My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 146: Emperor Xingcheng

Chapter 146 Emperor Xingcheng

 “Just like that **** **** of yours, you’re a bitch.”

  The man staggered up, his eyes red with a bit of greed.

"I owe money outside, and I'm waiting for you to pay it back. It's a pity that your face would be worth a lot of money if you sold it to a place where you wait for people." A flash of pity flashed in the man's eyes.

It was a pity that he drank too much at that time, and half of her face was burned to a pulp.

 Bao Bao looks terrible.

Jiajia's face turned pale and her body was trembling slightly, as if she was falling back into the memories of the past.

 “Come here, didn’t you hear?” the man yelled angrily.

Suisui frowned slightly: "She was rescued by me, and the deed of prostitution is also in my hand. Who do you think you are? You are yelling at her!" Suisui stood in the snow, like a rich girl with red lips and white teeth. .

There were several burly men following behind him, which frightened the man a bit.

He immediately smiled apologetically and said: "This girl, don't let her deceive you. She is the most glib, just like her mother. She was deceived by a man at a young age, and her reputation outside is extremely bad. This wait If someone stays with you, be careful not to ruin your reputation.”

“Come with me quickly.” The man glared at Jiajia fiercely.

"Moreover, she was born with double eyes and was born with an ominous side. If she stays with you, she will harm you. Jiajia, come to me quickly! Do you remember what your mother said? You are an evil breed and an ominous person. Why don't you follow me quickly?" I come!"

Jiajia swayed.

Suisui chuckled.

 “No one in the world can defeat me.”

Suisui's eyebrows were light and her little face was a little serious. She turned around and looked at the shivering Jiajia and said, "You are destined to be born, but you can choose how you want to live in the future."

"If you are willing to go back with him, I will return the deed of betrayal to you. From now on, we will have nothing to do with you anymore!"

“If you are unwilling to go back, no one can take you away today!”

Suisui took half a step back.

 “I give you the second and third left, the choice is yours!”

Suisui has never been a virgin.

  She has compassion, but also decisiveness. When it is time to stop, she does not hesitate to stop without a trace of ambiguity.

 She was always sober.

Jiajia is now facing her former stepfather alone.

The man who reduced her to dust since she was born, for four years, she has been beaten and scolded by him since she was conscious.

Even thinking of his name made her breath short with fear and her chest became breathless.

 She thought of her mother again.

That poor woman who was forced to get married and was always crazy.

She was cowardly by nature, and she had a chance to escape, but her uncle knelt down and begged her to get the bride price as a wife.

 She got married with a full belly.

The stepfather was injured and had no heirs. He had a twisted and crazy personality. He would often come back drunk and beat his mother.

Mother always suffers silently.

After she was born, she always felt that her mother looked at her strangely.

 She seemed to be extremely disgusted, even covering her eyes from time to time.

One night, she opened her eyes unintentionally in the darkness, only to find her mother looking at her coldly, with a cold tone: "I really want to gouge out your eyes." At that time, she was so frightened that she stiffened and did not dare to open her eyes all night.

 Her mother loved her and was willing to go into the Goulan Courtyard to make money for her.

 But she also knew.

Mother hates her.

Perhaps she hated her biological father, and also hated her double eyes that looked so much like her biological father.

Even though I was born with an unlucky nature, even I was a scoundrel, it was my mother who scolded me. Jiajia’s eyes felt hot.

Standing alone on the empty street.

She was not afraid of her stepfather beating and scolding her, but what she was more afraid of was that even her mother, the only one with whom she was related by blood, hated her from the bottom of her heart.

"Follow me, don't think that you can make a difference just by following a master! Your mother is despicable, and so are you, bitch!" The man did not conceal his inner anger, and reached out to grab Jiajia's hair.

Jiajia took a step back.

Seeing Suisui watching her silently from behind, a ray of light seemed to burst out of her dark and desperate heart.

The trembling little girl secretly clenched her fists, wanting to stand by her little master's side.

 She wants to cut off everything and stand by the little master's side!

"Uncle Zuo Er, please break his hand." Jiajia's voice was trembling and her face was pale, but she still gave the order firmly.

There are four guards in Suisui, two on the left, three on the left, two on the right and three on the right. Fu Jiuxiao's naming is extremely casual.

The second one from the left came from the border fighting, and his methods were extremely cruel.

  When the man could not recover, he severely broke his left arm.

"My mother paid for my food and accommodation at your house. I didn't eat for free. I always washed and cooked for you, and I never owed you anything."

 “When I was two years old, you trampled my hand and broke it, and I will give it back to you today.”

"Uncle Zuo San, please leave thirty-four scars on him." Jiajia pursed her lips tightly, and she instinctively wrote down every scar she had!


 “Ah! You bitch, how dare you do this to me?!”

"I am your father. No one dares to adopt you except me! Ah...ah!" The man's screaming voice echoed through the sky.

Jiajia took a deep breath: "Uncle Zuo, please go find a piece of red-hot Luotie."

 The man looked at her in horror.

"You cruel bitch, how dare you! How dare you!" The man watched helplessly as the guards carried out a stove. In the blink of an eye, Luo Tie was burning red.

 Even though he was very far away, he could feel the heat.

"Jiajia, Jiajia, dad was wrong. Dad knows he was wrong, and dad won't dare to hurt you or hit you anymore...Jiajia, dad will treat you well, please let dad go." The man begged for mercy in a sad voice, Jiajia was startled.

It turns out that the gentleness she expected was hidden under the iron-bloodedness and strength.

Jiajia chuckled sarcastically.

This smile made people ignore the horrific scars on her face.

“Uncle, please hold him down.” At this moment, Jiajia was extraordinarily calm. She held Luo Tie in her own hands and stepped closer to the fear she once had.

“Wrong? But Jiajia doesn’t need it anymore. What you once gave to Jiajia, you should enjoy it now!” The paleness on Jiajia’s face faded, and a smile gradually appeared.

Hand holding Luo Tie tightly in his right hand, he placed it straight on the man's cheek.

 The screams were endless, but she never let go.

Jiajia didn’t turn around until the man fell to the ground, frightened, weak and covered in scars.

“Drag him into the deep mountains and old forests, and we’ll get over it, and we’ll be clear.” At that time, Jiajia’s face was burned, and she had to rely on herself to survive.

Now, she returned everything intact.

 The man was dragged away.

I don’t know if Jiajia can be as lucky as she is.

Suisui stood in front of her with a smile, and the purple stars above Jiajia's head suddenly became prosperous.

 A wisp of purple energy lingers around him.

“I have cut off the fear of the past with my own hands. Master, Jiajia is willing to serve you for the rest of his life.”

 She just wants to stay with her little master!

 (End of this chapter)

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