My Iron Suit

Chapter 989: The culprit!

When Chen Mo heard Alice’s question, he did not answer it directly, but turned to look at the other people in the carriage.

Luther West and Christo had no idea of ​​where they were going next, and they looked at Chen Mo and waited for him to make a decision.

Under the watchful eyes of Alice and Luther West, Chen Mo looked at a few people standing in the carriage and said slowly.

“You can collect some supplies in the city before you spread the corpses around the prison. After that, you can move around the city and the suburbs, or go north along the coastal road to Santa Barbara. The number of zombies there is relatively small, you can change the time, slowly clean it up, settle down there, as for me..."

When Chen Mo said that everyone felt that it was wrong, he saw Chen Mo turned his head and looked at Alice at the door of the cabin and said to her.

"I will go with you on that ship!"

Luther West and Christo were shocked by the news. They never thought that Chen Mo would make this decision!

Alice heard the words but the eyes flashed instantly, but soon she shook her head and looked at Chen Mo’s eyes, and said to Chen Mo with a serious look.

“There is danger there, you don’t have to venture with us!”

Alice, who has been fighting the umbrella company for many years, knows the strength of the umbrella company!

Every time before the confrontation, the comrades-in-arms and partners around her will suffer heavy casualties, even the whole army will be annihilated!

Even the powerful Alice Legion, made up entirely of her clones, was wiped out in Tokyo!

Claire and Chris have no way to refuse, but Chen Mo and the prisoners on the Arcadia have nothing to do with it. There is absolutely no need to take risks with them!

Chen Mo looked at Alice’s eyes and said with a voice.

"The umbrella company is also my enemy! This is the last day they were created. Until now, they are still catching survivors and conducting virus experiments! Continue to do so, all ordinary humans will be completely extinct, this world only There will be umbrella companies and their biological weapons!"

Speaking of this, Chen Mo's eyes flashed a cold mang, cold voice said.

"If you want to make this world back to normal, you must completely eliminate them!"

After listening to Chen Mo’s words, Alice stood there and looked at Chen Mo, but in her mind, it was like a slap in the face, and I wanted to understand it all at once!

Previously, Alice had been fighting the umbrella company all the time, but most of the time it was a passive counterattack.

The only real initiative was to see that their clones were murdered as guinea pigs. In order to revenge under anger, they took all Alice clones into the umbrella headquarters in Tokyo.

For a long time, she did not have a clear understanding, and a clear plan, how to end this end of the world and save the world.

It is only driven by things, passively moving forward.

Including before meeting Chen Mo, what she thought was just to find other survivors, to protect them from living in this last age, and not to completely eliminate the umbrella company!

Or in her previous opinion, the world has been destroyed and it is impossible to return to the past. Countless zombies are scattered all over the world. Survivors who survive can only sneak in the cracks and steal life. It is impossible to overcome infinity. Endless zombies, rebuild civilization!

But Chen Mo's words are like a bright light in the night, instantly illuminating the darkness of the earth, pointing her the road ahead!

The umbrella company created the disaster by one hand, and when the external civilization completely collapsed, all the countries and organizations disappeared, and human beings were on the verge of extinction, there were still many secret bases, a large number of regular armed forces, and the slightest before the disaster. Not weak technical civilization power!

Even they are still using the T virus to research and manufacture more powerful new biological weapons!

This is not exactly the case. The umbrella company has a way to deal with zombies. It can be run as usual in this zombie world, and there is no need to be as fearful as the survivors!

The most important thing is, as the initiator of all this, has the umbrella company completely ended this end-time method?

Recalling the umbrella company's performance all the time, Alice had to suspect that this disaster may not be an accident at all, but the umbrella company has been planning for a long time, deliberately made!

If not prepared, how can they retain such a perfect and powerful force after all countries, governments, and the military have collapsed!

The previous T virus leak was simply a scene of the umbrella company's first-hand director!

Spencer who broke the T virus is just a chess piece!

If you just steal the T virus and sell it, Spencer does not need to break a T virus!

As the security director of the umbrella base, Spencer can't understand the thing he wants to sell. It's not unreasonable to break the T virus, which is both dangerous and dangerous.

Everything he did was obviously to release the T virus!

And all this is undoubtedly the umbrella company behind the control!

The umbrella company is the culprit of this disaster!

For some ulterior they caused this biohazard in one hand, killing almost all humans in the world!

The human survivors who are still alive, the whole world does not know if there are 10,000 people!

Humanity is on the verge of extinction!

But no matter what, at least, Alice knows that to save the world, the umbrella company must be destroyed!

Alice, who was awakened, looked at Chen Mo with excitement as if she had met a confidant.

Subsequently, Alice no longer dissuaded Chen Mo, and after nodding his head toward Chen Mo, he immediately turned and jumped out of the hatch.

Chen Mo was still shocked by the decision of Chen Mo to leave the car. He said, “Take care!”, and then jumped out of the armored car behind Alice.

There were only four people in the car in the blink of an eye: Luther West, Angel Ortiz, Jin Yong and Christo. The crowded cars were empty!

Looking at the back of Chen Mo's departure, the four couldn't help but face each other. Just after they were full of eight cars and eight people, there was only four of them left in a blink of an eye!

Just as the four people in the car were at a loss, Chen Mo and Alice were walking side by side outside the armored car.


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