My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 165: Suisui’s true identity

Chapter 165 Suisui’s true identity

 “Borrow longevity?” Mr. Lu murmured in a low voice.

"You also learned Yan Jiaojiao's tricks? You can't learn such deceptive things!" Mr. Lu frowned, fearing that someone would lead his junior sister astray.

Suisui, however, put down the snacks and jumped down from the chair.

 Hands clapped.

“Do you feel unbearable pain from the time the sun goes down? It reaches its peak at midnight?”

“And the pain subsides at dawn, until the sun shines on the earth, and then returns to normal?”

Suisui did not wait for Mr. Lu's answer and continued: "Borrowing longevity is against the harmony of heaven and earth. The yin energy is heavy at night and the yin energy is strong, so your life span will be borrowed."

“Yang Qi is strong during the day, and the sun is so bright that it cannot tolerate darkness, so during the day, you are just like a normal person.”

"Just like me?" Li Shenzhi looked ugly.

Mr. Lu frowned and looked at his disciple.

Li Shenzhi took a deep breath: "Master, do you still remember when I took the imperial examination? I went all the way to high school, but after entering Beijing, all my luck came to an end."

“When everything went wrong, even Xin Niang ran away.” None of the children he begged for were his.

"My brother's condition worsened. When I was hanging myself, I met Suisui. After Suisui helped me regain my luck, everything is going smoothly now! I'm afraid I can return to the capital within a year!"

 A coldness flashed across Li Shenzhi's eyes.

"Who would have known that a treasure that is highly praised by everyone in the world would steal other people's luck and use it for her own benefit?"

Mr. Lu looked horrified and fell straight into his chair.

"In August, did anyone around Yan Jiaojiao have an accident?" Li Shenzhi looked at his master.

At that time, Mr. Lu suddenly fell seriously ill, but he had not yet left Beijing, so he had some impressions.

"Something happened. The youngest son of the Marquis of Xuanping, who became intelligent after being enlightened by her, suddenly fell into a coma. When he woke up, he lost his mind and became an idiot." Marquis Xuanping had a young son who was honest and honest.

I once spent a lot of money to seek blessings from Yan Jiaojiao, but within half a year, the legitimate son became smart and smart.

 The relationship between Yan Jia and Xuan Pinghou became instantly warm.

The Yan family also betrothed their eldest daughter to Crown Prince Xuanping, and they got married in July.

 The second month after the marriage, the youngest son of Marquis Xuanping suddenly fell into a coma.

 Woke up and immediately lost consciousness, even losing the ability to take care of himself.

 Can't recognize people clearly, drools, laughs when seeing people, and doesn't even know how to run into the house when it rains.

It's just like…

  Being eaten back.

Li Shenzhi gritted his teeth angrily: "August is the time when I get my luck back. It must be Yan Jiaojiao who took away my luck and used it as a favor!"

Mr. Lu slammed the table: "Absurd! It's really ridiculous!"

“She actually used such evil magic to harm the world. I knew she had a bad character, but I didn’t expect her to be so vicious at such a young age!”

 “I want to report it to the Emperor!”

"Master, do you still care about her? You only have two months to live! Besides, as a mortal, how can you provide evidence for this kind of thing?"

 Li Shenzhi’s eyes were red.

 He originally went to Wangjia Village to look for his young ancestor, but he could not find him.

Who would have known that she and her master would actually become brothers and sisters.

What a fate.

Mr. Lu's face darkened and his eyes dimmed slightly.

"Suisui, you are only a four-year-old child. Senior brother doesn't want to embarrass you. If it harms your health, let's leave it at that. Senior brother has lived for decades, and you are good enough..." Mr. Lu touched Sui. Sui's head.

 Yan Jiaojiao doesn’t look like a child.

Suisui is a serious, silly kid with no scheming.

Suisui frowned more and more.

 The closer Suisui got to all this, the more strange Yan Jiaojiao felt.      She is his twin.

 I am a natural speaking spirit, which is transformed by spiritual energy.

 The spiritual energy is pure and good, and Jiaojiao is the same as her mother. Logically speaking, shouldn't he have such a vicious temper?

 She stole her own luck, which can be said to be jealous, but this is obviously out of the category of jealousy.

 But Suisui had never seen her in person, so she had no choice but to give up.

“Senior brother, if anything goes against Tianhe, you should be punished by Sui Sui.” A trace of disgust flashed in Sui Sui’s eyes.

There is no bottom line in stealing longevity and changing life in another day.

"Speaking of which, since I became ill, Yan Jiaojiao's sick grandfather suddenly recovered. From then on, he pampered her to the extreme." Mr. Lu thought of something and whispered.

Li Shenzhi's eyes were bursting with fire, it must be because Yan Jiaojiao was jealous of the master and said that her character was not right!

 “Have you ever written down your birth date?”

Mr. Lu shook his head, not even the wife of the mansion had written anything.

“Then have you ever had a drink with... Yan Jiaojiao’s grandfather?”

Mr. Lu paused and nodded slowly.

“If the blood of two people is dissolved, and then a secret method is applied, and the two drink this glass of wine, the conditions for extending life can also be achieved..."

Mr. Lu was shocked.

It was the birthday of Yan Jiaojiao’s grandfather, and he was also invited to the banquet.

 I was scratched by something unknown on the road, and my finger saw blood.

  When celebrating his birthday at noon, he and the other party drank a glass of wine.


It was also after that day that the other party was suddenly able to get up, go out, and even go to court!

"Why are the Yan family so brave? How dare they attack Mr. Lu?" Lu Huowei's eyes turned red with anger.

Suisui sneered: "Why don't they dare? They are even more courageous." The little guy gritted his teeth.

"Can Master still be saved? Can he get back his life span that was taken away?" Li Shenzhi saw that Master's face was gloomy, and he didn't know there was something fishy about it.

"Borrowing your life is against destiny. You can naturally take it back...but you may have to rest for a long time so as not to affect your original lifespan. After all, you are already a bad old's better not to worry about it." Sui Sui smiled cheekily.

What she means is that taking such a hard time in class should stop! !

Mr. Lu glanced at her. Suisui seemed to be extremely proficient in these divine matters.

 Speaking of which, Yan Jiaojiao is four years old and Suisui is also four years old.

 They were born on the same day, same year, same month.

But their looks are completely different.

Sui Suisheng is so cute and smart that people can’t help but get close to her when they see her.

 Speaking of Jiaojiao, she was born noble and always had a proud face, making people afraid to look directly at her.

  Putting all this aside, if you compare them carefully, there seems to be one or two similarities between the eyebrows of the two people.

 Just one or two points.

Even as soon as Suisui opened her mouth, the one or two points were gone.

Mr. Lu knows that some twins are exactly the same, and some are born different.

 But I have never heard of twins born in the Yan family.

But Suisui, after hearing the eloquent words from the capital, his eyes were full of displeasure, as if there was a hint of resentment.

And her innate ability is very similar to the rumors about Yan Jiaojiao's current situation.

 It's just that Yan Jiaojiao stole it.

 And Suisui is born!

 What is the relationship between Suisui and the Yan family? !

 Lao Lu suddenly felt sorry for Tiehanhan in front of him.

If she is really the daughter of the Yan family, how many injustices has she suffered in this barren border? ? ?

What on earth did those **** things from the Yan family do to her when she was young? !

 (End of this chapter)

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