My Iron Suit

Chapter 972: The plane forced to land!

"Angel, go pull the cable at the end of the runway as an interceptor!"

Chen Mo’s voice just fell, and Angel Ortiz nodded directly and quickly rushed toward the end of the runway at the other end of the building!

Chen Mo then pointed to several stray carts and randomly placed oil drums on the runway, and said to others.

“The others immediately cleared the runway and moved all of them away!”

When Chen Mo finished, everyone immediately acted!

The weaker Jin Yong and Christo and Wendell rushed to several carts, while Luther West and Chris began to carry a few heavy oil drums on the runway!

Chen Mo glanced at the people who quickly entered the state, but did not join them, but looked at the progress of the work of everyone, while looking up at the position of the plane hovering in the sky.

Since the two sides have no way to communicate, they can't cooperate well. They can only prepare as much as possible before the plane is forced to land, and let the runway be released in time.

This forced landing is not only dangerous for the people on the plane, but also for the survivors. If the time is not well mastered, they are still cleaning up the runway, but the plane suddenly flies down, and one can avoid being caught by the propeller. Into the meat!

What Chen Mo has to do is try to ensure the safety of both sides!

Seeing that the plane had circled the prison again for a week, and returned to the direction of coming, Chen Mo once again confirmed the progress of everyone.

Angel Ortiz’s movements were quick, and the cables buried under the gravel on the ground had been pulled out and the two flagpoles on the wall were pulled and pulled up!

Jin Yong three people have also pushed most of the road carts to the side, and at this time they are pushing the remaining two carts to move sideways.

Luther West and Chris are struggling to carry the front of the runway, two oil drums near the edge of the building.

Seeing that the plane had turned in the direction, and swooping over to the top of the building, Chen Mo immediately shouted.

"The plane is coming, everyone is going to go away!"

Luther West and Jin Yong and others heard the news and quickly turned to look at the direction of the plane rushing. They found that the plane was getting closer and closer to the building and was about to land on the roof!

Fortunately, Chen Mo reminded me in time, everyone has enough time to respond, but it is no longer necessary to squat on the ground as before.

The people immediately put down their work and immediately flashed toward the side and let the runway out.

And Chen Mo took advantage of this time and quickly came to the side of the runway, Angel Ortiz.

Angel Ortiz feared that the impact of the aircraft was too great. His power was not enough. He then wrapped the cable around the flagpole to a steel pipe fixed to the ground to increase friction.

After Chen Mo came over, he grabbed the remaining cable with him and tightened it hard to intercept the forced landing aircraft!

Everything is ready, and the small propeller plane is close to the edge of the building.

However, the pilot may be trying to reduce the speed to reduce the sliding distance and avoid the runway. As a result, the lift of the aircraft is not well controlled. When there is a distance of tens of meters from the edge of the building, the swooping aircraft suddenly shakes. The next sinking disappeared directly into the sight of everyone on the roof.

Just when everyone thought that the plane had failed to land, it had already crashed, and when the mood was complicated, the next moment, the red plane suddenly rushed out from below, clung to the wall at the edge of the building and flew into the runway. Rushing toward the other end of the building at a very high speed!

Due to the buildings on both sides, the width of this runway is very limited, which is just about two meters wider than the wing of the aircraft. One control is not good, the direction of the aircraft is too large, and the wing will directly hit the sides. building.

At this time, the speed of this plane is not slower than that of a galloping car. Once a collision occurs, the plane is destroyed, and the plane is destroyed!

However, the pilot of the aircraft, the flying technology seems to be very good, nearly 100 meters away, the aircraft always glides in the center of the runway, there is no too much offset.

However, this is not a real runway after all. Even if everyone has tried to clean it up, there are still many obstacles on the runway, and it is limited by the width of the runway. In order to avoid hitting the wall, the pilot can't avoid it. Hit it!

Fortunately, the heavy and sturdy obstacles have been cleaned up. Only a few meters of ventilated pipes erected on the edge of the runway were directly broken by the wing, but they did not cause too much damage to the aircraft. .

Soon, the plane rushed to the end of the runway, and although the speed of the plane has been reduced a lot, it is still too fast compared to the remaining distance!

At this speed, the plane will soon rush out of the runway and crash directly!

Fortunately, there is a last insurance measure at the end of the runway!

When the plane rushed to the front of Chen Mo and Angel Ortiz, the landing gear of the plane directly hung the cable that ran across the runway. The cable that was originally slack was instantly tightened, and the two flagpoles that were bypassed by the cable were Under the sudden action of huge pulling force, it creaked.

But it is The cable is wrapped around the two flagpoles and the iron pipe for a few laps. Most of the tension is basically absorbed by them. The cable in the hands of Angel Ortiz and Chen Mo There was also a lot of pull, but it didn't go away.

Under the action of this interceptor, the speed of the aircraft began to drop rapidly, but at this time the aircraft had already rushed to the end of the runway, even though the speed was decreasing and it was nearing the stop, the aircraft was still under the final impact and inertia. Going forward on the runway!


The lower end of the nose slammed into the wall at the edge of the building, knocking the wall directly out of a gap, but the plane still did not stop. The front landing gear was also rushed from the broken wall. Going out, half of the fuselage in the front of the plane explored the roof and tilted down!

But the good news is that the speed of the plane has become very slow at this time, and the two landing gears under the wings on the back sides are blocked by the intact wall.

The plane finally stopped at the edge of the building!

But the plane is not completely safe!

At this time, the front half of the aircraft, including the nose gear, has already been explored outside the building, and the nose has begun to tilt downwards. It is pulled by the cable hanging on the front landing gear. Go on!


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