My Iron Suit

Chapter 973: Alice!

But the center of gravity of the plane has exceeded the roof, and the nose is still tilting down a little!

Although Angel Ortiz and Chen Mo have already pulled the cable, they have not let go, but the flagpoles and steel pipes that have suffered most of the aircraft's momentum are already overwhelmed, loosened, and failed to persist for a long time!

"Touch! Touch!"

The bolts of the fixed flagpole and the steel pipe fell off directly. The heavy weight of the plane passed the cable and directly pulled the crumbling flagpole out of the wall. It flew out and just turned to the front of Angel Ortiz and Chen Mozhen. past!

Angel Ortiz heard the crackle coming from behind. He didn't need to turn his head to know that the flagpole was broken. The heart was not good at all. He quickly bent over and tried to avoid it, but could he avoid the flagpole flying behind him. Angel Otitz has no bottom in mind and can only look at luck.

Just as the flagpole was pulled off, Chen Mo, who stood behind Angel Ortiz, directly released the cable. When Angel Ortiz evaded his head, he extended his arm and pushed him to the side. In time, he escaped the impact of the two flagpoles flying behind him.

As the flagpole of the fixed cable is pulled off, the pulling force of the aircraft disappears. Under the action of gravity, the heavy nose begins to tilt downwards. The two people sitting in the plane can already see through the cabin glass. To the boiling corpse below.

Seeing that the next moment is about to fall into the Dead Sea, the two people in the plane can not help but exclaim!

Just when the two thought they were not immune, the sinking nose was suddenly a fierce meal, and then it rose again!

At the same time, the fuselage outside the building had already been explored, and it was slowly pulled back under the pull of a huge force!

The two people in the plane couldn’t help but turn their heads to look sideways. When the plane rushed over, their afterglow seemed to see two figures, and the plane that should have rushed straight out of the roof could stop. Being pulled back again should be their credit!

Immediately, they saw the tall figure standing on the edge of the runway, a thick cable was being held in his hand, and the direction of the cable extension was exactly where they were!

After the flagpole of the fixed cable was pulled off, Chen Mo pushed Angel Ortiz away and escaped the impact of the flying flagpole. At the same time, he reached out and grabbed the cable that hung the landing gear. Power, life stopped the fall of the plane!

Under the watchful eyes of the two men in the plane, Chen Mo’s arms alternately pulled between the two, and the plane that had already been half-body-exposed to the top of the building was pulled back a little bit!

Angel Ortiz originally felt that the flagpole behind him was broken, and the instinctive head evaded, but felt a huge and soft force slamming on his body, pushing him to the side, followed by He heard "Hey! Hey!" Two loud noises rang at his side, and when he looked up, he saw that the two flagpoles were just in his position!

Soon he realized that Chen Mo pushed him away in time and saved his life.

When he turned his head and looked for Chen Mo, he found that Chen Mo had seized the cable by hand, pulled the plane, and, by his own efforts, had already pulled the plane back to the majority!

Angel Ortiz immediately climbed up from the ground and rushed to the front of the wing of the plane, pushing the back against the wing and pushing it back hard.

At the same time, Luther West and Jin Yong, who ran to the other end, also ran over, and quickly rushed to help drag the plane back.

With the help of everyone, the plane quickly returned to the top of the building and was out of danger.

Immediately, the front door of the plane was pushed back. A **** and strong figure stood up from the plane and turned to the front of the crowd on the wing!

Under the short hair of a sweet, it is a delicate and beautiful face full of heroic, a pair of beautiful light blue eyes with a breathable smile, can not see the danger just experienced a thrilling!

She is dressed in a neat black bodysuit, but she is fully armed!

Two large-sized silver revolvers were inserted in the underarm holster on both sides of the body, and on her back were not only two large-caliber short-tube double-barreled shotguns, but also in the center of the two shotguns. A katana with a long waist!

This heavily armed female warrior is the heroine of the biohazard that Chen Mo waited for a long time, Alice!

Standing on the wing, Alice's gaze swept away from the crowd and eventually fell on Chen Mo's body.

Chen Mo’s cable in his hand was thrown to the ground, and the dust on his hand was gently patted. He walked up to the back of the wing in two steps, and slowly said to Alice’s gaze.

"A very beautiful landing."

Alice couldn’t help but reveal a smile on her face. The moving eyes looked at Chen Mo, who had just saved her life, and said with her very magnetic voice.

"I think from a technical point of view, it should be called a crash."

As he said, Alice walked over behind the wing and naturally extended his arm toward Chen Mo.

Chen Mo raised his arm and took Alice's palm to help her jump off the wing.

Just as Alice jumped off the wing, the cabin door behind the plane was pushed back. A long-haired girl in a tight-fitting denim and red vest climbed out of the cockpit, holding in her hand. Holding a dagger, looking at the eyes of everyone is full of defense ~ ~ Black · Chen! ”

Unlocking Alice's soft palm, Chen Mo introduced.


Alice looked at Chen Mo and said her name. She then looked up and looked at the figure that had just appeared on the wing of the plane and continued.

"She is……"

But before she finished, a call full of surprises and surprises suddenly burst into the crowd.


Claire, who had just jumped off the wing, said with a frowning look.


When Alice heard the name of Claire calling her, she suddenly looked at the man who was talking.

The survivors in the prison were also puzzled and looked at Chris, who didn't know why he knew the girl's name.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Chris looked surprised and incredibly out of the crowd and walked over to Claire.

"I am Chris!"

Standing in front of Claire, Chris couldn't help but reach out and want to touch Claire's face.


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