My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 102: Suisui becomes the biggest winner

Chapter 102 Sui Sui becomes the biggest winner

 This meeting.

 At only four years old, Yan Suisui may be the biggest winner.

 When the village chiefs saw that the yamen was closed again, they got up with the help of the younger generation.

"It seems that Magistrate Zhu can't ask us to donate food. This time he was bleeding heavily, so he donated three thousand kilograms of grain and took away one thousand taels of silver." Several village chiefs secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Now every morsel of food must be used on the edge of the knife. Where can we donate it?

A village chief secretly poked the old man of Taishan Village.

"Old man, did you just say that you wanted to reprimand the ignorant little village chief? If you don't speak up, he will... leave." A certain village chief, who was watching the excitement and not taking it too seriously, looked towards Wangjia Village.

He felt sour and envious. If he could reprimand the little village chief until he cried, it would be considered a disgrace to Wangjia Village.

Who among them has not been reprimanded by the old man of Taishan Village?

Wang Youcai frowned. Back then... he was also reprimanded.

This old man is sixty-nine years old and is one of the few people who lives a long life.

Although he is old-fashioned, he is also upright. When he sees young people becoming village chiefs, he can't help but curse a few words to make them remember.

Everyone in Lijiatun could not help but watch the show with smiles on their lips.

The old man with white hair and beard held the bamboo tube in both hands, and he didn't throw it away just before he knelt down.

 Taking a sip…

 It was not sucked out.

Everyone snickered in their hearts, the old man didn’t like such coquettish and exaggerated things that didn’t do serious business!

 The old man pondered for a moment.

 “How to sell milk tea across villages?”

 Everybody? ! ! !

 Everyone was stunned.

He stared at the serious old man with wide eyes, knelt down and asked seriously: "I'm old, and I want to eat something good, but I can't chew it. I drink clear soup and little water all day long, and I feel dizzy. Brown sugar water is delicious. Delicious. You are so good..."

"I love drinking tea. This stuff is good, and it tastes like tea. It's milky, nutritious, and soft and waxy. What's it about? It almost glued off my two remaining teeth. But it's delicious... "

 “If I have a cup in the middle of winter, I won’t even have to eat anymore.”

“It warmed my stomach after drinking it. My hands and feet were warm after sitting there for half an hour. Oh my, how did you get such a long head, little kid? No wonder you can become the village chief... It’s rare for Wangjia Village to be discerning!”

"The king of your village is rich, but he doesn't have this ability. After being the village chief for so many years, Wangjia Village still doesn't live up to expectations."

 "You... are good." The old man couldn't help but touched Yan Suisui's little head.

 What makes him happiest...

Yan Suisui is the only one who dares to contradict Magistrate Zhu for the sake of the people.

The village chief who has been over fifty years old is not as good as a three or four-year-old baby. This child has an innocent heart that ordinary people don't have.

The smiles on the faces of everyone in Lijiatun slowly solidified.


 Is this the reprimand you mentioned?

Want to make her cry?

You said before that Wangjiacun has no backbone? What about letting a child **** and pee on your head?

How come Wangjiacun has become so discerning now?


 A woman can’t fall out of favor faster than you!

Wang Youcai’s face turned red. Just praise me for my discernment. Why are you comparing it to me?

Xiao Suisui scratched her head: "It takes more than three hours to walk from Wangjia Village to Taishan Village...but our village can ski, so we can get there in half an hour."

"You are the first batch of customers. If you are willing... you can buy a cup for twelve cents. Free from ten cups!" Now I'm just giving you a warm-up!

There are many children in the village, and they can run around with a basket on their back.

 During disaster years, the poor do not have enough to eat.

 But the rich are extremely rich.

 Looking for delicious food.

For example, she just asked Yan Ming to prepare twenty cups and take the villagers to the city to sell them. I have come back with an empty backpack now.

The old village chief stroked his beard: "When the disaster years pass, you girl will definitely be able to spread its wings." The old village chief said suddenly, everyone was shocked.

"Old man, it's just a child playing around. You really think highly of her." Li Yuelin, the head of Lijiatun Village, chuckled and turned back with the villagers.

 The old village chief shook his head.

 This era still belongs to young people.

 Oh no, it belongs to this baby.

This milk tea may not be sold much in the current disaster year. Once the disaster year passes, it will be the time for her to make a fortune!

"If the little village chief needs anything, he will come to Taishan Village to find me. These small villages still listen to a few words from me." The old man liked Yan Suisui very much, which made people stunned.

"Then let them come outside the city gate and Wangjia Village to learn boxing. Or they can learn to ski... Look, we can reach the town in half an hour. It's so quick..." the little girl said Her milky voice was milky, and she was pretending to be mature at the moment, which made people laugh.

  It’s really cute.

 When speaking, his head moved little by little and his pigtails swayed.

Suisui was counting her fingers in her heart. In the original book, the barbarians massacred the city on the sixth day of the first lunar month. Now everyone can practice a little more to save their lives!

The old man nodded and ordered ten more cups of milk tea before returning to the village.

 Everyone was numb with gas.

  A group of them are here to accompany Wangjiacun?

 But many people are interested in this four-year-old village chief.

  Him vaguely looking forward to Wangjiacun.

This small village may be different from other villages!

 Their faces and spirits are completely different!

Everyone in Wangjia Village was not in a hurry to go back and waited directly at the government office to receive food and money.

The provincial magistrate Zhu County went back on his word.

Wang Youcai directly took the one thousand taels and bought a lot of wood, built a temporary shelter, and placed three thousand kilograms of grain at the homeless shelter.

Now that they have spontaneously maintained order, things are safer here.

 Because everyone will look at the food seriously.

 Three hundred pounds a day can last until after the Chinese New Year.

Everyone is very busy.

Yan Ming was stunned as he looked at the empty houses in the city.

"Suisui, you say... should we take this opportunity to buy some shops? Those shops all say that they will be replaced by grain or gold and silver, and the prices are 20 to 30% cheaper than in previous years. If the disaster year passes, we can still sell milk tea!" Yan Ming Eyes sparkling.

Suisui was rewarded with silver by His Majesty, and Mrs. Lin did not control her money.

 She is kept in space.

“Once the disaster year is over, these shops will return to their original prices...” Yan Ming really thinks that he can make a lot of money by buying shops during the disaster year.

"Manager Fu is in the town, and we have friendship with him. They still owe us favors, and we will share dividends with them in the future. We are grasshoppers on a rope. He will definitely come forward to help us." Yan Ming's plan clearly.

 “He is from the border, no one dares to trick him.”

Suisui silently glanced at the third brother, he was indeed a little **** of wealth.

 Damn Yan Jiaojiao, the book sucked all the luck out of the third brother.

 When the original owner was betrayed by Old Chen, he died on the spot trying to stop him. In this life...

 He will definitely be able to get back on his original track.

"Suisui, let's do some small business..." Yan Ming's eyes were bright and burning. He usually seemed to be on the edge, always following Suisui quietly.

 Once money is involved, his whole person becomes particularly bright.

No one knows that Yan Ming’s small business will spread throughout Dai Viet in the future.

 His business empire exists only for Suisui!

 (End of this chapter)

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