My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 110: God's Sorrow

Chapter 110 The Sorrow of the Gods


 Her mother is pregnant.

She got pregnant out of wedlock, and no one knew who the man was.

Her mother was locked in a room and beaten and scolded. Her grandparents grabbed a bowl of abortion pills and force-fed her.

 But fortunately, the child was not beaten.

 Unfortunately, the child was not beaten.

The old man and the old lady will never allow her to get pregnant before marriage, so that she will not be able to exchange for a high betrothal gift and marry her uncle at home.

 After that, they searched in every possible way.

 Find a man who is a widower, loves to beat his wife, and is infertile.

  After marrying, you can raise children, and the man is willing to give you a very considerable bride price.

Her mother didn’t want to get married, but her younger brother, who she had raised since childhood, actually came to be her lobbyist and knelt on the ground to beg her.

That day, my mother cried and got married.

 Men like to gamble and hit others. They beat their mothers every day when they come back after losing money.

After drinking, he would angrily curse at that **** man and humiliate her in every possible way.

On the day she was born, the man lost money again.

He held her in his arms and wanted to sell her, but her mother cried and made trouble, but she never let him soften.

  After several twists and turns, she was sold several times, but because of her double pupils, everyone regarded her as unlucky, so her mother found her.

after that…

Her mother voluntarily went to Yihongyuan, asking only for a man to support her until she reached her hair age.

From time to time, men would come to the house to look for my mother. Every time she came, my mother would cry and shut herself in the house, not allowed to make any sound.

 All the money earned was used to pay off his gambling debts.

Danniang was beaten too hard over the years, and she only lasted half a year before she died of illness in bed.

 At that time, she was three years old.

 She held her hand before leaving, her eyes full of emotions that she couldn't understand. She caressed her eyes crazily, as if looking elsewhere through her eyes.

  "You betrayed me, you betrayed me in this life, I hope we will never see each other again in the next life." After saying this, he closed his eyes without saying a word about his arrangements for her.

" mother hates me, I know." Jiajia cried involuntarily.

"She hates my double eyes, she hates my face, she looks at my face sometimes with disgust, sometimes with affection. But it's her who has saved me time and time again. I don't know what to do..." She was confused. .

 At a loss, I don’t know how to deal with this maternal love.

After her mother left, the man hated her even more. Even though she cooked and cleaned the house for him every day, beatings were still commonplace.

"She gave birth to you, that's her responsibility. You didn't ask her to come into this world." Suisui's eyes were filled with disgust. There are always many people in this world who, when they are unfortunate, attribute their misfortunes to innocent children. .

 But children are the most unfortunate.

 In this world, there are always some people who like to kidnap children with maternal love.

 As everyone knows, if they had a choice, many children would not become their children.

 From beginning to end, they were unworthy.

On the contrary, I have many demands on my children, as if I gave birth to you and raised you, and I want to control everything about you.

Suisui understood better that her identity was far away in the capital.

The aloof biological mother had the same idea about her.

 In the future, she will have to fight a tough battle sooner or later.

"Your destiny is the most noble destiny in the world. They are not worthy of it!" Suisui's eyes were filled with anger.

Jiajia was startled.

Jiajia didn't want Suisui to be tainted with hostility for her, so she held her little hand and said, "Even if you have the most noble destiny in the world, I will kneel at your feet. I am your most devout believer, and also Your most loyal maid."

Suisui glanced at her faintly.

 The empress ordered her to be a maid?

 Are you too arrogant? ! !

Suisui shivered, maybe, not that? She has become an empress, how can she still come and serve her?

Hmm, definitely not. Suisui turned around and put the matter behind her.

 Immediately I sat down on the small stool, and my consciousness entered the space in an instant.

 The space is full of things.

 Most of them were offerings given to her by believers when she was speaking as a spirit spirit.

“It’s really annoying. Gods don’t eat, but you can’t always burn paper money for me! What if you come down and become a mortal one day??”

“It’s all paper money, it’s all paper money, bah!”

“You don’t even give me a pig, but we are still slaughtering pigs and sheep to offer sacrifices to heaven!”

 “Fortunately, there are a few fruit snacks...”

Suisui turned things over. Most of them were grain, and there wasn't much.

 Some people like to have a good harvest when offering sacrifices to heaven, so that they can have some food.

Suisui sighed, her little face wrinkled, what should I give her?

“Hey, the things I brought from the God Realm are still there.” The little girl’s eyes lit up and she walked towards the corner of the space.

There was a pile of broken copper and iron piled in the corner, and Suisui pulled it with his feet.

"Houyi's bow and arrow shot at the sun? Hey... it was burned to death. This thing has been infected with the hottest fire in the three worlds since it shot at the sun. What was it stolen for?" Suisui thought hard.

"Oh... I stole the phoenix eggs to bake. They were not cooked under ordinary fire, so I stole Hou Yi's magic arrow." The little girl kicked it aside.

The expression of disgust is palpable.

 “What is this? There are actually rabbit skins in the space!” Suisui was shocked.

This rabbit skin is all white, without a trace of hair, and even has a bit of divine light.

“Ah, it’s the one on the Moon Palace.” Suisui thought for a while, and while admiring the moon on the Mid-Autumn Festival, she thought the rabbit was more delicious than moon cakes, so she ate one.

 Later, Fairy Chang'e cried for several days.

She felt so guilty later that she sent back half-roasted rabbit meat that was charred on the outside and tender on the inside, as well as an apology from her God-given father.

Chang'e cried while eating. Later, Chang'e cried even harder.

Dislike her for being too spicy? !

Suisui put it in her pocket and took it out later to make clothes for her sister who was about to be born.

Suisui picked at it casually: "Dragon horns? Eh... it's weird to give organs to others. Are dragon horns considered an organ?" Suisui didn't understand.

 He kicked into the corner again.

"What are these? Ah, the clothes of the Weaver Girl..." Suisui kicked them away in disgust.

At that time, the affair between Weaver Girl and Cowherd was a big deal, and Weaver Girl insisted that she was in true love.

Suisui couldn't understand why she liked a stinky gangster who stole her clothes.


 She stole every day.

 Before Suisui came to earth, she actually only served as a little goddess for one year. Before that, she had been a consciousness raised by Father Tiandao.

 Her consciousness is attached to an inscription in the divine world.

 Can speak and communicate, but cannot transform.

 But she can see the believers worshiping her, and can also admire the mountains, rivers and lakes, but there is no human form.

"Hey, I suddenly miss the God Realm so much. They must miss me very much..." Suisui sat cross-legged on the ground, her little face full of sadness.

“It took me tens of thousands of years to have a human body. They must be very reluctant to part with me.”

Before he descended to earth, many gods and uncles all cried.

 Crying so sadly, I hugged my head and cried, waving a small handkerchief to send it to her while crying.

I was very touched at the time and immediately said I would come back early. They cried harder and harder.

 Maybe I can’t bear to be apart from her every day!

How pitiful.

They must miss her very much and be reluctant to part with her, right?

 (End of this chapter)

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