My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 143: Enemies meet on a narrow road

Chapter 143 Enemies meet on a narrow road

Mr. Lu recovered from his illness overnight.

 He vomited blood yesterday and is very sick.

 In the afternoon, he got up from bed, ate two bowls of rice, took out his master's spiritual tablet and polished it.

 The old doctor came several times.

 “It’s weird, longevity can only last three months. But your condition looks much better. What kind of magic medicine have you taken?”

“Her face was radiant, her complexion was rosy, and she was full of vitality. Even the depression between her eyebrows was gone.” The doctor was surprised.

Mr. Lu waved his hand mysteriously, feeling in high spirits on happy occasions.

  Lin and Yan Hansheng were very surprised when they were invited.

Even though Yanchuan said, there is no need to bring anything.

 They also brought out the most valuable and precious things at home, and prepared a copy according to the current apprenticeship ceremony.

 When I heard that Mr. Lu was an official in the imperial court and had returned to his hometown to recuperate, he looked even more uneasy.

"Mom, don't worry. Mr. Lu is gentle and very knowledgeable. It is the dream of all scholars to be in Mr. Lu's name." Yan Chuan saw that his parents were still wearing Chinese New Year clothes, and he knew what they were thinking. He is also extremely solemn about this matter.

Especially Yan Hansheng, he always felt guilty that Yan Chuan could not go to school.

Lin's face was a little swollen as she was about to go to bed.

At this moment, she asked worriedly: "When you taught Suisui, you were so angry that you couldn't sleep all night. Is she really not going to make the old man mad?"


 A moment of silence.

Yanchuan sighed. He knew how persistent the old man was in harvesting ears.

 “I’ll ask the doctor to prepare some quick-acting Jiuxin pills.”

When Mr. Lin and his wife met Mr. Lu, they saw that he was just an old man full of Confucianism, so they relaxed a lot.

Mr. Lu restrained his ambition to become an official. In fact, he looked like an old man with a lot of knowledge.

The group of people chatted for a while and then got straight to the point.

Yan Chuan was in the main hall of the Lu family. With the blessings of his parents, he kowtowed, served tea, and worshiped Mr. Lu as his teacher.

 He officially became Mr. Lu’s closed disciple.

 Then it’s Suisui’s turn.

Lin is about to give birth, and no one dares to let her climb the mountain.

So he left a message and asked Han Sheng to accompany Lin.

Mr. Lu took Suisui and Yanchuan directly to the back mountain to become their disciples.

 “My master is buried here.” The road to the back mountain has long been cleared, it is flat and wide, and the snow on the steps has been swept clean.

  Without extensive repairs, a low grave was exposed.

"He didn't like outsiders to disturb him. So he only left a grave bag." Mr. Lu said lightly, looking a little nostalgic.

Lu Weiwei put all the items for worship on the table.

 The grave was covered with snow, and there was no green at all.

Lu Wei went up and shoveled the snow, revealing the compacted grave.

"What do you want to say to Master? Although he died early and never met you, he must have liked you very much." Mr. Lu's eyebrows were filled with a smile.

Suisui was a little hesitant. What did he say to the grave bag? ?

“Master, your grave is so round and bright, like a bald man.”

The scene fell silent.

Mr. Lu took a deep breath.

 It’s okay. I can eat, sleep, and run home even if it rains. I can teach and teach, and the future is promising.

At this moment, Lu Weiwei had already lit incense and candles while suppressing his laughter, and placed tributes in front of the grave.

 Whole chicken, pig head, etc. are braised early in the morning.

 The snow is filled with the scent of spices.

"Master, since you left, this disciple has not returned home for forty years. Your disciple is not talented, but it does not bring shame to you. Your unfilial disciple has also adopted a little disciple for you. He is four years old, smart and charming. You will definitely like it when you see it." The old man held the incense and said nonchalantly.

"Although you left early, I will fulfill my duty as a senior brother and teach her well."

"Suisui, please call me Master? If you have any questions, you can tell Master." Mr. Lu lowered his head and asked Suisui.

Suisui blinked her eyes and held a handful of incense: "Master..."

 The little guy shouted with a sweet voice.

"Master, can I eat your tribute?" Mr. Lu's face twitched and he said hurriedly: "Master, Suisui has a pure heart and her heart is good." Although she wants to eat your tribute.

 “Come on, burn incense. After burning the incense, you can eat Master’s tribute.”

Suisui looked at the sky and heard Mr. Lu say that his master was loved by the people throughout his life and was a man of great merit.

 A person with great merit should be able to bear it, right?


The little girl knelt down and kowtowed.

The incense candle in his hand was also inserted into the incense burner.


The originally dark sky suddenly changed drastically.

 I saw the dense dark clouds suddenly breaking from the middle, and a ray of rays of light leaked from the mysterious sky.

 A ray of light shone down from the clouds.

  fallen on the grave.

I saw the bare grave, and in a blink of an eye, it was full of green and flowers were in bloom.

Just in the blink of an eye, the fragrance fills your nostrils.

Lu Weiwei’s eyes widened.

 A ray of golden light is visible to the naked eye from the tomb, rising to the sky along with the twilight.

 “Ah oh…” Suisui opened her mouth wide.

 Master’s grave was not exploded.

 But in the Immortal Class!

 The master, who originally had great merits, ascended to heaven after she kowtowed.

In just a blink of an eye, the glow disappeared and dark clouds enveloped it again.

Only the flowers on the grave are in full bloom, which makes people unable to recover for a long time.

"This is..." Lu Huowei's throat was dry, and he was frightened by this scene.

Mr. Lu felt that the moment the golden light fell, it seemed that the discomfort all over his body had been dispelled.

 That scene was like a dream.

 But the flowers all over the ground reminded him that this was all true.

“A miracle, a real miracle.” This is not the kind of miracle Yan Jiaojiao performed on the altar, this is real!

Mr. Lu took a deep breath and looked down at Suisui.

 God bless those who are lucky.

 He closed his eyes lightly, and then said in a serious voice: "Don't reveal anything about today's affairs." He looked at the guard beside him, who was a branch of the Lu family, and he was surrounded by trustworthy people.

 Lu Weiwei naturally listened to him.

 “Can you eat the pig’s head?” Suisui raised her head in anticipation.

 Miracle is not as attractive as a pig’s head.

  Hey, a bunch of bumpkins.

Mr. Lu nodded helplessly and saw the little girl rushing towards the pig's head.

“I would also like to introduce our school to you.”

“Master, there are only two disciples: me and you.”

"I have three disciples. From now on, they will all call you Junior Master Uncle. When you come to Beijing in the future, I will kowtow to you when we meet."

“The eldest disciple’s surname is Qiao, and he is currently reporting on his duties in the capital. He is upright and an extremely upright person.”

"The second disciple was very talented and learned at that time, and he had the merit of following the dragon in the court. He is the old prince of Cheng'enhou Mansion. He has retired over the years and is taking care of his old age in the manor." This is what he taught Yan Jiaojiao for several days. reason.

“The third disciple seems to have been released to serve as an official.”

 Lu Lao is old, so the disciples he accepts are naturally quite old. Now they are all the masters of the house, and they are already at the age of grandfathers.

“When you return to Beijing in the future, they will all have to kowtow in front of you.”

Suisui was stunned when she heard the news from Chengenhou Mansion.

 (End of this chapter)

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