My Iron Suit

Chapter 990: More than just alive!

Chris and Claire, who took the next step, looked at Chen Mo, who was coming to them with Alice, and they were all surprised.

They thought that Chen Mo would leave the place with other people in an armored vehicle and go to a safe place. I didn't expect Chen Mo to go with them to lick this drowning!

Claire and Alice are trying to save the friends who have been caught on the boat. Chris is to protect his sister, and what is Chen Mo?

The two brothers and sisters looked at each other and their eyes could not help but fall to Alice!

Is it...?

Alice did not notice the expression of Claire and Chris. Although Chen Mo was aware of it, he did not say anything.

Just when a few people came together and prepared to leave, a voice suddenly sounded behind them.

"Wait a minute!"

Chen Mo’s four people turned around and heard that Luther West had jumped out of the car, and then followed him, and several other people in the armored car jumped out of the car.

Several people walked side by side, and Luther West looked at Chen Mo, and said with a firm voice.

"We are going with you!"

Chen Mo looked at the crowd but did not speak. Luther West turned to look at the other people around him. Immediately, Jin Yong, who had never spoken, was taking a step forward and looked at Chen Mo with his eyes firmly. Said.

"We don't want to escape! Even if we go to other places, we will be surrounded by endless zombies sooner or later. We want to end this **** doom, live as normal as before, don't worry every day, fear that one day will be The zombies are eaten!"

After Kim Yong finished, Angel Ortiz, Luther West and Christo also nodded in agreement.

Obviously the four people have reached a consensus in the armored car!

They were also influenced by Chen Mo's behavior, and the influence of his conversation with Alice, and then wanted to understand how to make a choice.

Before, they only thought of fleeing from the prison cage and going outside, but in fact, the whole earth has been ruled by ruthless zombies. Even if they escaped, they just changed places and continued to linger.

This life, all the rest of the future, they must always live under the threat of zombies, there will be no peace day, maybe when will be bitten by zombies, even like being taken away by zombies Like Wendell, it is eaten directly by zombies!

This is not the life they want!

Although Chen Mo’s choice seems to be dangerous, relying on a few people who are alone, to fight against a huge force that has destroyed the world by hand, it seems to be a stone, but this is the only way to save the world and restore the earth to normal!

Between the lingering, and the risk of freedom, they chose the latter!

They will make such a choice, and Chen Mo actually played a big role in it!

Originally, they just thought that it would be enough to be able to survive. They didn’t have the heart to think about their future life. They never thought about who caused the situation.

Chen Mo’s appearance not only gave them the opportunity to escape from the cage, but also let them see the end of the world. More importantly, Chen Mo let them see the hope of the future!

Chen Mo not only changed the relationship of their team, but also made them more united, and completely changed their ideas!

What they are pursuing now is not just alive!

In the past, the mysterious and powerful umbrella company is naturally the horror that they dare not provoke, can only escape far away, even if they are unwilling, they will not find their own way to fight against this enemy they can not compete against!

However, Chen Moqiang’s strength has given them a little confidence. At least, they are not completely unsuccessful!

The corpse of hundreds of thousands of zombies have come over, and the umbrella company does not seem to be more terrible!

So they finally made a decision to go to Arcadia with Chen Mo!

When Jin Yong finished, Chen Mo and Alice looked at each other and saw a gratification from each other's eyes.

Looking at the steadfast Jin Yongsi, Claire and Chris are also a look of appreciation and recognition.

There are not many survivors in this world. If everyone chooses to escape, then human beings are not far from extinction!

At this time, dare to stand up and fight, everyone is a real warrior!

Chen Mo’s gaze swept through the face of Jin Yong’s four people, and finally nodded lightly. Alice, standing next to him, saw it and smiled directly.


Luther West and Christo couldn't help but turn their heads and look at each other. They felt that until this moment, they were truly accepted by Chen Mo and Alice!

From this moment on, they are a real team!


After accepting four people, Chen Mo did not delay the time and greeted Angel Ortiz directly.


Angel Ortiz came forward with excitement and seemed to be looking forward to the task Chen Mo gave.

Chen Mo pointed to the pier not far from everyone, and said to him.

"Looking for a speedboat that can be used."

Angel Ortiz heard a glimpse of a row of speedboats moored on the dock not far away, and nodded.

"no problem!"

Although it has been parked in the open air for several years on the looks old, but the speedboat is always on the water, the hull itself is mostly well preserved, the only problem is that the engine is not used for a long time, and some may not be able to use.

However, Angel Ortiz spent a while, or found out that more than a dozen speedboats were in good condition and could start normally.

Listening to the sound of the speedboat engine, Angel Otitz did not use it to greet everyone. Even if they walked together, they soon boarded the ship.

The space of this speedboat is relatively large, and it is not crowded for eight people to go up.

Angel Ortiz stood in front of the boat, some of them were sitting directly on the ship's side, while others were standing in the middle, but everyone's eyes were all looking at the ship that was moored in the distant sea. Steamship!

At this time, the time is still early in the morning, and there is still a layer of morning fog floating on the sea surface, such as the giant beast that squats on the sea, swallowing the speedboat!

After entering the dense fog, only a piece of white enamel was left in front of everyone, and the visibility was less than ten meters!

Although the position of the ship was not visible under the cover of dense fog, Angel Ortiz still firmly held the steering wheel, keeping the speedboat in the direction of the boat, and heading for the position where the ship was in memory.


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