My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 174: Backer ascends the throne

Chapter 174: Backing to the throne

 Fu Jiuxiao didn't sleep well all night.

 Before he came, he was still thinking about how to break King Jin's situation.

 It only took a whole night's sleep.

The letter of mourning from the capital was sent back.

 The emperor passed away, and the courtiers took his death as a warning and asked the crown prince to take over the throne to ensure peace in Vietnam.

Three horses died in one night, please return to the palace and succeed to the throne!

This incident caught the imperial concubine by surprise.

 Fu Jiuxiao was a little confused.


Haven’t done anything yet?

Suisui yawned: "You should go back early and inherit the family business. Didn't you say you can go home only for a funeral? Did you get your wish?"

 “Sir, we can’t wait any longer.” The subordinate who came after a long journey said anxiously.

 The death of an emperor and the succession of a new emperor are all big events.

 Fu Jiuxiao stared deeply at Suisui: "You helped me get this business. When you return to Beijing... I will be your backstage."

 Fu Jiuxiao did not stay long, and Jingzhong still needed him to return to take charge of the overall situation.

 Three days later.

 The news of the emperor's death spread to border towns.

"When the emperor dies, civil and military officials and all the people are not allowed to have fun for a hundred days, and are not allowed to slaughter for forty-nine days. People across the country are prohibited from marrying for a month. During this period, we must mourn and mourn." Mr. Lu wore Dressed in plain clothes, looking in the direction of the capital with red eyes.

 Lie down on the ground and kowtow deeply several times.

"Your Majesty, why are you leaving before me?" Mr. Lu's voice was choked with sobs.

Although the emperor was not very sober in his later years, Mr. Lu had been assisting him for decades, so how could he not have feelings for him.

Suisui sat on the chair leisurely: "If he doesn't leave first, I have to send you away first."

Mr. Lu's expression was filled with sadness.

 The crying stopped suddenly.

 “Your longevity will be extended to him.”

"He is the emperor, and he is a person of great concern to Heaven. I'm afraid that besides you, there are innocent people who have also had their lifespan taken away. Now that he dies, all his lifespan has been returned to the original owner."

 “Well, you have to be judged after death.” Suisui grinned.

Mr. Lu couldn’t cry anymore.

"If you are a mortal, after death you have to walk on the Road of Huangquan, cross the Naihe Bridge, and go to Wangxiang Stone to review your life. Then you go to the Judge's Hall to wait for the trial, and finally determine whether you will be a human or an animal in the next life."

"Those who have merit will join a wealthy family. Those who have done many evil deeds will go to **** to atone for their sins. Only when their sins are cleared can they start reincarnation again."

“A bowl of Mengpo soup before reincarnation will make you forget about the past and start a new life.”

 “Mother Meng’s craftsmanship is not very good.” Suisui shook her head in disgust.

“The soup she cooked was green and glossy, and it tasted astringent and had an unspeakable strange taste. There were too many complaints from the underworld, so I invited the Kitchen God to teach her cooking skills.”

 “Taught for a month…”

 “When she is in a good mood, Meng Po soup is so sweet that she can ascend to heaven in one sip…”

“When I’m in a bad mood, there’s all kinds of ups and downs. After drinking it, I wish I could go to the eighteenth level of hell…”

“It was said that the drink tasted worse than before, and then the underworld... complained about me instead.” Bah, you accused me of being a helper of evil!

Mr. Lu's eyelids twitched and he tried not to think about whether she drank Meng Po soup?

 Hill you invite the other party to the Kitchen King?

 The mythical stories that have been passed down for thousands of years are like the uncles next door in her mouth.

“But the emperor is a little different.”

"An emperor who has worked hard and made great achievements throughout his life can enjoy the incense in the world and be ranked among the immortals."

“Well, if you are an ordinary emperor, you can also choose to retire in the underworld. Human emperors like them also have mansions in the underworld, and they can also practice cultivation.”

 “That…foolish and unscrupulous emperor?”

Mr. Lu couldn't help but ask.

Suisui said with a half-smile: "The ancestors are all down there, what are you going to do? Let's blast the hammer."

 Lao Lu is indifferent.

The late emperor also made some achievements when he was young, but when he was old and pursued immortality, he became foolish and ignorant. For example, during the three years of natural disasters in Wangshan Prefecture, the people were in dire straits, complaining, and countless people died of starvation.

 But all he could think about was immortality, cultivation, and praising Yan Jiaojiao.

This is just one of them.

 All in all, his faults outweigh his merits.

 This is also the reason why Mr. Lu was so heartbroken that he took the opportunity to return to Xiushan.

 If you continue to assist such an emperor, you will only make yourself an accomplice.

Mr. Lu patted his knees and got up calmly, his sadness gone.

 This point?

Probably the late emperor was being beaten by his ancestors down there.

"When are you going back to Beijing? I have to write a book for those disciples, so I'm worried about you coming to Beijing like this." Mr. Lu sighed. Suisui is very smart and unusually smart, but she has this kind of brain circuit...

 It’s not easy to teach.

"Maybe it will be soon." Suisui crossed her fingers, fearing that this would be the time.

"By the way, if possible, you must not provoke the new emperor who is about to take over."

“He had no benevolent heart when he was young, and he is afraid that he will become a tyrant even after he ascends the throne.” Mr. Lu frowned fiercely.

 But now Fu Jiuxiao's return is the best ending.

 The former emperor passed away and the prince was the heir apparent, so it was reasonable for him to ascend the throne.

If the king of Jin ascends the throne, but the court is in turmoil, there will be a dispute between the prince and Jin Jiang.

No matter who wins or loses, it will be the people of Liming who will suffer.

Suisui nodded, "Oh, okay." Tyrant?

 How violent is it?

Mr. Lu loaded half a car full of books for Suisui in one breath, and handed her a jade pendant: "This is a token of the Lu family. If you need anything, go to the Lu family. Most of the sons of aristocratic families in the capital are arrogant and domineering, so don't let them suffer." "

Suisui took it with an honest look.

How could Mr. Lu know at this moment that Yan Suisui would become even more domineering as soon as he entered Beijing?

The people who complained almost crowded the Chengenhou Mansion.

Suisui’s guess was indeed correct.

  The second month after the new emperor ascended the throne.

 Yanchuan has just passed the scholar examination.

Xiushan County is busy harvesting rice, and the whole city is as happy as the New Year.

“The yield per mu is one thousand catties. When calculated, the yield per mu is really one thousand catties!”

“The worst yield in Wangjia Village is over 700 kilograms! One acre of land is equivalent to three acres of fertile land! Bodhisattva bless us, with this food, we will never go hungry again.” Everyone was crying while harvesting.

Every household in Wangjia Village has selected more than 200 kilograms of grain seeds, only to sell them when the price is high.

Each household in Xiushan County only collected more than 300 jins, but they also selected 50 or 60 jins for grain seed.

 Fu Jiuxiao's tens of thousands of kilograms of grain seeds gave Dai Viet a huge impact.

 When he first succeeded to the throne, there were still some important ministers in the court who were dissatisfied with him.

When he brought out thousands of kilograms of grain per acre, everyone stopped.

He just knelt on the ground and shouted: "God bless my emperor, the new emperor will succeed to the throne and bring blessings to all people."

“Your Majesty, if an acre yields a thousand catties, no people in Dai Viet will ever go hungry again!”

"Your Majesty, this is the blessing of Dai Viet, and it is God who protects your Majesty. Your Majesty... is a wise king recognized by God!" The young man's face was dark, and the courtiers below him were prostrate on the ground.

 Fu Jiuxiao was stunned for a rare moment.

 He suddenly remembered...

  In order to buy grain, he still had to dance!

 He has become an emperor!

Bodhisattva bless me. I just ask that the creditor never pursue him in the capital!

 He doesn’t want to wear a dragon robe and twist his **** for the other party!

 (End of this chapter)

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