My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 188: The emperor is her parent

Chapter 188 The emperor is her parent

“Mother…my son doesn’t want to be in the same school as her.”

“It’s so vulgar and rude, it’s disgusting to think about it.” Fu Wulin frowned. He was only seven years old this year, but he had been raised to be arrogant and domineering, and he was a famous bully in Beijing.

“Her breath is disgusting, and there is no strange smell on her body.”

 The children in the enlightenment class all showed a look of displeasure and disgust.

Suisui stood alone opposite.

"This matter can't be so good. Her family will have to pay the price later."

 Everyone looked filled with indignation.

Suisui sat on the small stool obediently.

There was a flash of disdain in the eyes of the ladies.

I'm afraid Cheng'enhou Mansion would not offend so many courtiers and wives because of her.

"Since the Marquis of Cheng'en won't come, then slap yourself. Kneel on the ground and slap..." The eldest princess said lightly, and Princess Jin picked up the teacup and blew the hot air gently.

 The married women looked at each other with an expression of indifference.

"How about you talk to my parents? He can make the decision for Suisui." Suisui pointed to the door.

“Hey, someone is here from the Chengenhou Mansion?” Princess Jin was a little surprised.

Suisui shook his head: "It's not the Marquis Mansion. It was his parents who entrusted Suisui to him. He said that even if Suisui broke the sky in the capital, he could mend it." Suisui looked serious.

The ladies couldn't help laughing.

"Look at this kid, what nonsense are you talking about in broad daylight? I haven't seen any big shots in the countryside. I just think that a small official or a small household is big." In the countryside, what kind of big shot can be entrusted to him?

 Some petty officials like to brag in border towns and deceive unsophisticated country people.

“Then let your sky patcher come in and take a look.”

 Everyone had a little more smile.

 The Chengenhou Mansion is Yan Jiaojiao's residence, so they have some concerns.

But the other party’s parents are other people, so don’t blame them for being rude.

"Since he can take responsibility for you, then you will be punished together. You will have to kneel a few times..." Before he could finish speaking for a few hours, a bright yellow suddenly appeared from outside the door.

The dusty young emperor didn't even change into his dragon robe. There was still a thin layer of sweat on his forehead and his eyes were a little nervous.

 It wasn’t until I saw a short and squat person sitting on a small stool that I breathed a sigh of relief.

“Your Majesty!” The eldest princess stood up abruptly, shaking the tea cup in her hand, and the tea spilled out, soaking a piece of her skirt.

 The new emperor suddenly came to the National Academy, and everyone stood up.

There is still a bit of panic on the face.

 The new emperor was tough and had military power. After he ascended the throne, he refused to give face to anyone and dismissed a large number of people.

 Everyone is scared nowadays.

Their men, no matter how glamorous they are in the capital, they dare not raise their heads when they are scolded by His Majesty every day in the court.

Now that they suddenly saw His Majesty, all the wives were shocked.

 Everyone knelt down to pay their respects.

The dean's heart skipped a beat, wondering why he had attracted the new emperor.

The dean felt extremely bitter in his heart. Could it be that all the civil and military brats in the dynasty were beaten today and it was spread to His Majesty?

"I heard that there was a group fight in the academy today?" the emperor asked calmly.

Behind him came the prince who was trotting. He couldn't help panting and was sweating profusely from exhaustion.

Everyone's hearts trembled. Why did this matter suddenly reach His Majesty's ears?

Although this class is almost all the children of important officials in the court, His Majesty has a cold and cruel temperament, and is moody and angry. The courtiers are terrified when they see him, let alone them.

The eldest princess smiled and said: "This is the first time a countryman comes to Beijing. He doesn't understand the rules and bumps into the children. He will be punished accordingly."

"It's not a big deal. The children have suffered a little, and her parents will be punished later. Such vulgar people will definitely let her family members be punished together if they harm the son of a courtier."

"Your Majesty's state affairs are very hard, why do you need your Majesty to make this trip?" the eldest princess said with a smile. Although she was the new emperor's aunt, she did not dare to stand up in front of the little emperor.

“Who is so ignorant of etiquette that alerted His Majesty?” The eldest princess glanced around sternly.

The ladies who had looked high above their heads just now and were full of pride now lowered their heads and looked honest. On the day His Majesty ascended the throne, some people scolded Your Majesty angrily in the street, and even threw rotten eggs at Your Majesty, saying that Your Majesty was not as wise as the King of Jin and was not worthy of being emperor.

 That man was a wandering child, without a father, mother or relatives.

 Who knows…

After that day, all nine of his tribes were recovered.

All the nine tribes gathered under the Yellow Spring.

At this moment, everyone took notice of the eldest princess's sharp scolding.

 Who is so blind?

He actually stabbed him in front of His Majesty. The most terrifying thing is that His Majesty actually came!

Xiao Suisui looked at the ladies standing all over the room. She sat on the small stool and became an increasingly smaller ball.

The dean has a big head, but a little guy enrolled in the school caused a fight between gods and gods today.

  Hey, what a pity.

 This child is probably dead.

 Look, everyone is scared to death.

His Majesty came, and she actually sat motionless on the small stool.

 No, she moved.

The little guy raised her little hand, but no one could see her.

"It's me..." the little girl said in a sweet voice.

 The scene fell silent for a moment.

"I was the one who called him here. It was you who said you wanted to invite the parents." Suisui said aggrievedly.

"By the way, you said you wanted to slap him and punish him by kneeling, just punish him. My father and mother said that Suisui will be responsible for everything in the capital." Suisui pointed with her little hand. His Majesty.


 I don’t know who took a breath.

 Some of the ladies were timid and could not stand firmly while holding on to the edge of the table.

The eldest princess was no less than experiencing an earthquake at this moment.

 Her, how could she know His Majesty? ? !

 The parent she invited was His Majesty! !

 The eldest princess swayed.

Looking at the majestic emperor, he walked step by step to the little fat man.

 Squat down.

 Wrown his brows.

The eldest princess was overjoyed. Just now she pointed her finger at His Majesty. This was a great crime of disrespect. And she actually sat in front of His Majesty! !

 According to Your Majesty's temper, I'm afraid all nine tribes will have to be killed!

"Are you tired from sitting on such a short and hard cold bench? Are you cold?" The emperor's voice had never been softer.

The eldest princess’s eyes turned dark.

 “Your Majesty, she...”

"This is my little girl. I heard that my little girl was beaten by a group of people and suffered some losses. I'm here to take care of her." The emperor said in a doting tone, took Yan Suisui, jumped straight over the crowd, and walked to the highest place. Bit.

 Fu Wujiang, the little princess and a group of other aristocratic family members couldn’t even roll their eyes.

  His Majesty the Emperor, whom they feared the most, actually held her in his arms and sat on the chair.

The milk baby grinned at them.

 The white teeth and gum flesh were exposed.

 Suddenly, a surprising scene appeared in the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Yan Suisui sat on the main seat, and the emperor stood beside her.

The little milk baby is sitting and the emperor is standing. Who believes it? Who believes it? !

 (End of this chapter)

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