My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 135: Golden light of merit

Chapter 135 The Golden Light of Merit

Yanchuan's eyes flashed with a faint light.

Since leaving the old house, he seemed to have peeled off the ropes that bound him little by little, gradually revealing his true colors.

With a smile on his eyebrows, the young man said: "Most of the refugees come here fleeing from the wilderness and want to find a stable place to stay."

“Xiushan County is not a good place.” Yan Chuan coughed dryly.

Suisui rolled her eyes at him: "What do you mean it's not a good place? It's obvious that the whole county wants to escape, but unfortunately no one accepts it..." Even Dai Viet is at the bottom of the tax revenue list every year.

 It is close to the border and there are often enemy troops.

 And after three years of drought, almost all locals want to escape here.

 But now, they have ears.

“As long as they are willing to join the Xiushan County City Defense Team, they can be allowed to settle down for free, and they will receive three taels of silver and fifty kilograms of rice and noodles every month for joining the city defense team.”

"They don't have money to build a house, so we can make an advance. Three years, one hundred and eighty taels. It's enough to build a house, and we have rice and noodles to eat and drink. We also send meat and vegetables during the holidays, so we can't recruit them. people?"

Yanchuan took out his abacus and fiddled with it a few times: "Then King Li robbed grain along the way. We captured his ninety-six carts, which totaled nearly one hundred thousand kilograms of grain."

“Let the news out that we are recruiting people, and say that we will only recruit the first thousand people.”

 “Then how many are actually recruited?”

Yanchuan glanced at Suisui. Since Suisui took over Wangjiacun, Wangjiacun's life has been getting better and better. Now there are five or six hundred guards.

 “We will recruit two thousand for the time being.” Writing one thousand is to mobilize everyone’s enthusiasm.

 The master wrote quickly, and the notice was written quickly.

 He took the county magistrate's seal and stamped it with the county magistrate's blood.

 “Go to the city gate.”

“By the way, we have to set up a stall at the door quickly, because I’m afraid someone will come to save my name later.”

“The city’s government officials, etc., as long as they comply with the rules, everything will be treated accordingly.”

Yanchuan made the final calculation: "Now that the city is experiencing a large-scale killing, we must take care of the funeral arrangements."

"All the expenses for the injured will be recorded on the government. If you work for the government, you will not be allowed to pay for them. Five thousand taels will be allocated as funds."

Suisui sighed deeply: "There are fifteen thousand taels left?"

Yanchuan nodded.

 “How much reserve funds are generally available in other counties?”

Yan Chuan raised his eyebrows: "We can't compare with others. After all, we are the poorest place in Vietnam. Our tax payment last year was only half of that of the second-last place."

There has been a severe drought for three years and there is no food in the fields. How can we have money to pay taxes?

The poor people were fleeing in all directions, buying and selling their sons and daughters.

Mr. Lu stood outside the door and suddenly felt...

 These young people are smarter than he thought.

Furthermore, none of them thought of embezzling the seized property.

 “Okay! Well done!” The old man stepped into the door with a figure-footed step and gently stroked his palms. He was shocked when he saw that everyone in the room was surprisingly young.

 He glanced at Yanchuan first. This young man was extremely intelligent and a good prospect.

 Finally, he looked at Suisui.

 The baby is probably not as tall as him even if he steps on a stool.

It is unimaginable that when the ferocious enemy troops attacked the city, it was this child who stood resolutely on the city wall and guided everyone forward.

He has never seen such courage.

 “Are you Suisui?” Mr. Lu always spoke with a strong voice, and all the children and grandchildren in the Lu family were afraid of him.

His eyes would often make his grandson tremble with fear.

At this moment, the old man’s face turned into a chrysanthemum with a smile.

This made Suisui extremely disgusted, she nodded and said.

 “You stay away from me, you are ugly to me.”

"Pfft..." The young guard behind Mr. Lu couldn't help laughing.

What a retribution. Everyone in the capital wanted to flatter him, but he was kicked out without mercy.

Now I want to get close to a little girl, but I end up being disliked by others.


The second-generation ancestors in the capital are going to be furious.

Mr. Lu's face froze, he coughed dryly, and stood up straight: "Ahem, I'm getting old..." Hey, he felt that his health had declined sharply this year, so he wanted to go back to his hometown.

"you are?"

The young guard stepped forward and said, "This is Mr. Lu, the owner of the Lu Mansion in the south of the city."

The chief clerk was startled for a moment: "Ah!" Then he stood up in surprise.

“The house has been renovated every year, but no one has ever come back to live there. There are only a few old servants who clean the house.”

“I heard that the house is the old residence of a certain official in Beijing...are you... Mr. Lu?”

Everyone in Xiushan County knew that a high-ranking official had been appointed, but no one knew the rank of that high-ranking official.

Mr. Lu kept it secret. He had been honest and strict all his life, and he was deeply afraid that others would find opportunities to curry favor with him from his hometown.

“It’s me, and I’m not a mainlander anymore. I’m old and have returned to Xiushan to take care of myself.”

Everyone immediately responded respectfully, Mr. Lu. Even if he goes home to take care of his old age, he is still a high official in the court.

"Master Lu, please take a seat quickly." Yan Chuan immediately welcomed Mr. Lu to his seat.

 The old man didn’t refuse either.

His waist and legs ached from all the stress on the way back, and he almost fell apart.

The Taiyuan Hospital Administration said that he had at least half a year to live, but he never told anyone.

Suisui, however, tilted his head to look at the black mist on his head.

 This person is surrounded by golden light, and it is obvious that he has great merits in this life.

Logically speaking, it should be the end of life. How does it look like?

 Looking like he is about to die at any moment.

Suisui was afraid that it would be unlucky for him to die here, so she quickly poured him a cup of spiritual tea.

"No more, little girl, thank you for your kindness." When the old man saw her handing over the tea cup, he had no choice but to reach out and take it.

 Took a polite sip.

 The emperor gave him countless good teas, but he had a tricky tongue.

 As soon as water enters the throat.

 Well, the water is cold.

There was no tea, just an ordinary cup of water.

 They didn't even bother to put the tea stems in.

The old man took a sip and put it on the table, refusing to move again.

I have never drank such sloppy tea in my life!

"You are all good. Xiushan is really blessed to have a group of young men like you and a small village chief like you."

The guards behind him widened their eyes, and even the emperor was scolded by him angrily in the court.

 You actually said all good things today?

The sun is coming out in the west!

Mr. Lu didn’t chat for a while.

He felt a burning sensation in his chest, which seemed to give him a little more strength.

Just now, my hands and feet were weak and my whole body was sore. It was like taking a powerful pill. I just felt that I was in high spirits and in excellent condition.

 There seems to be a faint lotus fragrance in the mouth, and there is also a sweet aftertaste.

 The old man picked up the cup of cold tea and drank it in one gulp.

Just now he flatly refused to drink, but now he felt slapped in the face.

I saw him chatting with everyone seriously, but his hand sneaked towards the teapot.

As soon as he lowered his head, he saw Xiao Suisui looking up at him with a pair of clear eyes.

Mr. Lu, his face suddenly turned red!

 (End of this chapter)

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