My Iron Suit

Chapter 970: The explosive power of terror!

In the face of countless zombies from all directions, Chen Mo’s shooting skills are fully played out!

Unlike the limited number of enemies in the past, Chen Mo usually ends the battle in a few seconds. In the encirclement of countless zombies, Chen Mo can enjoy the full-scale attack, no matter how fast he kills. There will always be more zombies in the back to continue to pounce on.

And as he kills faster, the vacuum around his body becomes bigger, and the number of zombies that rush toward him in front of the encirclement!

Zombies are different from human beings. They have only the most basic instinct to kill and eat. There is no fear of death. No matter how many companions die under Chen Mo’s gun, they will not shrink any more. Chen Mo rushed up and became the live target of his tempering!

As the battle progressed, Chen Mo clearly felt that his own fighting skills were constantly improving!

In the past, he had faced dozens of enemies in battle, but now the number has increased several times!

Although it is not necessary to calculate data such as trajectory and avoidance, Chen Mo has to consider more about the position, movement speed and threat level of each target, and as he continues to kill, these goals are constantly changing, for Chen Mo’s The ability to control the battlefield still has a strong exercise effect!

Chen Mo completely entered the state of battle, and began the "Zombie Cleanup Plan" with no worries. The people on the wall looked at the bottom like a tiger into the flock, madly destroying a batch of Zeng Mo, but it was a dull face. Heaven!

If everyone is as strong as Chen Mo, the zombie is estimated to have been extinct.

The zombies that are fatal to them have become the target of being bullied in front of Chen Mo. If the Animal Protection Association is still there, they will definitely complain that Chen Mo is killing animals!

Of course, if the zombie is an animal!

Under the stunned, admired and even fanatical gaze of the crowd, Chen Mo killed in the corpse for a while before he turned back and rushed toward the wall.

The zombies in front of him were still falling down in pieces, and the wall was quickly cleared out by him. Chen Mo put away his double guns and jumped up two meters away from the wall. .

The body crossed a long arc in the air, and Chen Mo's body continued to rise. As he approached the wall, Chen Mo's upwardly extending arm actually caught the position of more than one meter above the rope!

Luther West saw it and his eyes almost came out!

As an NBA star, the ability to bounce has always been the place that Luther West is proud of, but at this moment Chen Mo jumps, the height of his feet off the ground is obviously more than two meters!

Luther West is very clear about the meaning of this number!

Even in the entire NBA, no one can reach this height!

Chen Mo’s seemingly random jump has actually exceeded the limit that humans can reach!

This represents the powerful two-legged power and the explosive power of horror that ordinary people can't reach!

In Luther West's shocking look like Superman, Chen Mo's actions were not affected at all.

Grabbing the rope with one hand, Chen Mo single-handedly slammed on the wall, offsetting the forward momentum. At the same time, Chen Mo’s body also rose a lot against the wall, and his arms alternately pulled, with the hands and feet. Chen Mo easily climbed over the wall in a blink of an eye.

The zombies that came back together could only look at the swaying ropes above, and stretched their arms in vain.

And the rope that was three meters above the ground was quickly pulled up by Angel Ortiz, and everything outside the wall quickly recovered calm, but on the ground covered by countless zombies, There are many bodies of zombies that have just been killed by Chen Mo.

The mood of everyone on the fence is not calm for a long time!

The strength that Chen Mo showed before was enough to make them marvel, and just when they finally digested it all, Chen Mo showed a stronger fighting power and a powerful force beyond ordinary people!

Luther West couldn't help but think of the problem of the source of the virus that Chen Mo had passed before. If Chen Mur really said that the disaster was caused by man-made, there must be a huge conspiracy hidden behind it. Subvert the powerful forces of the world!

So what role does Chen Mo play in this?

Chen Mo not only knows the secrets that ordinary people can't touch at all, but also seems to be trying to fight the mysterious forces hidden behind them!

Coupled with the power that Chen Mo has just shown, which is beyond their cognition, Luther West suddenly realized that Chen Mo’s identity seems to be more special and mysterious than he had imagined before!

He seems to be more than just a powerful agent like the 007 in the movie, more like a superhero who has the power to surpass ordinary people and be able to save the world by himself!

Looking at the still-fitting suit, standing in front of them indifferently, I couldn't see Chen Mo who had just killed him in the corpse. Luther West couldn't help but guess this ridiculous guess. Determined a few points!

But is the superhero really there?

Or Is this just his self-deception?

The world has completely collapsed. In the face of endless zombies, who can turn the tide to save them?

Even if Chen Mo’s gunwork is stronger, he can kill hundreds of thousands of zombies, but there are still a whole billion in the world!

Even if he keeps cleaning for a moment, it is impossible to kill in a lifetime!

Listening to the horror of the zombies coming from outside the wall, Luther West couldn’t help laughing.

It doesn't seem to make any sense to think about it now. All they have to do now is to survive. Leaving this prison and saving the world does not seem to be a problem for those survivors who are struggling to survive!

In the next few days, Chen Mo still went out to clean up the zombies every day. Of course, he was actually training his own guns. Angel Ortiz also started the repair work of the armored vehicles. Most of the time, the engine was installed in the garage.

Although the news provided by Chris made a little mistake, it still proved his identity, and he gained the trust of everyone. Instead of repairing the armored car, Angel Ortiz joined the guarded and sentry team.

Under the mad madness of Chen Mo every day, just a few days later, the density of zombies gathered around the prison was significantly reduced.


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