fu Jiuxiao, a summons kept coming from his mind at this moment.

 Ever since he had the memory of Emperor Lingxiao, he would often hear someone calling him.

 Call him to come back.

Seeing that Suisui and Jiajia were having fun at this moment, Fu Jiuxiao left the place quietly and followed the voice.

Suisui glanced outside the door and saw Fu Jiuxiao's leaving figure.

As he was talking, he heard an announcement coming from outside.

 “Your Majesty, there is news about Yuan Hai.”

Jiajia sat up slightly.

"Has it been salvaged?" Jiajia's face tightened slightly.


Suisui rarely saw Jiajia looking like this, so she immediately asked: "Are you fishing for seafood?"

Jiajia laughed and said, "Go and arrange seafood for my master."

Then she explained: "No..." She lowered her voice and secretly said: "Have you ever heard of the Mirror of Reincarnation?"

“The Mirror of Reincarnation can peek into the past and see the future. I came here to see Emperor Lingxiao’s afterlife, and I always feel that...he will be harmed by Princess Shengyuan.”

 “A three-realm reincarnation mirror that even gods can detect?” Suisui’s eyes widened.

 The year she was first conceived, she was very curious about whether a creature like her, a creature born in heaven, would have a past or a future.

 He stole it from the world of gods.

The moment it shined on his face, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the situation changed drastically. He was caught by the Heavenly Dao on the spot.


Tiandao cast a spell to suppress the Mirror of Reincarnation, but we still don’t know where it is!

 (End of this chapter)

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