My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 136: From the Qing Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 136 From the Qing Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty

The old man finally finished the pot of tea shamelessly.

 The guard kept turning his head to look at him.

Just now you looked disgusted with the cold tea, now you are holding the pot and drinking it? !

The guards simply didn’t notice.

Yanchuan smiled and said: "The old man has come all the way back to Xiushan, so why not attend our flowing banquet in the evening. Our village chief is very warm and hospitable." Xiao Suisui kept nodding.

"Okay. I will stay and feel the joy of victory."

The guard's lips moved slightly and he just sighed slightly.


"Go and get my century-old wine to celebrate. By the way, kill a few pigs raised in the old house to make food for everyone." There are only a few attendants living in the old house. I raised a lot of chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep, and I just happened to kill them all today.

The guard hurriedly ordered people to do it.

Yan Suisui is a person who likes fun and food.

He immediately said: "Go and buy some red paper and red silk, and hang red lanterns on the trees. We need to be happy during the New Year, but I can't stand the virtue of Magistrate Zhu."

The chief clerk let out a happy sigh and immediately went to Yanchuan to approve two hundred taels.

 Planning to make Xiushan County beautiful.

 It’s easier to do things when you have money.

 Everyone heard the words of Sui Sui again.

The chief clerk took two hundred taels, and everyone shoveled clean the snow in Xiushan County. Red lanterns were hung under the eaves of each house, and beautiful festive window grilles were pasted on them.

The land in front of the county government was cleared for slaughtering pigs and sheep.

“Wow, it smells so good... I haven’t smelled the aroma of meat in many years.”

Suisui was very generous and even sent people to buy pigs in Donglin County next door.

The next door also encountered Beidi invasion, but because it was close to Fucheng, the casualties were not serious.

 I bought eight pigs before dark, slaughtered four on the spot, and kept four for feeding.

 Including the ones sent by Mr. Lu, a total of twelve pigs were killed today, six were raised, and two cows were raised. As well as countless chickens and ducks, even so there are still many left.

 The whole city was cheering for joy.

Suisui looked at the livestock on the ground: "Go to the north of the city to find a piece of land to raise chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep. King Li actually brought two carts of fish, and he didn't know where they got them. Dig a fish pond and raise them as soon as possible. ”

Yanchuan snickered: "Our village chief came from the breeding industry." All the grain and livestock she handled grew extremely well.

 Even the eggs are cooked frequently.

 Everyone was busy busy.

  Not at all desolate after being plundered by the enemy.

Mr. Lu was very emotional and his eyes were slightly moist. This homeland finally ushered in its hope.

"Master, let's go back, shall we? Your body is not suitable for staying outside for a long time." The guard's face was filled with concern and his eyes were locked on the old man.

 The old man’s return to Beijing this time is not just for retirement.

 It was also because something was really wrong with his body.

 As soon as evening came, he felt a bone-crushing pain all over his body, as if someone had crushed his bones.

 In the past six months, the old man fainted three times just in court.

At this moment, the sky was getting dark, and the guard watched the sun set in the west and go down little by little.

 Darkness covers the earth.

The old man took a deep breath and felt the pain coming from the bottom of his heart started again.

 Start in the heart and gradually spread to the limbs.

 The old man's face turned pale.

The guards rushed forward to help him.

 Said to be a guard, but in fact he is a junior from a branch of the Lu family, specially sent to **** the old man back to Xiushan.

 What surprised the old man was that the pain in the past was so severe that even the medicine prescribed by the Imperial Medical Office could not relieve his pain, and he wished he could die.

 But today, I feel like an ant, only feeling a little numb.

 The pain is not half as bad as before.

At this moment, a little girl wearing a red dress and two braids on her head came out.

 “Light the fire.” The little girl stood outside the door and shouted. The whole Xiushan County is like a long dragon. From the gate of the county government office, a starlight rises and the fire spreads out.

 Red lanterns hung outside every house dispel the darkness and bring a dazzling red.

“Grandpa Lu, look, this is the world I have won for you.” Suisui suddenly turned her head and shouted at the old man.

The old man's face darkened, and from the moment the lantern was lit, not even a trace of pain disappeared from his body.

Lu Xiaozi wanted to help him, but he pushed him away.

He strode forward and said with a smile: "Little guy, where did you learn this messy thing?"

 “The opera at the entrance of the village is sung every day.” Suisui waved her hand.

Two people, an old man and a young man, had their hands behind their backs, which made people laugh and cry.

The old man couldn't hide the shock in his eyes. He really didn't feel any pain at all.


 It’s not that there are no such things in Beijing.

 The lights in the capital were on all night long, but the pain never ceased.

Someone once said that he was struck by evil spirits, so the old lady in the mansion went to the Huguo Temple in person to ask for a divination from the National Preceptor.

The Master of the State once said that he was suppressed by evil spirits and that during the day the Yang Qi was sufficient to resist the evil spirits.

 But the evil spirits are stronger at night. Only in that clearest and brightest place can he not be eroded by the evil spirits.

 Later, the old lady spent 6,600 taels to invite a Bodhisattva back from Huguo Temple.

 Every time night falls, he can always feel a little lighter in the small Buddhist hall.

 But I have never been as relaxed as today, with no discomfort at all.

"Master?" Lu Huowei looked at him nervously, but found that the old man's face was relaxed and there was no pain at all.

This night, Xiushan County was busy killing chickens and sheep all night long.

The old man was drunk. Xiao Suisui sniffed and secretly picked up the cup without opening her mouth.

Yan Chuan then held down the little hand that was stealing the wine glass.

Xiao Suisui grinned: "Hehe... I just smell it. I don't drink it, I don't drink it."

Looking at the wine bottle tightly, hey, I want to drink.

"You are still young, you can't drink." Yanchuan patted her head gently to comfort her.

Suisui let out a frustrated sound.

 It’s not like she hasn’t drunk before.

 When she was in the God Realm, she was a little goddess.

 The little goddesses who are born and nurtured are different from the mortals who become saints.

Lu Dongbin loved to drink, and he loved to tease her all day long when he saw her.

At a peach feast, he finally came to coax her with a glass of Yaochi's three-thousand-year-old fruit wine.

The fruit wine had a fragrant, rich and intoxicating taste. She fell in love with the smell of the fruit wine as soon as she smelled it.

Her eyes were bright and her face was flushed. She was a little drunk just after taking a few sips.

What did Uncle Lu Dongbin say at that time?

How can the little goddess not drink? When you grow up in the future, you will be easily coaxed by handsome fairy boys.

 She picked up the glass and drank it in one gulp.

Sweet but spicy.

 After that, she didn’t remember.

 Can’t remember what happened.

Anyhow, from then on, when Lu Dongbin saw her, he waved his hands nervously: "The little goddess can't drink. Drinking will mess up things. It will mess up things."

Suisui always asked with a confused look on her face: "Did you miss anything? Did you miss anything?"

 He always looked at her with unspeakable expressions, his eyes aggrieved and helpless.

 “Please, don’t drink!” Whoever invites you to drink will regret it.

Lu Dongbin almost gritted his teeth!

 (End of this chapter)

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