My Iron Suit

Chapter 977: Alice's special hobby!

The diameter of these coins is just the same as the diameter of the shotgun. After being loaded, it will not be too tightly stuck, nor will it fall too loose.

Finally, after the shotgun bullets were pressed against the coins, Alice took the shot and inserted the shotgun back into her back.

Christo looked at the few coins on the table and asked if he had some convulsions at the corner of his mouth.

"This is your hobby?"

Alice nodded and said to Christo.

"Yes, it can help me kill more zombies!"

In the mind of Christo, I couldn’t imagine the scene when the shotgun was shot after Alice’s “hobby” was added. When the coin was shot by gunpowder, the power was definitely more than the shotgun’s own shot. To be much bigger, it is definitely a big killer to deal with zombies!

It just seems that the scene is a bit too bloody!

For Christo, who hasn’t even killed the zombies, Alice’s hobby is a bit too heavy!

After playing with two shotguns, Alice also inspected the bullets of the two large-caliber revolvers again, and finally wiped the samurai sword carefully on the back, which took away all the equipment. Christo led her to the room that belonged to her and Claire.

Putting the torch on the shelf next to the door, Christo pushed away some rusty iron gates and turned to introduce Alice.

"This is the original prison guard dormitory, and we all live here."

Christo said, reaching out and pointing to a room next to him.

"My room is right next door to you. Anything can be found at any time."

Alice, standing next to Christo, did not find that behind the door behind her, there were eyes that were quietly observing her through the window in the dark!

Then the two had a good night, and they each returned to their room.

Sending Christo, Alice, who still has a smile on her face, closed the door, and Alice looked at her room by the light of the torches coming in from the window of the door.

The conditions in the prison are not too good. Except for the two iron beds on the bunk bed, there is only one table in the middle, but Alice is very satisfied, at least it is neat and tidy, and it is better than Alice. At the time, the wilderness is much stronger.

She has forgotten how long she has not slept in bed!

After a day of flying, another thrilling, dangerous roof was forced to land, and Alice felt a little tired. She chose a bed and walked over.

Untied the weapon belt with the equipment on the bed, Alice took a revolver from the holster and held it in her hand.

Chen Mo’s warning on the top of the building, Alice can pay more attention than anyone else. After living in a zombie world for several years, Alice knows that in the face of possible threats, she should take precautions in advance, and any negligence It is possible to lose your life!

Holding a large-caliber revolver with enough shots, Alice lay down on the bed, slept with her clothes, and quickly fell asleep.

Claire on the top of the building is not sleepy!

The original amnesia she just remembered some things today. Looking at the "Arcadia" parked by the sea, Claire, who had a lot of thoughts, didn't sleep at all. She stayed on the top of the building and watched the night with Chris.

From time to time, she lifted the telescope to observe the ship and looked forward to discovering what was going on, but until the sky had begun to whiten, the ship had never had any movements. Like other ships moored at the beach, it seemed to have become a A ghost ship!

Chris has been with Claire, but every other moment he will get up and circle around the edge of the building to see if there are any abnormalities.

However, Chris did not see it. On a run-down street full of car wreckage and debris ash, not far from the prison perimeter, it was a tall, huge figure like a giant, dragging a three-meter-long The heavy axe with bloodstains strode in the direction of the prison!

In the prison, the survivors woke up one after another, and Alice slammed her eyes in the slightest noise of other people getting up!

Holding the revolver in his hand, Alice suddenly sat up from the bed, her sharp eyes swiftly swept through the room. After seeing the situation in the room, Alice suddenly remembered that she was in prison!

She slept very well this night, and since the outbreak of the T virus, she has not slept so safely for a long time!

After re-relaxing, Alice put her pistol back into the holster, then got up and grabbed the armored belt on the bed and re-equiped it. She quickly walked out and walked out the door.

Outside the door, Alice just happened to meet Christo, who just came out.

"How was your sleep last night?"

Christo saw Alice coming over and asked with a smile.

Alice nodded with a smile.

"Good. Right, can you take a shower here?"

Although in the end of the collapse of civilization, almost all modern facilities have been destroyed, but Alice has not fallen to this, letting herself become a jealous woman.

Even when she is outside, she is always prepared to guard against zombies and enemies, but she will still find ways to take care of her personal hygiene. Even if she can't take a bath, she will scrub.

It’s been a long time since she took the last bath. It’s been a long It’s hard to come to this relatively safe prison. Don’t worry about the threat of zombies for a while, Alice certainly wants to take a shower!

In the eyes that Alice looked forward to, Christo nodded with a smile and said with some pride.

"Of course! In addition to the solid walls, the biggest benefit of our place is that there is tap water!"


Alice couldn’t help but see her eyes bright and surprised.

She had thought that it would be nice to have enough water to rinse it. I didn't expect the prison to have running water!

"Go, I will take you to the bathroom!"

Christo glared at Alice and added.

"But we don't have hot water, so you can only take a cold shower."

Alice shook her head in disbelief and said happily.

"no problem!"

hot shower?

Alice can't remember when she was taking a hot shower last time, maybe it should be before the disaster broke out!

Immediately Christo took Alice toward the bathroom, and behind them, the door opposite Alice's room was slowly pushed open!


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