My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 133: The weak people of Xiushan

Chapter 133 The weak people of Xiushan

 “Prince?” The old man in the carriage frowned slightly.

"You are biased against the prince. The prince knelt for three days and begged you to accept him as your student, but you were unwilling." At that time, the prince still sneaked out.

 The old man shook his head slightly.

"He has always been indifferent and has little compassion for the people. If I were the prince's teacher, I would be helping the emperor to do evil. If he ascends the throne in the future, the generals and the people will suffer disaster."

 “You don’t want to do it either, eldest prince.” The coachman muttered softly.

The eldest prince is already in his thirties this year. He has gone to the mansion many times to seek support from the elder, but the elder remains unmoved.

 The old man raised his eyebrows, and the face of a young man flashed in his mind.

 The young man is as gentle as jade, observing the sentiments of the people everywhere and having empathy for the people.

 The old man smiled but said nothing.

“Actually, I think His Highness the Crown Prince is quite good. He has been guarding the border for many years. With him here, Dai Viet has become more peaceful in the past few years.”

"He is a natural-born general, not an emperor. I don't want to have anything to do with him." The old man waved his hand, as if he didn't want to mention it.

“You must be afraid of trouble. Aren’t you also interested in the blessed treasure from the Marquis Cheng’en Mansion?”

"Even His Majesty secretly wanted you to enlighten her, but you flatly refused, saying that although she was young, she was spoiled by her family and had evil intentions. This made Your Majesty angry with you for several days." That is to say, you are full of talents all over the world. You are also a veteran of three dynasties, and you are quite intimidating in the court. Otherwise, you are afraid of being pointed at and scolded by everyone.

 The old man became more and more unhappy.

"That girl from the Yan family is not a kind person. Although she is young, she has a deep mind, far from the eyes she should have at that age."

“She has an excellent reputation in the capital. If I continue to help her gain fame, it will only push her even higher. What should I do if she harms the people in the future?”

 The groom sighed.

 “This slave is also for you.”

“The Imperial Preceptor said that the girl was born with great blessings and was blessed with great blessings. It is said that her grandfather was so ill that he could not get out of bed last year, so the Taiyuan Hospital’s administration asked the government to prepare a coffin.”

"As a result, I invited her to bless me, and the old man could get out of bed in three days..."

 The groom sighed.

 He is not a real groom, but a bodyguard sent to protect Mr. Ge.

The old man shook his head in displeasure: "Let's not mention those crooked ways. How can anyone extend a person's life for no reason? There is a fixed number of lifespans in this world. She has given blessings to people, so there is no guarantee that she has stolen them from someone. Lifespan.”

“I don’t like her mouth.” When she was rejected by Mr. Lu Ge, she actually laughed in public and said that no one but her was worthy of being Mr. Lu Ge’s disciple.

 Because others cannot bear such strong luck.

 Lao Lu Ge frowned, with only disgust in his eyes.

 “You are just stubborn.”

"Your Majesty can't live without you, and the court can't live without you. You said you wanted to serve as an official and return to your hometown, but Your Majesty just doesn't want to. I just want you to come back to rest and recuperate, you...hey." The young coachman sighed.

 The old man closed his eyes slightly and refused to say any more.

 He is the elder of the Sanchao Pavilion and has a very high status in the capital.

There are countless people who want to curry favor with him and become his disciples.

Once he recognizes the prince or some other blessing, he will be forced to stand in line and become their help.

 But they…

None of them can ask for orders from the people.

"When you return to Xiushan, don't call me Mr. Ge, call me Mr. Lu." The old man said calmly.

 The coachman responded in a low voice.

“Have you brought enough medicinal materials when you come back this time?”

 “Go back to me, sir, you’ve brought enough.”

Mr. Lu sighed. Xiushan was barren and remote, and many children would never leave the mountains for the rest of their lives.

 In the past three years, Xiushan has been an area hardest hit by natural disasters.

There were countless refugees along the way, and Xiushan was attacked by Beidi, leaving corpses everywhere.

Just thinking about it makes the old man cry. It has been forty years since he graduated from Xiushan University, and this is the first time he has gone back.

“The people of Xiushan are very soft-hearted, gentle, and hard-working. They are poor because they are located on the border and are remote. They have been impoverished in recent years.”

“Yes, yes, Xiushan spends half of the year eating wild vegetables.” The little guard heard the master read it so many times that he almost knew it by heart.

The old man couldn't help but shook his head when he thought of Xiushan in his memory.

I feel timid when approaching the countryside. After turning this corner, I can see the city gate of Xiushan.

“Don’t worry, we have brought a lot of medicine to save some. We have also brought food to try our best to provide disaster relief.”

“Master, your words can make the courtiers hit the wall with your words, and you can also make the surviving people regain their confidence and rebuild their homes.” The coachman kept cheering the old man up.

I heard that Beidi started to attack the city last night, and the prince only arrived this morning. Xiushan is probably in a mess.

 Sure enough, I turned a corner.

 My ears were filled with the commotion after the war.

 The entire snowfield was dyed red with bright red blood, the ground was in mess, and the ground was full of corpses.

Lu Gelao staggered out of the carriage and pushed away the guard who tried to help him.

 The old man’s eyes were filled with tears.

 Xiushan, you are suffering.

“The old man stepped forward in the snow, step by step, and the more he walked, the louder the noise became.

“No, I haven’t taken off my trousers yet. I also took off my shoes, shoes, and socks.”

"The dead ones are buried, and the ones who are not dead are quickly stripped and locked up. Put some more straw mats. I heard that the prisoners will be taken to Jing along with Jinya."

“It’s not a good idea for a group of people to go to Beijing naked, isn’t it?” The one who took off his clothes hesitated.

“He didn’t feel bad when he attacked the city!” Yan Ming shouted at the top of his lungs.

When everyone heard this, they immediately took off their clothes without mercy.

“Even their military flag can be pulled off and made into a pair of underwear.” Yan Ming touched the Beidi flag. The material was very good and he could make several pairs.

Mr. Lu's tears were still hanging on his face and had not yet fallen. His crying stopped abruptly.


"Is this the Beidi army?" The old man, whose nose was red from the cold, pulled the little boy in front of him and asked.

Yanming raised his head and looked at the uncle: "Of course."

Mr. Lu’s face suddenly froze as he watched the crowd take off their clothes, trousers and shoes, then throw them naked into the snow.

 “Is this what you call...gentleness?”


With such a fierce look, I thought I had seen a bandit.

“Xiushan, is this saved?”

Mr. Lu never thought that Xiushan could be saved.

 Xiushan is the most barren, surrounded by mountains. Even rescue cannot arrive in time under the heavy snow.

But the scene before him told him that the enemy army could not even enter the city gate.

"Of course I saved it. If I didn't save it, could I still come out to retrieve the body? The coach, His Highness King Li, had his clothes, trousers, and gold teeth pulled out, but he was taken away by General Fu. You were late and didn't see the good show." Yan Ming He waved his hand.

“How can the magistrate of Xiushan County be so powerful?” Mr. Lu’s face suddenly showed interest.

Yan Ming let out a disgusted sigh.

"County magistrate? Oh, when the army came, he abandoned the city and fled. He kowtowed to Beidi and begged for mercy. He planned to kowtow all the way from the city gate to the enemy's feet."

Mr. Lu's face changed drastically: "You bastard! It's just that you didn't promote our country's prestige, but you actually insulted my reputation as a country!"

"Where is he!"

 (End of this chapter)

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