My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 189: The emperor's little ancestor

Chapter 189 The Emperor’s Young Ancestor

 The emperor stood beside her.

 A group of married women stood at the bottom with their heads lowered.

The worst thing is the group of students with bruises and swollen faces. They thought they had a patron, but who knew that the patron would have trembling in their calves.

 They even turned around secretly and glared at themselves fiercely.

The children also looked aggrieved.

They did not expect that Yan Suisui, who came from the countryside, was an old acquaintance of His Majesty! !

woo woo woo woo…

   No one believes it even if it means breaking the sky.

I had a fight with a four- or five-year-old kid and invited the parents. The biggest parent in the world was actually invited.

 The kind that can kill all nine of their clans if they are unhappy.

Their fathers and grandfathers trembled when they saw this big man.

Even if we get out alive today, we will probably have to fight in mixed doubles.

The whole world is looking for Your Majesty’s weaknesses and Achilles’ heel in order to curry favor with Your Majesty’s stinky feet.

 This is great...

 They hit His Majesty's weak side.

"It's really amazing. A group of people beat up the smallest baby... They are really my good subjects. You adults really have a good way of raising children." The emperor said lightly.

 Everyone's heart sank.

Your Majesty, are you blind?

 She singled out the whole class, but they were the ones with bruises and bruises! !

 “Your Majesty...Actually...” It’s us who lose...

The little princess stammered and wanted to reply, but the eldest princess suddenly turned back and gave her a gouging look.

She was so frightened that she stopped talking.

The eldest princess is not afraid of anything but the young emperor who has just ascended the throne.

Just hearing his voice made me terrified.

 In the past, she made heaven, earth, and air, and she also raised noodles in the eldest princess's mansion. When the late emperor found out, he just yelled and cursed. She was her only sister, so he was so angry that he didn't dare to do anything to her.

 But the new emperor…

 National law stipulates that the emperor is the master of the world and only needs to observe filial piety for 27 days to complete the period of filial piety.

  That day, the new emperor had just come out of his filial piety period, and she saw that the emperor did not have half of his concubines.

 She gave the new emperor a pretty beauty and sent it directly to the new emperor's dragon bed.

The new emperor caught the palace servant who tried to seduce him and drugged him on the spot. She took off her clothes cleanly, shaved all her hair, eyelashes and eyebrows, and let her crawl out of the palace step by step.

The person is still alive, but he has experienced a punishment worse than Lingchi.

A scared family and daughter who had thought about the new emperor had a cold hair.

The new emperor also found ten big men, gave them medicine once a day, locked the eldest princess in the house, and did not open the door for three days and three nights.

Since then, the new emperor has spoken out.

 You must observe mourning for the late emperor for three years.

 The civil and military officials of the entire dynasty did not dare to say a word.

  Too cruel.

  Too cruel.

 Zhennima is too cruel.

Hateful and vicious.

But such a little tyrant, who made people blush when he heard it, carefully held Yan Suisui's hand and checked the injury inch by inch.

"Your hands are so red, what did they use to hurt you?" A flash of violence flashed in the emperor's eyes.

Suisui thought for a while: "Maybe it's their cheeks."

 “They pressed their cheeks against my palms.”

When they broke down the door, Suisui slapped her in the face a few times.

 Hands are all red.

 The young men below gritted their teeth in frustration.

   I don’t dare to refute at this time, I have to smile and nod.

"Then why is your mouth hurt? It's all broken?" The emperor's eyes were slightly red.

Suisui touched her lips, thought for a while and suddenly said: "Oh, the chicken feet in Jingcheng are very well marinated. I ate too many of them and bitten my lips."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Damn, I had been looking forward to this moment so much. She was definitely not injured! The emperor was also relieved. He ran all the way, fearing that Suisui would be offended.

The dean wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and looked deeply at Yan Suisui.

 It’s over.

 He made a mistake.

This most honest, well-behaved and cute person is the biggest king.

 The emperor also had to wear embroidered shoes for her.

"What is wrong with my girl? Do you want your whole class to isolate her, exclude her, and target her?"

 “You want to punish me too?” The emperor turned around.


   The whole room was on their knees.

 The ladies who were clamoring just now to make Yan Suisui look good are now crying bitterly.

“Your Majesty is aware of this matter…” The eldest princess shrank.

"This is a case of these brats taking advantage of their power to bully others. Punish them when they deserve it, and beat them when they deserve it. They must never be allowed to develop such a temper. Your Majesty, please... punish them." The eldest princess was about to burst into tears.

These idiots kicked people to the iron plate.

The whole class fought around and no one was defeated.

 The group of students behind him felt like they were mourning for their heirs. It was over. If they couldn't get revenge, they would make things worse.

  It has been bad luck for eight lifetimes.

 The dean stood to one side without saying a word.

How could he have imagined that the reversal would happen so quickly.

These second-generation ancestors actually suffered a huge fall.

"Go kneel under the eaves and admit your mistakes while slapping them. You are in the highest school in Dai Viet, and you are taught by the best masters in Dai Viet. What you receive are the most superior resources in Dai Viet. It turns out that you have raised right and wrong people like you. Indiscriminate and wanton temper. "Isolating and bullying a child based on mere rumors, Fu Jiuxiao will not take this kind of behavior lightly, regardless of whether the other person is Suisui.

If these people go to court in the future, it will be a misfortune to the world.

"Today I will give you a small punishment. If there is a next time, I will definitely punish you severely! Come with your elders to the palace for training!" The emperor was angry and everyone trembled.

Everyone left the gate with mournful faces and knelt in the corridor, applauding endlessly.

Suisui yawned, and the emperor frowned.

 “Tell them to go away and slap them, they will make trouble for Suisui.”

 The women were stunned.

 The little **** immediately went to deliver the message.

 The society is dead.

The married women were so angry that they gritted their teeth. The Marquis of Chengen also said that the girl came from the countryside, was unruly and had no background.


 It has no background.

 The emperor was standing and she was sitting.

  She was sleepy, and the emperor even suppressed his sneeze.

"You haven't eaten yet? Have you tried the beggar's chicken that I personally cooked for you? It's delicious while it's hot." The emperor tore off a chicken leg and handed it to Suisui, who was yawning. As soon as she smelled the fragrance, the little girl suddenly woke up. .

 After a pause, he carefully pushed the chicken leg to Fu Jiuxiao's mouth.

“Brother Jiuxiao, eat first.” The little guy was extremely determined and refused to take a bite.

Fu Jiuxiao was stunned for a moment, and then his heart felt a little moved, and his eyes felt a little hot.

 “When Suisui has grown up, she already knows how much she loves her brother.” Fu Jiuxiao was filled with relief that her love for this girl was not in vain.

 Fu Jiuxiao took two bites.

 After a while, Suisui tore off a big wing.

“I listened to a play in the countryside. It was said that the emperor was often assassinated and poisoned, and there were many people who wanted to kill him. Fortunately, you, the beggar chicken, were not poisonous. You didn’t die after eating it..."

 The emperor froze, and his tears of joy shrank back.

Everyone bowed their heads, as if they didn't hear me and was deaf.

  Where did this little ancestor come from? The emperor wanted to test the poison on her! !

 (End of this chapter)

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