My Iron Suit

Chapter 969: Human harvester!

"The car was driven by him..."

Chris heard that he couldn't help but look at the ruthless zombies in the distance. He couldn't help but admire Chen Mo's courage. If he couldn't drive a heavy card to attack a corpse of this size!

However, thinking of Chen Moqiang's gunfare, Chris's mind is relieved. This is the art daring, even if the car is trapped in the corpse, he can also rely on two pistols to kill a **** road and leave safely!

But Luther West's next words really made him unable to open his eyes, as if he had heard something incredible.

"There is his ammunition depot in the carriage, and he intends to clean up all the zombies outside!"

Until then, Chris finally knew what the "plan" that Chen Mo said before in the armory!

Clear all the zombies outside?

Looking at the endless zombies outside, Chris’s heart could not help but feel a sense of ridiculousness. Is this plan really possible?

In the face of so many zombies, shouldn't they have to escape?

Someone would want to clean them all up, and have to say that this plan is really crazy enough!

But is there any feasibility?

Chris couldn't help but calculate it in his heart.

With the killing speed shown by Chen Mo just now, the two guns fire at the same time, and can kill several zombies in one second. If you shoot continuously for an hour, you can eliminate tens of thousands of zombies!

However, this is only a theoretical figure. He believes that no one can shoot such a high-intensity shot in the corpse for an hour.

This level of fighting requires the mobilization of all the spirit and physical strength of a person. The spirit is always in a state of high tension and full concentration. The body can not relax for a while, and the consumption of physical energy is terrible, let alone an hour, even if it is an hour. It’s ten minutes enough to make a person collapse!

In this way, it only kills thousands of people at a time. Even if you clean up several times a day and destroy tens of thousands of zombies, it will take at least one month to clean up the hundreds of thousands of zombies that are surrounded by prisons!

In this way, Chen Mo’s plan is actually very feasible, but now that there is an armored vehicle, although it takes at least one week to install the engine, it is obviously waiting for a month’s high-intensity battle. Angel Ortiz made it easier to fix the car.

Others obviously think so, but in the face of strong momentum, Chen Mo, whose mind has been fixed, apparently no one dares to speak out.

Moreover, it is also possible to clean up some zombies, which is obviously good for their subsequent evacuation. No one wants to be surrounded by zombies at the last time, and they can’t move in the same corpse as the heavy truck.

After all, the armored car is strong in defense, but in terms of power alone, it is actually no better than the heavy truck that Chen Mo has opened, and even weaker.

Although it won't break and puncture as quickly as the heavy truck, it is not 100% safe.

Just when everyone was still considering Chen Mo’s “shocking plan”, the skylight at the top of the car was suddenly opened again, and Chen’s figure turned over, but everyone found out that Chen Mo was not as they imagined. With a full pack of ammunition coming out, his hand was empty and there was no shadow behind his backpack.

Isn't he going to get ammunition? Where is the ammunition?

When Chen Mo once again pulled out a pair of guns and jumped into the corpse from the roof of the car, everyone could not help but widen their eyes again!

Chen Mo, who seems to have not changed anything before, has suddenly increased a lot of speed. The very fierce firepower has become more fierce, and the intensive gunshots are almost in one piece, blocking in front of him. The zombies fell to the ground at a faster rate than before.

If Chen Moe killed the zombies before, it would be like a sickle to cut wheat, then at this time he apparently turned into a human-shaped harvester!

The people on the wall have completely lost sight of Chen Mo’s movements. They can only see the arms that he stretched forward, the muzzles that spurted the flames in motion, and the zombies that fell in front of them!

The answer to Chen Mo's entry into and around the car and the way he replaced the clip before, the answer is already very obvious.

They obviously underestimated the ability of a "super agent"!

Chen Mo did supplement the ammunition, but these ammunitions are obviously not inserted in the waist like them, or simply carried in the bag, but hidden in the same way as the pistol!

Moreover, from the fact that Chen Mo suddenly became more fierce firepower, Chen Mo was probably because of the lack of ammunition on his body, so he did not attack with all his strength, but only guaranteed not to let the zombies close.

At this time, after adding enough bullets, Chen Mocai really played out all the strength!

Under the more violent firepower cleanup, the safety distance between the original and the zombies was only doubled, and there was no zombie within two meters of Chen Mo.

Among the dense corpses, there is a vacuum zone with a diameter of four meters!

This is actually Chen Mo’s intention to do so.

When I came down from the heavy truck, in order to avoid scaring everyone and causing unnecessary doubts, Chen Mo did not use all his strength, but tried to suppress the strength within the limits acceptable to these Now that everyone has gained the trust, Chen Mo will no longer hide his strength and fully exert the power of the guns!

Even if he had already seen Chen Mo’s powerful gunfare, at this time, in the face of Chen Mo’s soaring combat power, everyone could not help but be shocked!

Until then, all the people understood why Chen Mo would propose the seemingly bizarre zombie cleanup plan.

This is not a matter of time when the brain is hot, but it is well-informed!

With his horrible killing speed, these zombies are not enough for him to kill.

I only blame them for too little knowledge and lack of understanding of Chen Mo’s strength, and he will doubt his plan, thinking that it will be a long-term plan that takes a long time.

The one month that Chris calculated before is obviously not correct. According to the current situation, it is very likely that the armored car has not been repaired yet, and the zombies outside have been cleaned up by Chen Mo!

Chen Mo's two pistols now combine to shoot at a speed comparable to a machine gun, but the accuracy is comparable to that of a sniper rifle. The speed of killing a zombie is much faster than a group of soldiers. There is no problem in cleaning up the zombies!

Chen Mo did not pay attention to the survivors on the fence, but began his own shooting training from the self!


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