Chapter 103 Sui Ban City

 “You two, please don’t run around.”

“In troubled times, some people make money without conscience and secretly abduct children outside.”

“Suisui, you are fair and good-looking. Kidnappers like to steal children like you and sell them to rich families.”

“It’s good to sell them to rich families. Some of them will be raised and sold to...” Wang Youcai glared at the villagers, who immediately grinned and did not dare to say anything more.

That dirty place will not dirty the ears of the village chief.

 “Village Chief, Suisui won’t run around.” The little girl assured her with a sweet voice.

“How about I bring an uncle to accompany me out??” Suisui narrowed her eyes and was very well-behaved.

Wang Youcai immediately ordered a strong man to accompany the village chief.

 The head of a small village rarely comes to the city, so it is good to see the market.

Most shops in the city have been closed now, and the few that are still open are very powerful.

Every household closed its doors and windows and was extremely on guard.

"Let's go find Manager Fu first." Yan Ming took Suisui and walked in front. Brother Wang walked behind, followed by the two children.

Yanming has an excellent memory and quickly found Fu's Trading Company.

This time there were not so many people guarding Fu's door, and the tense atmosphere seemed to have become much more relaxed.

 Hearing that someone from Wangjia Village was looking for him, Manager Fu hurriedly went out.

 As soon as we came out, we found two little guests.

"It's you, Xiao Suisui. The grain you sold to us last time solved a big problem. You are our benefactor..." Manager Fu smiled. He knew Wu Shengnan, so he naturally knew that Xiao Suisui was the benefactor of the soldiers. .

Manager Fu hurriedly prepared some snacks and changed the tea to the fruit tea that the children love to drink, which is sour and sweet.

“Guanshi Fu, we are here today to ask you to help us see if there is a suitable shop.” Yan Mingming said in a smart way.

Manager Fu was stunned. Two children are here to buy a shop?

 “Where are your adults?”

Xiao Suisui raised her chin: "I am an adult. I am already the village chief. Can't I still be an adult?" The little guy pouted, unhappy.

 Steward Fu was amused by her and beamed.

"Yes, yes, we all know what you are capable of. If you can trust me, come here for lunch and I will look for you. You came at the right time. The shops are very cheap now." Although Manager Fu was surprised by her With so much money in hand, he still wholeheartedly ordered people to handle it.

 The three armies all owe this man a favor.

Manager Fu worked very quickly, and the news came back even before lunch was finished.

“In this year of disaster, shops can’t afford the price, and many people can’t even afford food. The price is only 70% of the normal price. If there is food, it will be cheaper.”

“The most prosperous area in the county town is the street next to the county government office. There are currently six shops for sale on the street.”

“In an ordinary year, a shop costs about two hundred taels. Most shops have a large backyard and can accommodate people.”

“In these disaster years, we can probably sell it for one hundred and fifty taels. There are two families who are willing to accept the grain exchange, and four hundred and fifty jins can be exchanged for a shop.”

"Nowadays, brown rice costs about 30 taels per catty, which makes it 135 taels, which is quite cheap."

 Food prices are high in disaster years, and there is no market for them.

The number of refugees outside is increasing day by day. It can be seen that everyone is tightening their belts, hoping to survive the disaster.

 “What about Wangshan Mansion? How about the shops in Fucheng??” Yan Ming’s eyes were bright.

Manager Fu smiled and glanced at him: "A shop with an average land price in Fucheng costs three to five hundred taels, which is not as good as Xiushan County. The location is excellent and the price is low. There is no rush to move to Fucheng when you develop."

Yan Ming nodded. The most important thing is that Wangjiacun is here. This is their confidence.

 Yanming looked at Suisui.

Suisui blinked his eyes: "I still have nine hundred kilograms of brown rice at home, so I can use the brown rice to exchange for two shops. I still have five hundred taels in my hand. How many shops can I exchange for it?"

 Guanshi Fu……

Mother, I am richer than him!

He knew that Wangjiacun had been commended by His Majesty, but he didn't expect that he would be so arrogant and give all the money to a child. This girl didn’t know where she took it out from, and clicked it.

The money bag was thrown on the table, making a clanging sound.

"Since you are willing, I will go and run for you myself." Manager Fu was afraid that others would deceive the little girl, so he took care of the matter himself.

Yan Ming looked at Suisui suspiciously, and watched helplessly as Suisui took Manager Fu out, and then carried out several large bags of grain from a deserted alley.

 “We put the food here, please take care of it.”

Xiao Suisui smiled and her pockets were clean.

 “You’re so brave.” Manager Fu couldn’t help but hissed.

 Immediately called a few people to carry the food back.


Before it got dark, Manager Fu came back with a long bunch of keys.

The eyes fell on Yan Suisui with uncontrollable envy.

"There are only about ten shops in this street. You bought half of the street..." These shops are in a good location and have high prices. They could have sold for at least two or three hundred taels three years ago. There are many small vendors setting up stalls around. In previous years, the street was brightly lit and very lively.

 “You’ve made a fortune.”

 Five shops, that was Guanshi Fu’s dream.

  Even if you think of him as a steward, in fact the master's two pockets are very poor.

 The most valuable thing is the hundreds of thousands of brothers.

Harmful, no matter how poor you are, you can’t betray your brothers.

 Besides, brothers are worthless, they are black, and their muscles are so hard that they cannot be pinched. If you buy them back, they will make each other poor!

Your Majesty once listened to the slanderous words of the eldest prince, now the Northern King, and the prince suffered a lot.

 Just last month, His Majesty probably went crazy and actually allocated 100,000 grains to His Highness.

Only then did His Highness’ urgent need be solved.

Yan Ming clapped excitedly, his little hands turning red.

"When I have money in the future, I will buy more shops for Suisui, buy a whole street, and hang heavy wheat ears on each street as a symbol. From now on, Suisui will be called Suibancheng! I will work hard for Suibancheng !" Yan Ming excitedly encouraged himself to make money for his sister and make more money for his sister.

 Let my sister collect rent wherever she goes.

Manager Fu smiled helplessly: "Suicheng Bancheng? It sounds pretty good." How did he know that the childlike words of the two little guys at this moment would slap many people in the face when they came true in the future.

Suisui couldn't hold the bunch of keys with her two small hands.

The little girl imitated the adults in the village and planned to hang the key on her waistband.

 Happily I just hung it up.

 A tearing sound.

 Xiao Suisui's joyful smile...slowly condensed.

 Guanshi Fu? ?


I saw the little dumpling with cute **** looking at his pants with a dull expression.

 The key was so heavy that it tore the outer layer of pants! !

 Yan Ming tightly covered his mouth!

 You can’t laugh, otherwise you will die if you laugh out loud!

 Manager Fu looked up at the sky, and Yan Ming looked down at the tips of his shoes. Their shoulders were shaking and their ears were turning red.

Sui Sui? ! !

The little girl puffed up her cheeks like a little toad, and she was so angry that tears came to her eyes.

 The little goddess’s face has been completely disgraced! !

 (End of this chapter)

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