Chapter 164 Borrowing longevity

The Wangshan tour group went down the mountain in tears.

 And extremely embarrassed.

 “I’ll never come here again! Absolutely never! What a stupid place, it’s so irritating!”

 “A group of animals are like spirits, all of them are obsessed with money.”

 “I don’t know any genius who can tame the beast!” Everyone was sitting at the foot of the mountain, covered in smelly bird droppings.

 The girls were crying and scolding, but they were scolding...

There was another puff.

 Laughed out loud.

It's so annoying and funny.

"I don't care, forget it if you don't come, I will come again next time! These little things, I really think I can't cure them!" Miss Chen cried and climbed onto the carriage.

She also wanted to play for two more days, but she spent a month's pocket money in one day.

 It’s fun, but it’s a waste of money.

 “Oh, Princess Naoshizi didn’t go to visit either.”

"That's all, she's just a peasant girl who grew up in the countryside. She just got the title of princess... She has no power and power. If it hadn't been a drag on Mr. Lu's fortune, I might have spent her whole life digging in the fields."

"Speaking of which, she is actually Mr. Lu's junior sister. It's like smoke is coming out of the ancestral grave." Yan Ruoruo was in the most embarrassed state, and the maid hurriedly helped her to change clothes in the car.

Miss Yun was like a wild girl who had gone crazy. She was still a little shy when she came to her senses.

 Hurryly got into the carriage.

 The sky turned dark.

Xiushan lit lanterns all over the city.

Lanterns of various shapes, the rich fragrance of flowers fill the nose, and there are countless places to eat on the clean streets, making people linger and forget to leave.

Suisui was sitting in the county office at the moment, and the abacus in Yanming's hand was clicking loudly.


"The zoo earned one thousand two hundred taels today. By the way, there is also a pile of jewelry. I will exchange it for cash when it is empty."

“Remember to add vegetables to the birds, they use jewelry in exchange for it.” Yan Ming also made a note.

Suisui rolled her eyes and touched her hair.

 His head is almost scratched by them.

“Today’s total income in the city... is three thousand two hundred taels.” There are also some scattered small vendors that have not been counted.

 “The inn is full.”

 “Among them, your five stores accounted for 600 taels.” In just one day, pure profit.

Suisui touched her chin: "Expand, expand the beautiful mountains and use the money earned to build houses and build more inns. Then..."

“Recruit one thousand more people to maintain law and order in the city. Every street must be patrolled.”

 The rise of Xiushan is unstoppable.

"By the way, we plan to open a jade shop. A shop that only sells high-end jade. By then it will be sold all over the world. In this case, we may have to go out to shop." It is best to buy a shop, as every prosperous city has There are their shops.

“We have such a huge mountain of jade, we have to sell it.”

Suisui’s eyes were so bright and burning.

 “If I have money, can I do whatever I want?”

Yan Ming laughed out loud.

 “Theoretically speaking, this is the case.”

Suisui immediately picked up a little book and pointed to the exaggerated illustrations in the book: "The book said that the heroine has red hair, big eyes like copper bells, and she sheds pearls when she sheds tears. Her teeth are like jade. Crystal clear, as for me..." Suisui coyly said.

 “I want to dye my hair red…”

 It means that the breath is stagnant.

 Taking a deep breath: "Can you ask the previous question again?"

Suisui looked at him confused: "Now that I have money, can I do whatever I want?"

Yanming clicked, took the book away from her hand, and refused righteously: "Of course not!"

  After saying that, he turned around and left, ignoring the pouting sister behind him.

Suisui was so angry that she stamped her feet: "You are just jealous that I have become the most beautiful woman in the world!" As soon as she finished speaking, the concierge of the Lu family came to announce her outside the door.

"Princess, Mr. Lu invites you to come over. He said that my nephew wants to serve you tea."

Suisui then went out with a dark face.

Arriving at the door of the Lu Mansion, the concierge whispered: "Mr. Lu said that his three disciples are notoriously stubborn. If his words make you uncomfortable, please be patient. His life has been full of twists and turns, and his temper is a bit weird. You may want to restrain yourself. Be a little more temperamental..."

 After all, Mr. Li knows how to curse people in public.

Suisui silently took back the melon seeds in her hand.

 I am already prepared for the other party to be a thorn in my side.

Unexpectedly, I just walked in.

 Then he saw a young man wearing a green shirt standing in front of the hall. The man turned his head...

  Yohao, it’s an old acquaintance.

Suisui suddenly took out the melon seeds from his pocket and ate them as he walked. The two little knots on his head were crooked and his clothes were loose.

Mr. Lu's eyes trembled.

 He was wondering how Li Shenzhi should comfort Suisui if he scolded her until she cried.

 After all, he had just done half a day of ideological work.

Li Shenzhi heard that his junior uncle was only four years old, and his expression suddenly turned serious. He just said it was nonsense, it was too childish!

 Looking at it, I feel very conflicted.

Mr. Lu was about to speak.

 Seeing his stubborn third disciple, he turned around...

 Papa, he knelt on the ground.

 Kneel down firmly.

"My nephew Li Shenzhi, I have met my junior uncle. I invited my junior uncle to have tea..." After saying that, he respectfully handed the other party a cup of tea.

Mr. Lu? ? ?

 Disciple is possessed by evil spirits?

Suisui nodded slightly, took the tea and took a casual sip.

 “Get up.”

Li Shenzhi silently stood up and stood behind her, took the melon seeds from her and gave them to her to eat.

"No wonder a person as old-fashioned as the master would accept a young disciple for the master. So it's you... It's his blessing that the master can be your senior brother." Li Shenzhi looked extremely serious.


 The guard Lu at the door spat out a mouthful of tea.

Just now you were wringing your neck, slapping the table with Mr. Lu and glaring at him, saying that he was confused.

this will…

 Is it Mr. Lu’s blessing?

Even Mr. Lu’s eyes twitched.

 It has been ten years since I accepted this disciple, and this is the first time I have seen him so obedient.

 You actually still eat melon seeds?

"You two... know each other?" Mr. Lu frowned.

Li Shenzhi smiled and poured tea and water for Suisui. He didn't look like a prefect at all, but more like a bitch.

Jiajia looked angry. This was stealing her job!

"Master, junior uncle, is what Shen Zhi mentioned. The young ancestor who, thanks to Shen's grace, pulled Shen out of the fire and water." Li Shenzhi was extremely sincere.

Mr. Lu didn't know about this, he just felt that it was destined.

 It was as if fate had sent them to Suisui early.

 “Speaking of which…” Li Shenzhi’s face suddenly condensed.

"Uncle Master, have you seen anything wrong with Master? He was in good health half a year ago, and even the Imperial Master said he could live to be over eighty. But it only took half a year..."

Mr. Lu waved his hand. Suisui is just a little girl. She has not even finished Qionglin Kindergarten.

 The third disciple is really crazy.

Unexpectedly, Suisui shook her legs and said, "Someone lent him his longevity."

Mr. Lu was shocked.

The guard outside the door looked frozen, closed the door and window directly, and said solemnly: "Miss Yan, is this serious?"

 (End of this chapter)

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