My Iron Suit

Chapter 978: Public bath!

Under the leadership of Christo, the two quickly passed through an iron gate and came to a large public bath. The walls and floors were all covered with old-fashioned white bricks. The golden morning light was long from the top of the wall. The bar window came in, even if there was no torch, the whole bathroom was very bright.

Here is the few rooms in this prison that are close to the façade and have windows!

Christo put the torch on the shelf at the door of the bathroom and walked into the bathroom with Alice.

A towel was taken from the towel rack and handed to Alice. Christo helped her press the switch on the common shower column, reached out and tried the water temperature, and then looked up and said to Alice.

"It's a bit cold, but it's refreshing to take a cold bath in the morning."

Alice reached out and tried the water temperature. It was a bit cold, but Alice didn't care. Although she didn't have the strengthening of the T virus, she couldn't wait to take a cold shower with her physique. Have a quick shower!

"Then you wash first, I am waiting for you outside."

Christo said, he turned and walked out, leaving only Alice himself in the bathroom.

After untied the armed band with all kinds of weapons and hung it on the other shower column next to it, Alice began to take off her tactical vest.

But just as she had just placed the tactical vest on the bench next to the wall, the direction of the shower room door suddenly heard a little noise.

Alice immediately stopped her movements and turned to look in the direction of the sound.


Alice screamed and no one responded. She immediately raised the volume and shouted again, but there was still no movement.

Alice felt it wrong in an instant, and immediately pulled out the revolver from the armed belt hanging next to it!

With his pistol in his hands, Alice instantly entered the battle state, and her face was slowly moved toward the door.

Just as Alice had just stepped out of the way, it seemed to be alarmed by her reaction, and a slight sound was heard in the bathroom. This time, Alice, who was on high alert, accurately captured the position of the sound!

Alice immediately turned the muzzle and pointed to the towel rack on the bathroom side. The sound just came from behind!

Only at this time the towel rack was covered with towels, and I could not see the situation behind.

With her pistol in her hands, Alice stepped forward toward the towel holder!

The muzzle of the large caliber revolver in the hand is always pointing firmly forward. Once there is any change, Alice will pull the trigger for the first time!

Chen Mo’s previous warnings once again appeared in Alice’s mind. She had reason to doubt whether there were zombies sneaking in!

Soon, Alice came to the towel rack and held the pistol in front of her hand, pointing forward, guarding the zombies that might come up at any time. Alice extended her other hand and yanked open it. Towel!

A figure squatting in front of Alice appeared in front of Alice!

But what Alice expected was that the back of the towel was not the zombie she imagined, but one of the survivors she saw last night, and Wendell bent over to hide behind!

Wendell appeared here at this time, and also hid behind the towel rack, not for the sake of bathing. Obviously, this sneaky guy wants to take advantage of her!

Angry Alice did not lay down the weapon, the muzzle of the revolver still firmly pointed to Wendell!

Wendell saw his own exposure, and in the face of Alice's muzzle, he raised his hands and said with a strong smile.

"Relax, dear!"

Wendell’s room was just opposite Alice. From last night, he sneaked into Alice in the dark. She heard her and Christo say that she was going to take a shower this morning. Her heart immediately moved, even when she sneaked up, the original I thought I could have a good meal, I didn’t expect it to be discovered!

Alice looked at Wendell disgustedly, posing a gun at the side, screaming.

"get out!"

Wendell saw Alice not shooting, and he let out a sigh of relief, and lifted his hands from the towel rack and said to Alice.

"Oh, don't be excited, let me go now!"

Angry Alice took the first step forward and reached out to grab Wendell's collar, then pushed Wendel back and pushed the revolver's muzzle directly onto Wendell's chin.

"Don't be excited! Don't be excited!..."

Wendell was pushed back by Alice and stepped back and said with fear.

Anyone who is able to put his pistol on his chin at any time can't keep it relaxed.

Alice looked at Wendell's fearful look, and pushed him away with a disgusted hand. The pistol in his hand still pointed at his head and shook his teeth.

"Give me away soon!"

Wendell heard that he was about to leave, but the next moment his face suddenly changed suddenly, and he looked at Alice with horror.

Alice immediately found out that it was wrong. She immediately turned around at the fastest speed, but saw that the zombie was close to the distance of less than one meter behind her. Four tentacles with teeth were also protruding from the mouth. Obviously, I am preparing to sneak up on her from behind!

And just as Alice turned around, The four tentacles that opened in the corpse's mouth also slammed and "bited" towards Alice's arm!

Alice did not panic, holding a pistol steady, and quickly pulled the trigger!

At this time, the zombies were less than one meter away from Alice. The muzzle in Alice's hand was already at the same time as the zombie's head, and almost touched the **** mouth that was like a piranha. !


The bullet was shot from the large muzzle of the revolver and directly into the mouth of the zombie, and then flew out of the back of the head with a piece of blood!

The four tentacles that had been bitten towards Alice softened instantly and fell backwards with the body of the zombie.

When Alice turned to deal with the zombie, Wendell immediately took the opportunity to escape from here, but he just turned and ran out without two steps, and another zombie appeared in front of him to stop the way!

Wendell was eager to keep up with the voyeur, full of pictures of Alice's bathing. Where did he remember Chen Mo's previous warnings? He didn't have any weapons at all. At this time, Wendell thought about this zombie. There is no way for self-defense!

And this zombie did not give him the chance to escape!


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