My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 142: Suisui elders are separated

Chapter 142 Suisui’s elders are separated

Lu Huowei looked surprised and could not hide the shock in his eyes.

If Miss Shen saw this, wouldn't she scratch Yan Suisui's face to pieces?

That heart is probably very cold.

Each of Mr. Lu’s three disciples was selected according to extremely stringent conditions!

 It took decades to select the three disciples!

The closed disciples are the most demanding. In the past ten years, no one has met the requirements.

It's good at this moment, I can't even write my name, and I can't even recite the Three-Character Sutra.

 But you eagerly beg others to become your disciples?

If the people in the capital knew about it, their eyes would pop out.

Suisui felt like she was struck by lightning. She was silent for a long time before she said quietly: "Actually... you don't have to relax your requirements." After all, I don't really want to study! !

 Please, stick to yourself!

Mr. Lu waved his hand.

"You don't have to belittle yourself. As long as you can run, jump and communicate normally, I will be able to educate you!" The old master looked at her eagerly, holding on to his seriously ill body with a look of expectation.

"How about you find my brother? My brother is very talented in studying." Suisui's eyes rolled, and she immediately pushed Yanchuan out.

Lu Wewei was dumbfounded when he saw it.

 Do you know Mr. Lu’s status in the capital? ?

 All students from all over the world who were admitted to the capital had to come to his door to pay a visit.

If you can get a few words from him, it will be useful in the officialdom for a lifetime.

There are countless people who want to become his disciples. Princesses and princes are all honest and obedient to him. How about you? Are you still negotiating terms? ? ?

Mr. Lu glanced at Yanchuan. He was very satisfied with Yanchuan.

 But it was obvious that the little guy in front of him was very resistant to going to school.

“If you are willing to become my disciple, I will accept your brother as well.” The old man pondered for a moment, stroking his beard and raising his eyebrows slightly.

 The corners of Yanchuan's lips secretly raised, and a smile flashed in his eyes. Is he just trying to make a fool of himself?

With just one glance, he knew that the old man wanted to accept him as his disciple, but...

 The little man next to him was full of resistance.

Suisui’s face wrinkled up, and there was a flash of struggle in his eyes.

“Brother, how about we find a new wife?”

Lu Huwei whispered: "The imperial examination is like thousands of troops crossing a single-plank bridge. If you can have a good teacher, it will be a lifelong help. All the students in the world are led by Mr. Lu, and it is every student's wish to have Mr. Lu as their teacher." If you miss it, you may spend your whole life in regret.”

Suisui’s brows turned into earthworms: “Is he really that powerful?”

Yan Chuan had actually vaguely guessed Mr. Lu's identity. He nodded gently and said, "Other people started enlightenment when they were three years old, and they didn't become apprentices when they were about fifteen years old, or less than this."

 “Everything is dominated by Sui Sui.”

Suisui couldn't lift her head when she heard this.

 Her eldest brother has been waiting for fifteen years but no master has accepted him. How could she be so selfish?

I have never been in the uncle, and I can see that Lu Lao and the elder brother's singing and one harmony are stunned by the flicker.

 Lu Weiwei shook his head when he saw it.

 Illiteracy is still illiterate, you still need to learn literacy, you still need to go to school.

"But...I can't be someone else's disciple. The master is like my parents again, and the king of heaven and earth is my master. Suisui can't become a disciple. Otherwise, forget it?" Suisui was still not willing to accept it.

 Her freedom, her happiness, are gone...

Mr. Lu was stunned.

 “What do you mean you can’t become a master? Does she already have a master?”

Yanchuan felt trembling in his heart.

The Lord of Heaven and Earth, her master, Sui Sui can worship Heaven and Earth, even the ancestors in the ancestral hall cannot stand her kneeling down.

Yan Chuan glanced at the sick Mr. Lu.

 My heart sank slightly.

"Master Lu, Suisui was once approved by a Taoist priest. Her destiny is a bit strange. If she is inferior to others for nothing, her life will be shortened. Someone once had an accident because he did not believe in evil." Yanchuan was extremely doubtful, and Suisui kowtowed. You can send him to the West. Mr. Lu frowned slightly.

 He is actually somewhat resistant to the profession of fortune telling.

The Marquis of Chengen's house Yan Jiaojiao made him feel very bad.

 Due to the relationship between his disciple and Yan Jiaojiao, he actually taught Yan Jiaojiao for a few days.

  Danyan Jiaojiao…

 Always gives him a sense of disobedience.

Obviously he is only three or four years old, but the look in his eyes always makes him uneasy. She was praised too highly by the capital, and her power also made him reject her.

 But Mr. Lu believes in Yan Chuan.

At a glance, he could see Yanchuan's eyes, which were clear, clean, and calm. He knew that he was a serious and responsible child.

Yanchuan has a very good character and is extremely intelligent, so he can be regarded as his ideal disciple.

"What if you can't become a disciple?" Mr. Lu pondered for a moment.

Seeing that Mr. Lu was in good condition at the moment, Lu Huwei said, "Why don't you just...just sit in and watch?" Disciples are not that kind.

 There is no need to drink apprenticeship tea.

"How about you accept my eldest brother as a closed disciple. I'll just...forget it..." Before he could finish speaking, Mr. Lu's eyes suddenly brightened.

“How about we become brothers and sisters?”

"My master has passed away for more than 20 years, but my master's tablet is still there. I will accept a disciple for him, and we will be brothers and sisters. Then I can teach you on my master's behalf?" He is already dead, so he is not afraid of losing his life!

 After Mr. Lu finished speaking, he nodded heavily.

"This is a good method. Not only can I teach you, but we can also be friends forever."

“My master only accepted me as a disciple while he was alive. He kept saying that I was not as considerate as the girl. Now that I can accept one for him after he dies, I can feel at ease.”

Lu Huowei is confused?

Even Yanchuan was stunned and stunned.

 No, do you have to accept her? ? ?

If you can't accept him as a disciple, can you just recognize him as a junior sister? !

Mr. Lu stroked his beard and chuckled. The three people in front of him seemed to be struck by lightning, and they seemed to be so shocked by this operation that they could not recover.

"Is this okay? By the way, you two are still children. Tomorrow we will invite your parents. We are going to hold a apprenticeship ceremony. I will prepare all the things for the apprenticeship, and you can do it alone."

"Come here." Mr. Lu waved to the landing guard.

"You write a letter and tell the capital that I have accepted a closed disciple and found a junior sister."

Lu Huowei had a gloomy look on his face. One can imagine how much shock it would cause in the capital.

 He secretly glanced at Yan Suisui, who looked aggrieved. This little girl...

 Blessings are yet to come.

"My master lived with me in Xiushan in his early years. After his death, he was buried here. Tomorrow we will go to become his master." The old man thought of the past and sighed softly.

Suisui was confused the whole time.

“Little junior sister, are you satisfied now?”

   Suisui... No, who wants to be your senior brother and sister!

Yanchuan had a slumped face, and Mr. Lu accepted him as a closed disciple. Then Suisui became his junior uncle! !

 The seniority was suddenly lifted up!

"It doesn't matter, you two brothers and sisters can work on your own matters." Mr. Lu smiled, feeling that the sweetness in his heart had dissipated a bit.

 The chest that was originally heavy will feel extremely relaxed.

 Perhaps, your condition is getting better because you feel happy?

 (End of this chapter)

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