My Iron Suit

Chapter 960: New leader!

This separate cell is located in the middle of the prison building. It is almost completely closed except for the only iron gate. It has been here to watch Chris's Weddell and know nothing about what happened outside.

Luther West did not immediately explain to him what happened before, but instead followed Chen Mo to the cage and whispered to him.

"These will tell you later."

Although Wendell was confused, but the other three people also followed the past, without explanation, they found that the situation was not right, they did not say anything more, just stood in confusion with five people. Behind him, his gaze fell to Chen Mo, who stood in the middle of the crowd and was clearly in a dominant position.

What exactly is going on? What exactly is this guy who suddenly popped up?

However, at this time, no one cares about Wendell. Everyone’s attention is on Chen Mo’s body. Even Chris in the cage stands up from the bed and walks to the cage. He looks at Chen Mo through bulletproof glass. .

He also discovered subtle changes between the people.

Although he has been kept in a cage, he is still very familiar with the relationship between these survivors in the prison.

Originally, the six survivors were faintly divided into two factions. Bennett and Kim Yong are one faction, mainly Bennett, and Luther West is the core of the remaining four.

But now, Chris clearly feels that except for Bennett, who has not appeared, and Wendell, who has been watching him here, including Jin Yong and Luther West, the other four are faintly the first. The tall suits that appeared in this prison were mainly young!

From Chen Mo's body, Chris felt a lot of pressure. He could feel it in a tidy suit. The young man who seems to be incompatible with this broken environment is not as simple as he looks!

Moreover, in his body, Chris also felt a temperament very similar to the highest commander of their army, even the temperament of this young man is even more powerful!

All the senior officers he had met before, whether they graduated from West Point or special forces, seemed to be dwarfed by Chen Mo!

But Chen Mo's dressing and feeling for him, but not like the people of the army!

But no matter what, at least from the situation in front of us and the performance of other people, there must have been a huge change just outside!

This prison seems to have a new leader!

This made him feel a hope in his heart, to get rid of the hope of continuing to be imprisoned in this cage!

And all this must be in front of this young man with temperament and majesty!

Just when Chris thought about how to do it to get the trust of Chen Mo, Chen Mo was the first to ask him.

"who are you?"

Looking at the sharp and deep eyes of Chen Mo's eyes, Chris heard a little indulge, and then spoke.

"I am Chris, I am not a prisoner, I should not be locked here!"

Seeing Chen Mo just looking at him quietly, his eyes did not waver in the slightest, but Chris’s heart could not help but be happy. At least, the other party did not seem to be as preconceived as other people, directly recognizing that he was a prisoner, thinking that he was lying!

Immediately, Chris took a deep breath and some eagerly continued to explain.

"I work in the army. We used this place as a transit station before."

"When the governor ordered the release of prisoners, the situation outside was already very bad. We need everyone to take up arms against those things!"

"The situation at the time was very confusing. Just as we were evacuated, a group of prisoners attacked me. I think they regarded me as a prison guard."

"When I woke up, my troops had gone, but I was here!"

After Chris finished, he found that Chen Mo’s eyes were still not fluctuating, and there was no doubt or belief. This made Chris’s heart a little anxious.

Chen Mo is his only chance now. If he can't convince Chen Mo to let him go, he may be locked in this cage forever!

Immediately, Chris directly threw out his killer.

"I know the way to get out of here! Let me go out, I will tell you!"

After Chris finished, he looked at Chen Mo very incomparably. If Chen Mo still does not believe him like everyone else, he has no chance at all!

In Chris's gaze, Chen Mo stared at him for a moment, then turned to look at Luther West, who was standing next to him, and said quietly.

"Open the door!"

Luther West heard the words but it was a bit embarrassing, watching Chen Mo screamed.

"But he is a murderer!"

Chen Mo did not get angry because of this, just asked faintly.

"How did you know?"

Seeing that Chen Mo was not angry, Luther West could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and quickly explained.

"I can see it from his eyes, I understand human nature!"

Chen Mo heard the words but could not help but smile. Luther West is generally good, character and courage are not bad, but it may be because of the prison from the beginning of the disaster, many places still Preserving the thoughts before the end of the world, because Chris’s murderous preconceived as a murderer, it is difficult to reverse his Chen Mo immediately looked at Luther West, tone Say something interesting.

"What did you see from my eyes?"

Luther West couldn’t help but look at Chen Mo’s eyes. A violent killing like a blade broke out from Chen Mo’s eyes as if it were the essence, which made Luther West’s heart feel shocked. As if it was stared by a horrible monster, the whole body had to move, and there was a cold sweat in the back!

The murderousness in Chen Mo’s eyes flashed away, and Luther West was like a walk from the edge of death. The feeling was suffocating, and Luther West recalled it for a while.

Quickly twisting his head, Luther West was unable to look directly at Chen Mo's eyes for a moment, but his heart could not help but marvel.

What kind of existence is this? There is such a powerful murderous!

The murderous is more mysterious. It seems to be just a vague feeling, or a special temperament. What he felt before from Chris is actually a faint feeling, not very strong.

However, the horror and murderousness that Chen Mo had just erupted in a moment was like the essence, which directly affected his inner heart and body. This completely exceeded his understanding of murderousness. The original murderousness can be powerful to this extent!


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