My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 132: Give you a big caterpillar

Chapter 132 I’ll give you a big green worm

Fu Jiuxiao's eyes suddenly lit up.

"You want to give me a gift?" Fu Jiuxiao's voice began to rise.

This is the first time Suisui has given him a gift.

“Then, have you forgiven me?” Fu Jiuxiao’s eyebrows were beaming. He was happy for the first time after having been educated by countless tutors.

Suisui’s little head kept nodding.

"Then you are not allowed to lie to me in the future. If you lie to me again, I will never forgive you. I will curse you..." Suisui rolled her eyes.

 “I’ll curse you not to be able to marry a wife, and you’ll be a bachelor for the rest of your life.” Suisui put her hands on her hips and looked fierce.

Fu Jiuxiao chuckled.

 He has no intention of marrying a wife in his life.

 A woman will only affect the speed of his sword swing.

“Don’t worry, I will never lie to Suisui again.” Fu Jiuxiao immediately promised.

 My heart was filled with anticipation, and my eyes couldn't help but light up a little.

 He was not expected in this life, and naturally no one prepared gifts for him.

He must always carry the gift that Suisui gave him, keep it at all times, and take it out to look at it at all times.

"You must treat it well. I have raised it for a long time." I specially picked the biggest and fattest one to raise.

 Fu Jiuxiao had a slight smile in his eyes.

"Okay, I promise you. I will raise it until it grows old and dies...and I can even raise children for it!"

  Appears to be Suisui’s favorite pet.

How virtuous and capable he is, Suisui is actually willing to give her favorite pet to herself.

 He must be well taken care of in the future.

 “Then close your eyes?” Suisui stood up, looking excited.

Mr. Lin always looked down upon her and refused to let her give it away. Brother Jiuxiao got along well with her.

Fu Jiuxiao narrowed her eyes slightly.

 He only felt a soft little hand holding his hand and spreading his palm.


Fu Jiuxiao frowned slightly, feeling something soft and squirming in his hand. It's crawling around, a little itchy, and when I lightly close my palms, it seems very small.

 Fu Jiuxiao suddenly felt an ominous premonition.

"Suisui, I remember you didn't have a pet before?" Fu Jiuxiao felt that the soft thing seemed like a boneless thing.

 “Yes, I caught it during the Chinese New Year.”

“My mother said that everyone would kowtow to me during the Chinese New Year and asked me to prepare some small gifts. But after I caught her, my mother turned pale with fright and refused to allow me to give it to her.”

 “Fortunately, Brother Fu has the same hobbies as me.” Xiao Suisui’s tone was full of joy.

"Brother Fu, please open your eyes. Are you happy? Don't you think it's cute? Is it so green? Is it so fat? I feed it many young leaves every day, and it grows so fat. Fat..." Fu Jiuxiao opened his eyes and saw an excited face and a big caterpillar squirming in his palm! !

 The gift he was looking forward to turned into a big caterpillar!

 A big caterpillar as thick as his finger! !

 You old man! !

Fu Jiuxiao felt her eyes go dark and almost rolled off the roof.

 Taking a deep breath, he asked her with trembling palms: "Is this...the gift you carefully prepared for me?"

Suisui nodded and looked at him expectantly: "Do you like it?"

 Fu Jiuxiao struggled to enunciate: "Hi...I like it."

 “Is it cute?”

"It should be, but... it's cute..." Fu Jiuxiao felt his scalp numb. He could chop off the enemy's head with one knife on the battlefield, but the big caterpillar squirming in his palm really changed his expression. "Then you have to take good care of it. I will check it at any time. I believe you can take good care of it."

“You also said you would raise cubs for it in the future?”

Fu Jiuxiao’s face was stiff, haha, he wanted to slap himself to death just now.

"This... I should, should be able to raise it, right?" Fu Jiuxiao looked at the big caterpillar with disgust. Seeing that Suisui actually took out a small and exquisite cage, he realized that this guy actually carried it with him!

 “I’m optimistic about you.”

Suisui narrowed her eyes and smiled heartily. Fu Jiuxiao saw her grinning and immediately laughed.

 Still a child.

Putting the big caterpillar into the cage, Fu Jiuxiao could only accept it with tears even though he disliked it.

 No wonder, Mrs. Lin wants to stop her.


The village chief scared a few old men to death, so he probably won't be able to escape from this matter.

When Fu Jiuxiao took Suisui down to the roof, the city gate had been cleared.

"Leave the living prisoners of war to me. I will take them back to Wangshan and give them to Li Shenzhi. But Li Shenzhi..." Fu Jiuxiao frowned slightly. Li Shenzhi was the number one scholar in the past few years and was extremely talented. He had not tried to win over him several times. success.

This man is unkind, and because of his bad luck, he was demoted to Wangshan by his father, so he is not very friendly to him either.

“That’s all, you don’t have any friendship with Li Shenzhi. I don’t think you have a chance to get to know each other.” Fu Jiuxiao rubbed her head.

"I will take the prisoners away later, and Xiushan County will be handed over to you for the time being. They all trust you." Now that we have just experienced a war, sending people to take over hastily will only make the people disgusted and xenophobic.

"I still have a few days to celebrate my birthday. Why don't you wait until after the Lantern Festival before leaving? It's my Lantern Festival birthday!" Suisui was a little reluctant to give up. Although her sister became a brother, it seemed that there was no difference.

 At most, the chest becomes flat and the skirt becomes trousers.

Fu Jiuxiao was wearing a suit of armor with blood stains on it.

But at this moment, he was squatting next to Suisui, with gentle eyebrows and a smile in his eyes: "I have to rush back to deal with post-war matters. King Li is afraid that he will be sent back to the capital to be used as a hostage."

 “I will ask for a reward for you.”

"When you award the reward, don't mention my name. Just say I am the head of Wangjia Village." Suisui whispered, and Fu Jiuxiao nodded without asking why.

"On your birthday...I will come back in time." Fu Jiuxiao said with a low smile.

It was really fate that he was born on the same day as the lucky man from Chengenhou Mansion.

Now I meet Suisui, who was also born on the same day.

Fu Jiuxiao paused for a moment: "I will keep the gift you gave me, raise it well, and support it until its old age!"

Suisui grinned.

 “I will leave some soldiers behind to protect your safety.”

 Fu Jiuxiao was gone for only half an hour.

at this time…

The carriage creaked and creaked into Xiushan County, followed by a group of guards.

The groom looked at the snow on both sides of the road and said: "Sir, it seems that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's reinforcements have arrived, and the road is now clear, so you can rest assured." After coming all the way in a hurry, the old man's body could no longer hold up. .

The breeze lifted the curtains, and you could vaguely see an old man with white hair and beard, and a face full of ravines, coughing constantly.

“Xiushan is the poorest place in Dai Viet. Every generation of county magistrates has been demoted. How can such a county magistrate hold the city?”

"Xiushan, if you encounter this disaster, I'm afraid the blood will turn into a river."

"Mr. Ge, there is nothing you can do about the snow-capped mountains. Besides, His Royal Highness is here, I think it can be helpful. Besides, you are back to take care of yourself now, and you can also protect Xiushan." The groom whispered.

 (End of this chapter)

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