My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 173: You must be a dead daddy

Chapter 173 You must die as a father

Suisui’s snacks were confiscated.

 Lin opened the door and went straight to the cabinet.

Without even putting a foot on it, he reached out and took out the snacks she had worked so hard to hide.

 The little goddess was so angry that she burst into tears.

Fu Xiaoxiao was smiling happily beside him, but Suisui looked at him expressionlessly...

Fu Xiaoxiao immediately stopped smiling and stood beside him with a solemn and sad face.

at last…

 He was kicked by Sui Sui because he was panting too loudly next to him.

 At dinner time.

Mr. Lin warmly entertained Fu Xiaoxiao. Fu Xiaoxiao was now Yan Lang's immediate boss. How could she not be attracted to him.

 “How come Mr. Fu has time to come to Xiushan? How can Beidi be at peace now?”

Beidi is at peace, and her brother Lang will be safe.

"Don't worry, Madam, Lang Ge'er is a natural fit for the military camp. Beidi has only made some small moves recently, and Lang Ge'er has returned safely." Fu Xiaoxiao knew that she wanted to hear about Yan Lang, so he picked out what happened to Yan Lang in the military camp and told some of it. .

Ms. Lin felt happy and sad at the same time.

 Yan Xingchen is almost seven months old, and he usually sits on the mat and plays.

At this moment, her saliva was dripping as she looked at the big hooves, and she could only stretch out an index finger to bite and play with it.

 While eating, he extended his wet fingers to share with his sister.


His little hand tried to stuff it into Suisui's mouth, but Suisui's little face twisted into a ball: "Xingchen's kindness, sister accepts it, Xingchen can keep it for himself."

Little Xingchen took it back with a disappointed look on his face and continued to chew on his fingers.

 Yes, the first word she learned was not father or mother.

   is the elder sister.

Although it is pronounced as chirp.

"I heard that Suisui's biological mother... came to our doorstep?" Fu Xiaoxiao kept it in mind when she heard Yan Lang talk about it last time.

Lin’s brows furrowed.

 Dissatisfaction with Chengenhou Mansion reached its peak.

"Yes, I've been looking for you since May. Now it's almost July, and there's no charter. If you don't want to admit it, why bother to admit it? Suisui was already hurt once when they abandoned her, do you want to hurt my Suibao again? ?”

 “Now I’m just hanging my ears to dry!” Mrs. Lin hated her so much.

"It's ridiculous to say that the evil servant stole the child. Whose family lost their child and finally found it, but ignored it for two months? And they said that the wealthy families in the capital are really despicable people!"

If they were to be in front of Mrs. Lin, Mrs. Lin would have to scratch their faces.

Fu Xiaoxiao frowned slightly.

Seeing Xiao Suisui sticking her **** out and playing in the mud, I thought that if this girl returned to Beijing, she wouldn't be bullied, right?

 He turned his head and thought.

She considers the other person lucky if she doesn't cause trouble.

 “What’s the name of that family? I’ve lived in the capital for a few years.”

"What's it called...Chengenhou Mansion?" Lin remembered the name very clearly, and even secretly asked the caravan for a lot of information.

 Knowing that Yan Jiaojiao was favored by everyone in the house, she felt even more sorry for Suisui.


 The chopsticks in the prince's hand fell to the ground.

 "Chengenhou's Mansion??! The Chengenhou's Mansion with a blessed treasure?" The baby that he felt friendly to when he saw it?

 That child back then was Suisui! !

 In that year, the Marquis's daughter was born, the sky was filled with red light, and countless magpies surrounded the Chengen Marquis' mansion.

That night, he had a dream.

In the dream, he was holding a divine sword and kept fighting with blood, almost until he lost his mind.

 I heard a Sanskrit sound in my dream.

Then the **** dream was instantly broken, and countless rays of light came in to dispel the darkness. A baby seemed to flash past in the middle of the light.

On the second day, I heard that a daughter had been born in the Marquis of Chengen. He also went there on the day of Zeisan.

That child's face shape is almost exactly the same as Suisui's today.

No wonder, every time he saw Yan Jiaojiao later on, he felt extremely disgusted and always felt that she was not the same person!

Unexpectedly, there are actually two people!

Suisui, was abandoned!

 Just because the Hou Mansion abandoned one of their daughters in order to preserve the prophecy of the Imperial Master and for the sake of the prosperity of the Hou Mansion!

Fu Xiaoxiao was in the capital, so he naturally knew the rumors about the Chengenhou Mansion.

Stealing a child is just an excuse.

 Fu Xiaoxiao’s face was filled with distress, and he turned his head...

I saw the distressed fool holding an elbow that was bigger than his face and chewing on it, his little face looked extremely ferocious, and his heartache immediately disappeared.

"If you go to Beijing, there will be no one to take care of you..." Lin didn't feel relieved.

"Don't worry, madam. Fu's family is in Jingzhong, so we can still help with this matter." Jingzhong is his territory.

 Lin was immediately happy and thanked her.

 Seeing that food was still cooking in the pot, he turned around and went to the kitchen.

Suisui sucked loudly, making Yan Xingchen's eyes wide open and his mouth watering.

 People without teeth are so pitiful.

"Suisui, when you return to Beijing, take this token to my house." Fu Xiaoxiao handed her the East Palace token.

 “Ni…Why won’t Shenma go back?” Suisui asked with his mouth full of meat, muttering.

Fu Xiaoxiao chuckled: "I...I'm afraid I have to go back to the funeral."

Suisui looked at him confused.

“My father likes my little wife and my son. He wants my son to inherit the family business, so naturally he won’t let me go back.”

"Besides, he is ill now. If I go back, I will naturally inherit the family business. They are afraid of me, so naturally they will not allow it." A cold look flashed in Fu Xiaoxiao's eyes.

 Now that they are hanging on to the emperor's life, they are planning ahead.

Suisui tilted her head, not quite understanding.

 What eggs? ?

 Egg me?

The little guy took advantage of the situation and counted with his fingers.

 “Eh…something’s not right.” Suisui lowered her elbows, less carelessly and more cautiously.

“Strange, you still have a father? Why do you still have a father?” Your birth date clearly shows that you should have lost your father last year!

 There was a hint of awe in the little guy's brows.

Fu Xiaoxiao wiped the oil from her fingertips cleanly.

 The little girl scratched her head anxiously.

 Some people actually lived for an extra year under the eyes of Father Tiandao?

"Where did the longevity come from? He should have died a long time ago..." Could it be that the longevity of the unlucky Wenquxingjun was stolen?


 Senior brother’s lifespan has been fully recovered, but he is not dead yet, which means he still has other lifespan to live on!

Suisui's eyes were filled with a trace of majesty belonging to the gods.

 “Your home is in Ang, the capital?” Suisui asked him seriously.

 Fu Xiaoxiao nodded.

 “Then is your family rich? Is there a lot of delicious food?”

 Fu Xiaoxiao thought for a while: "With a small yield, Suisui can spend his whole life."

Suisui clapped her hands.

Then, she should have a backer to return to Beijing!

“Your father’s lifespan expired last year, and he was forcibly extended. He violated the will of heaven and took away the lifespan that did not belong to him.”


 “You must die as a father.”

 “Let’s go home for the funeral.” Suisui waved her hand and grabbed the hoof again.

 “Eat more meat, your father will become a vegetarian after he dies.”

She didn't forget to give Fu Xiaoxiao the smallest chicken drumstick.

 Fu Xiaoxiao was shocked! !

 (End of this chapter)

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