My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 145: City naming rights

Chapter 145 City naming rights

 Go back to the county government office at night.

 Lin and Yan Hansheng have settled down.

"I have discussed with your father that our family will also buy a small house in the city. We can do some small business and save you from having a place to stay in the county." When people go to higher places, water flows to lower places, and so does Lin's family. A discerning one.

"Then I'll ask the man to go to the city to look for it tomorrow. If there's anything suitable, let me know." Yan Chuan said with a smile.

"It's time to invite Mrs. Wen to prepare. Calculating the time, she will give birth in half a month." Yan Hansheng has recently handed over the **** team to Xu Ziyi. Lin's belly is very big, and he can't help it. Dare to leave home.

Suisui lay on Lin's belly and listened, squinting her eyes with a slight smile: "You have to be good. My sister will take you flying when you come out."

As for that scumbag, a coldness flashed across Suisui's eyebrows.

My sister is destined to be a fodder in her life, and she only wants to promote the feelings of Yan Jiaojiao and the evil.

"The house should be settled early. It would be better to give birth to the child at home."

 Everyone nodded.

“Last time Beidi’s grain was calculated. Suisui, how do you divide it? Everyone is waiting for you to get a charter.”

Suisui held a big soft chicken leg in her hand, and Yanchuan looked directly at her belly.

 During the day, I ate two pig's trotters as an apprentice, and ate two plates of cakes in the study, and now I'm nibbling them again!

 Is this belly a bottomless pit?

"Give half of it to distribute food to everyone, and the rest will be used for village operations. There are three thousand six hundred taels of silver, so divide it into two thousand and go out."

Yan Hansheng immediately laughed. He received a total of 70,000 jins of grain, half of which was 35,000 jins.

 Two thousand taels of silver.

 The newly calculated number of households in the village is about 360 households, more than 3,000 people.

 It is already a large village famous far and wide!

Moreover, because he had resisted the invasion of bandits and Beidi twice in succession, he had become very famous in the surrounding area, and refugees fleeing from famine came to Wangjia Village one after another.

 This year, I am finally no longer afraid of going hungry!

“Wang Youcai said he wanted to change the name of our village.”

“There are a lot of people settling in our village now, and he wants to change it to something domineering.”

This was the first time that the Yan family heard about this. They immediately looked up at Yan Hansheng, who said, "He wants to change Wangjiacun to Suimancheng. It sounds auspicious..."

 Everyone looked at Suisui secretly.

Is it really auspicious?

  Why does it sound so much like flattery?

 “Suimancheng can’t use it...” Yanchuan touched his nose.

“At most, it can only cover a whole village or half a city.”

“Mr. Lu said that Xiushan was protected by Suisui, and he would ask for permission to change the name. It’s also decided... Suimancheng.”

Lin’s eyes widened.

“Amitabha, Bodhisattva bless you, our ancestral tomb was blown up? The county town can actually be named after our Suisui! No, I have to go back tomorrow to worship our ancestors.”

 When you name a city, your ancestral graves have to emit green smoke.

"Don't bother, you are almost in labor. Let's go back and you can live well in the city." Yan Hansheng's face glowed red and he grinned happily.

 Lin had a smile on her face.

"I want to go back and see Brother Qing and my grandmother." Mrs. Lin was a little embarrassed.

“The village can’t live without my uncle for the time being. When the village becomes stable, I will ask my uncle to move to the county. His medical skills are very good, so buying a small house for a family of four will not be a problem.”

Yan Chuan's words immediately settled Lin's heart.

 With the constant natural disasters, she did not want to be separated from her reunited relatives.

 What is reassuring is that everyone is fleeing famine, but Xiushan County and Wangjia Village have escaped because of Suisui.

Who would have thought that the most barren and most disaster-stricken place would have hope?

 Early on the next morning, Suisui was picked up by the chief clerk.

In just a few days, the county town was completely new. “The county magistrates who came to Xiushan were all greedy, and that’s why Xiushan became like this.”

The houses in Xiushan County are dilapidated and dilapidated everywhere.

Several county magistrates were greedy and always used countless reasons to collect money from merchants, causing countless merchants to leave.

Now Suisui has allocated money several times to repair the county town, and hung red lanterns everywhere to keep them on all night.

 Looks like a brand new one.

“The school is renovated in an old building, and it will probably be able to recruit students next month. But I’m afraid it won’t be easy to recruit students...” The chief registrar was a little worried.

Suisui thought of her incompetent third uncle and immediately raised her eyebrows.

Although he is a scholar, he is poor.

“There is a street outside the school, how can I sell the house there?” The house is not big, and can only accommodate a family of four or five.

  This is the commonly used size of residential buildings.

"Before, there was no school, and the location was remote. One household only had forty or fifty taels. Now that the school has been built, the price is a bit higher. But when converted into food, the price is not high." The chief clerk gave a wry smile.

 Nowadays, food is used to save lives.

“How much does it cost to build ten small houses now?” Suisui asked again.

The chief secretary smiled and said: "It is the cheapest to pay half in grain and half in silver. Calculating it, it can be built at more than three hundred taels." In rural areas, there are many sons and families are not separated, and a single-family compound can cost more than a hundred taels.

 A small courtyard in the city, with three or four wing rooms and a small courtyard surrounding it, actually costs only a few dozen taels.

 She is now in charge of the county town, and she can save land and settlement.

 Nowadays, labor is cheap and even cheaper.

“I will grant you six hundred taels, half of which will be used to build ten small courtyards. The other half will be merchants...” I heard my elder brother talking yesterday, saying that with so many students, the flow of people will be huge in the future, and it will be very profitable.

 She was interested.

“Go and put up a notice. Scholars can settle down for free and receive fifty kilograms of food per month. If they are willing to sign a contract to teach, they will be sent to a private courtyard for free after serving for three years.”

 Three years later, Suisui believes that they will stay voluntarily.

   Master Wu’s eyes widened.

He just came to report casually, not thinking that the other party could really solve the problem!

  A talented person is worth a lot of money, but these days, he is also the most useless.

But if it can be exchanged for a small courtyard with a separate house and provided with food, shelter and food, damn, those talented people will be able to break their heads!

 Having money means being arrogant!

The little girl is wearing a bright red jacket and has a bunch of fluffy rabbit fur around her neck. She looks cute and cute.

But wherever she went, the people in the city would stop and salute her.

Suddenly, a sneaky figure was glimpsed in the corner.

 “Hurry! Catch him, this **** thing will be fatal for stealing rations!”

“Hurry up and catch him. He also stole my Nier’s life-saving money. He is so unscrupulous!” A shrill cry sounded.

The thief rushed straight towards Suisui.

Before he even got close, he was kicked to the ground by the guard left by Fu Jiuxiao.

The man wailed, and the grain and silver in his hand scattered on the ground.

Struggling to get up, he stared blankly behind Suisui in confusion.

Jiajia's breath was stagnant, her face was pale, and her whole body seemed to be invaded by memories of the past.

I saw the wretched man suddenly smile: "You bitch, where have you been? I promised you that every time I sell you, you will come back again! Why didn't you come back this time?"

 “Get over here! I won’t break your legs today!”

 (End of this chapter)

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