My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 249: funeral two piece set

Chapter 249 Funeral Two-piece Set

Suisui finally went to Huguo Temple.

 It’s not about whipping corpses.

The vegetarian food at Huguo Temple was delicious, and the abbot agreed to make a table for her.

Suisui's stomach felt full before she walked towards the meditation room.

The jingling bells in Huguo Temple are extremely clear.

The little novice monk led Suisui to the master's Zen room. Before he entered the door, Suisui felt a strong air of death.

There is also the original power that is scattered in all directions.

As soon as he opened the door, the Imperial Master was already sitting cross-legged on the futon, his handsome and cold cheeks already filled with a hint of coldness.

 “Are you here?” The Imperial Master looked at her deeply.

 It seems like he is looking at her, but also like he is looking at others through her.

"This time, I didn't come late, but I came in the wrong place..." The national master's voice was lonely, and his eyes were filled with deep sadness.

"I'm so incompetent...I missed it again and again...Obviously this time, you haven't grown up yet, and everything is too late..." A drop of clear tears flowed from the eyes of the national teacher.

  "I've been waiting here for four hundred years. I've been waiting for you for four hundred years..."

Suisui was speechless: "Four hundred years? Are you confused? Four hundred years ago, I was still a consciousness and had not yet transformed."

 The Imperial Master looked at her blankly.

 Suddenly laughed, laughed and cried again.

"You...I forgot, you washed away my memory again...I have been following you, following your footsteps...Why can't you look back at me?"

Suisui looked confused: "I'm looking at you, my eyes almost popped out, haven't I looked at you yet?"

 The Imperial Master had a wry smile on his face.

“I know, you don’t want to believe me anymore no matter what I say now.”

“But I really never wanted to harm you.”

"I just want... to get you back." The Imperial Master murmured in a low voice, but he couldn't do anything. He had already made enough mistakes.

 He is afraid that if he makes another mistake, he will push forward the process and lead to everything going to the previous ending again.

The Imperial Master looked at her without blinking, as if he wanted to carve her into his heart.

 “I’ve been waiting for too long, too long...I can’t even remember what you look like...”

 “I’m sorry for hurting you.”

 He whispered.

 He looked at Suisui with strong emotions that Suisui couldn't understand.

 “You are going to make changes…”

Suisui watched him dissipate little by little, turning into spiritual energy and dissipating into the world little by little.

 The Imperial Master's gaze remained on her.

 “I was created by you, and all these should be returned to you.”

  After finishing speaking, there was a pause.

He seemed to have exhausted all his strength and said with a plaintive expression: "In the future...never take it away from other people's eyes..."

"Don't take any organs... don't take any hair." After the national master said this, he disappeared between heaven and earth.

 The spirit and soul are all broken, and there will be no afterlife.

Suisui stared blankly at the dots of stars. As soon as she stretched out her hand, the starlight shuttled between her palms.

 “Eyes? What eyes?”

 “It’s my...aura.”

 “It’s my strength…”

 Her power is contained in the original power of the National Master.

 I saw something clear appearing on the futon, and Sui Sui stepped forward to pick it up.

 I saw that it was actually a finger bone.

This phalanx has become transparent and crystal clear, with traces of golden light surging inside. "He was actually created from a phalanx?"

Suisui was extremely surprised. It’s really amazing that one finger bone can have such great power.

Suisui happily stuffed her finger bones into her arms. I guess it belongs to some ancient god.

This thing does not look like a finger bone, but rather like a piece of delicate jade, like a decoration.

Suisui looked at the relics left by the Imperial Master. There was a booklet under the futon.

 The booklet has turned yellow and looks quite old.

 When she opened it, she found that it had been repaired several times, and it seemed to have a long history.

Suisui held the book and read it seriously for a while, and finally came to a conclusion...

 I don’t know a lot of words.

The little girl stuffed the notebook into the space and stomped out of the monastery with her short legs.

“I also prepared an urn for him, but it turned out that I didn’t use it. I was too lazy to take it back, so I gave it to the abbot.” Suisui stuffed the urn into the abbot. As a gift, it doesn’t matter who you give it to.

The abbot looked at her silently.

Although the poor monk is the most loyal believer of the goddess, if you give me an urn...

 The poor monk really wants to vent his anger.

The little novice monk secretly said: "When the abbot passes away, he will turn into a relic and the temple will have to offer it to the temple." Look, the abbot's merits over the years have almost been wiped out.

Suisui looked at the little novice monk, who tilted his head straight: "I don't want to die yet..."

“Oh, let me take it back.” Suisui looked disappointed.

Hold the urn and walked away alone.

 After returning to the palace, the little guy’s eyes rolled around.

Then she found a piece of delicate silk and tied a bow on it. The little girl happily walked towards the imperial study room.

"Brother Jiuxiao, I have carefully prepared a gift for you. I hope you will like it." As soon as Suisui entered the door, she ran towards Fu Jiuxiao holding the box.

Fu Jiuxiao was reviewing the memorial, with a slight frown on his face, unable to hide his joy.

"Child, why are you spending this money? You don't have much money, but you still spend money for brother Jiuxiao..." Fu Jiuxiao complained, but his eyebrows were raised high. This was the first time Suisui gave him a gift!

"Brother Jiuxiao knows that you are serious..." Oh, Suisui really took him to heart.

"Brother Jiuxiao likes it as long as it is a gift from you. He will use it later. No one is allowed to touch it. It can only be used by brother Jiuxiao." Fu Jiuxiao caught the gift box with both hands and looked at Suisui with softer eyes.

"Will you use it later? No, no, no, it's not necessary." Suisui looked confused.

 Fu Jiuxiao simply couldn't wait for a moment.

 He swore!

 No matter what it is, he must use it right away!

This is the first time Suisui has given him a gift.

 “Is it clothes?”

 “Is it shoes??”

"It's wrapped so tightly, is it a belt? I know, it must be an ornament. It looks square, could it be an inkstone?" Fu Jiuxiao said with a smile while opening the gift.

 Opening the outer gift box, an exquisite, gorgeous and simple wooden box comes into view.

The wooden box is painted with countless mysterious patterns, like some kind of charm.

 There is also a big Chinese character longevity written on the box.

“I know, the gift must be inside.” Fu Jiuxiao opened the box.


 The box is empty.

Eunuch the prince has been trembling all over since he saw the box. His eyelids turned white, and he just hated himself for why he was in this Shura field!

“What’s in the box?” Fu Jiuxiao muttered.

Suisui raised her head and looked at him: "I have to wait until you get in. It's just for your use..."

"Brother Jiuxiao is so big, how can he fit into a box..." Fu Jiuxiao's laughter stopped abruptly.

“Why can’t it be loaded in? It’s only two ounces of ashes after burning... The boss said it can hold a person weighing three hundred kilograms.”

 The smile on Fu Jiuxiao's face slowly condensed.

 You cry for me in the morning, and you send me an urn at night. Together, this is a two-piece funeral set? ? ?

PS: Sorry for being late, I’m a little busy on the weekend...

 (End of this chapter)

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