My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 111: Lunar New Year's eve

Chapter 111 New Year’s Eve

Suisui is very sad.

 She shouldn't have done it.

 She actually forgot about so many uncles and uncles who loved her, and so many fairies and fairies.

 Haven’t even gone back to visit them.

I don’t know if Fairy Chang’e has finished roasting those rabbits.

In the past, there were always a group of white little rabbits kept in the Moon Palace. The fairy would hug this one today and the other one tomorrow.

 Ever since eating the roast rabbit she gave her, she has been crazy about roast rabbit.

 The rabbits in the Moon Palace are in great trouble.

The cold Moon Palace is filled with smoke every day, smelling spicy and cumin. The cold Moon Palace Fairy can no longer look the same as before.

 In the past, fairies were said to be beautiful, and there were always people who secretly went to the Moon Palace to see fairies.

 There used to be an uncle Wu named Wu Gang? ?

It is said that he has been in love with the fairy for thousands of years, and he is extremely infatuated with the fairy but cannot get it.

That year during the Mid-Autumn Festival, I went to take a peek at the fairy. As a result, I caught a glimpse of the fairy holding a rabbit's leg with her left hand and the rabbit's head with her right hand...

 Uncle Wu was seriously ill, but later he recovered from his infatuation.

And Nezha... took a big blame for her and has not cleared her grievances yet.

 At that time she had just transformed, and she was greedy for everything she saw.

Nezha felt sorry for her and gave her a tendon. When he returned home, he was beaten half to death by his father.

 Fortunately, Father Tiandao gave her a new golden body. Alas, even the Dragon Clan has to avoid her when they see her.

"When I get back today, I will give you a dream and come back to see you. I have been favored by believers recently, so I should be able to go back and have a look." Suisui muttered, and immediately collected the pile of broken copper and iron in the space. stand up.

 As soon as he turned his head, a touch of green appeared in the space.

 “Hey…what is this?” Suisui walked around the space with her bare fat feet.

I saw that the spiritual spring was filled with lotus flowers at some point. The lotus flowers emitting divine light looked particularly familiar.

 The faint light looks particularly beautiful, exuding a warm luster.

Suisui was startled for a moment, and her face suddenly suddenly became clear.

 Ah, last time she picked a bunch of lotus seeds from Bodhisattva.

Her little hands were not big, and the lotus seeds slipped from her hands, and a few fell into the spiritual spring.

Avalokitesvara's lotus seeds cannot be cultivated outside and can only grow in the divine world. But there is a spiritual spring in the space, which just gave birth to such a place...

At a glance, there are probably hundreds of lotus flowers, swaying in the wind, and they are extremely beautiful.

"I know what to give them, but...isn't this gift too stingy? I grew it from the leftover lotus seeds..." Suisui sighed, she was indeed too poor.

 If you have money, it would be nice to give each person a gold ingot.

Let’s try to get a gold ingot next year.

“Tomorrow is the first day of the Lunar New Year. Lotus seeds should be grown tonight due to ripening.” Suisui immediately took action.

By the time she finished her work, Mrs. Lin in the room was already calling for a reunion dinner.

"Jiajia, let's go. I know what I will give them tomorrow. It's just that this gift is a bit light, I hope they won't find it objectionable." The big lotus seat under the Guanyin Seat is a wise act.

 Eating one would be very beneficial, but since it was induced by her falling into the spiritual spring, the effect would be much weaker.

"It's their blessing that you give them gifts." Jiajia looked at her eagerly, with Suisui's appearance reflected in her beautiful double eyes.

"Let's go have New Year's Eve dinner. I wonder if Mom has made braised pig's trotters... sweet and sour fish, hey, I haven't eaten fish for a long time." Suisui wrinkled her face.

In the past few years, due to drought, fish has been sold at sky-high prices.

The poor people are worried about having enough food and clothing, but they don’t know that the pond at Chengenhou Mansion far away in the capital is full of koi carps.

 Yan Hansheng was particularly happy today. In the morning, Xiuxiu started frying meatballs, fried eggplant boxes, small twists, etc. In the afternoon, she made two baskets of sesame candy.

“Tomorrow, all the children in the village will come to pay New Year greetings, and they will all eat.” Yan Hansheng picked up a piece and chewed it with a crunching sound. He had never had such a good life in his life.

Red window grille couplets have been pasted everywhere in the house. The house is clean and very happy.

"Everyone, sit down. This is our first year in our new home. After three years of natural disasters, we haven't had enough to eat. Now that we have this table of food, I'm grateful to Suisui." Yan Hansheng knew very well that his family had such a Who do we depend on for our days?

Suisui didn't even raise her eyelids, she stared straight at the pig's trotters and swallowed her saliva.

 The incense candle on the stove to honor the Kitchen God flickered slightly.

Lin smiled extremely contentedly while stroking her belly.

The three children have changed a lot this year. They probably have enough food and water, and they are eating well. They are changing again and again.

She didn’t know that Suisui had been drinking the spiritual spring for the whole family for half a year to keep themselves healthy.

“Being able to spend this year with my grandmother, brother and sister-in-law is really a blessing from Bodhisattva.” Ms. Lin was so happy that she wanted to cry. This was a day that she could not even imagine in her dreams.

 Brother Qing picked up a glass of wine and gave a big salute to his sister and brother-in-law.

“My sister and brother-in-law are so kind, and my brother will never forget them. From now on, our family will work together to live a more prosperous life, and we will definitely be able to survive the disaster years!”

Xiuxiu also stood up and gave a big salute to her sister and brother-in-law.

 She was extremely grateful to her sister's family. The entire Wangshan Mansion was fleeing from famine, and there were only a handful of people who survived the famine.

What's more, they are all old and young, so they are extremely happy to be able to stay in Wangjiacun.

 Her son, who was judged to be stupid since birth, now responds to Suisui, which makes her most happy.

There is hope for this life!

Wangjiacun seems to be different from other villages.

 The poor people in other villages ate chaffy vegetables, but she gained three pounds by eating the running water mat in their village.

Suisui also has people singing and watching music in the village every day. This day does not seem like a disaster year.


At present, the village still raises three big fat pigs, seven or eight piglets, a group of milk-producing sheep, and a house of chickens. These are all public properties of the village.

Whose village is so rich!

“Sit down quickly, sit down quickly, we are all a family.” Yan Hansheng’s face turned red after drinking, he was really happy today.

"Let's start the banquet..." As soon as Yan Hansheng opened his mouth, Yan Chuan immediately gave Suisui a big pig's trotter.

The sugar-colored pig's trotters fried with rock sugar glowed red. Suisui took a bite, and the soft and waxy pig skin fell off the bones in an instant.

 Woo woo woo…

  Days that even gods and goddesses do not change.

Suisui finished chewing a pig's trotter bigger than her face plate and ate four or five meatballs. Mrs. Lin gave her a bowl of chicken soup to replenish her health.

The little guy was burping and staring at the table. Why is his belly so small!

 Why so small!

"You have to stay up late and eat dumplings to enjoy the good fortune, Suisui, don't be too stuffed." Yan Lang knew that she was greedy and immediately advised her.

Suisui's eyes lit up as expected: "What does eating blessings mean? Do you eat the blessings in the couplet?"

 Only the door of the house has a blessing posted on it.

Yan Lang's eyelids trembled: "There are a few copper coins wrapped in the dumpling stuffing. Whoever eats the copper coins is lucky and a good sign." The second brother explained seriously.

Suisui originally wanted to say that she was the greatest blessing, but she just followed the locals, and she was immediately full of expectations.

 My aunt and Mrs. Lin quickly cleared the table and brought countless snacks to the table.

 It was snowing heavily outside the door, a charcoal fire was burning inside the house, and milk tea was boiling on the fire.

 The fragrance is overflowing, and you are extremely happy.

 (End of this chapter)

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